Brino said:
On Sept. 11 GWB sat it a classroom for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack and Dick Cheney was at an undisclosed location! Those are the people you want to be in charge of this country for another four years?
Here we go again!! What was GWB suppose to do? Jump up and run around like a maniac? The Principal at the school said Bush's reaction was very calming to every one there. Plus, not all the facts of what was going on that day were known. Would you have preferred him to take the first unconfirmed reports and make decisions with that? And Cheney, was with his wife in a (Undisclosed location) underground bunker. If you had watched a real documentary (not that piece of crap from that very fat individual) you would have a better understanding what REALLY happened that morning. The documentary was on PBS, and looked into why the towers fell. Including the info about the WTC, it showed the time line that morning. After the 3 attacks had already taken place, the Capitol building was evacuated (remember the 4th plane?). Even though it had been far more time then the 7 minutes you speak of, the film clearly shows a bewildered John Kerry wondering around like a lost puppy out side the Capitol. I'll take the 7 minutes for the POTUS to make sure the people who work for him to make sure they have the best and most current and factual information to make sure he had a clear picture of what their next steps can be.
And were did you get this bullshit information that John Kerry resisted going to war??
Kerry wanted a pass from the military so that he could go to France to study. Can't remember where I read that, but I'll find it for you and eagerly await your excuse as to why it doesn't matter (BTW, I don't really care that he didn't want to join the War effort, just don't try and brag about it afterwards)
btw My point was that you shouldn't be criticizing somebody who saw combat when your own candidate had his father help him dodge the draft. And when he was in the guard he didn't even fulfill his duty. How could you vote for somebody who does that??
Bush wasn't elected on his war record (why was this not brought to light 4 years ago?). I don't care if either one of them went. One went, and slammed the war and everyone in it, as well as throwing out the medals he asked for. The other didn't bother going. IMO, neither should be proud of what they did. But yet Kerry tried using his past as a positive thing (until it came out, and now I see he has dropped that). Like I said, just because you did, or didn't go to War, doesn't make you a better leader. And you want to know what, some people just don't make great soldiers. Bad soldiers risk the lives of the men beside him.
It was a joke! It's not a crime to make a joke. If you cant laugh about things then what's the point!
The point is, you always love poking fun at Bush, but once the tables get turned towards Kerry/Edwards, you get defensive. Don't play with fire if you are afraid to get burned.
btw John Kerry has been more of a somebody than you! You just criticize him because you blindly follow Bush. But what has Bush done that's been good during the past four years? It seems to me that the U.S. is worse off than we were four years ago. So why vote for somebody who's partially the cause for it!?
Umm, I'm not running to be elected the President of the United States of America. I don't blindly follow anybody. I read everything I can, and educate myself. You are willing to bash Bush, but have yet to acknowledge the mistakes Clinton made during his terms. Something happened to the USA when George W Bush was in power that had never, ever happened before. This was not something that could be figured out by some hand book. He showed leadership. He showed he is strong in the face of our enemies. He showed he was not going to let the United States of America get pushed, or threatened by anybody.
Put someone up who will do a better job then Bush/Cheney, and I will support them (much like I supported Clinton, and the fictictous Jeb Bartlett). But, since you haven't, I will support the guys who will do a much, much better job.