2004 General Election : Show you care, and vote!

Who's your choice

  • Bush/Cheney

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • Kerry/Edwards

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • Nader/Miguel

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Not Voting

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
chadys said:
As for W being a better leader than Kerry, how do any of you know that? Kerry has never led this country so it's not even a comparison that can be made...using that argument really doesn't strengthen anyone's argument to elect Bush...

Because in all of Kerry's years in politics, he has never stepped up to be anything. Didn't become a Governor, didn't be named to heads of departments, didn't get the ball rolling on issues or events. Simply put, if Howard Dean hadn't shit the bed, you would have never, ever heard of John Kerry. What is even more distrubing, is even being the VP candidate, we know, and have seen very little of John Edwards.

in his 4 years what has he really accomplished besides getting us mixed up in all this war on terror crap?

If you have to ask that question, and don't know the answer, then you shouldn't be voting because you have no clue about what is going on in the World.

And I'm not sure how he got (us) "mixed up in all this terror crap". the events of Sept 11 were put into place long before GWB became President, and many attacks took place on American interests when Clinton was in power for 8 years, and he did nothing about it. Just because he was the one to say enough's enough, doesn't mean he goy (us) into anything.

either way you're only voting on the lesser of two evils...and yes i mean 2 cause it's a crock that we even humor the 3rd parties they have no chance and never will...which IMO is a shame...

Atleast you have the right to vote. Which funny enough, the people of Iraq and Afganistan now have.

What scares you people, is that when this whole thing gets worked out (and the UN stops being the babies they are), George W Bush will go down in history as one of the great names. Churchill, Lincoln, Washington, etc.
Dirty Sanchez said:
Good Dan, vote for the guy who on one night was a better debater (I still think Kerry avoided many issues, and didn't do anything to actually show the public how he'd be a better President)., instead of the guy who is a far better leader. Again, just say you don't like Bush. But don't try and make Kerry look better, because he is not. And that is the sad thing. If Bush is so bad, then how is voting for Kerry a wise thing to do, when he worse then W.

I've already made my choice, its the fact that Kerry won or lost the debate, the matter of fact is that the guy who won the first debate is usually not the one winning the election... so if you want to believe Bush won the debate, its fine by me ! :D


Dirty Sanchez said:
Wow Brino, that is easily the dumbest/scariest thing I've ever heard. I like the vids you post, but geez dude, you worry me with some of your posts. Just say you don't like Bush, that's fine. But please, your attempts to try and Bush look bad, all while trying to make Kerry look good, is silly.

BTW, caught a bit of Howard Dean's interview on MSNBC yesterday. Wow, what a piece of crap he is. What was funny, was only a little while ago, Dean was going on and on about how Kerry wasn't capable of being POTUS. I realize this happens all the time when a party is trying to find their leader. But, I don't ever recall the guy who was favoured to win, who ultimatly lost, being so public and outspoken. 6 months ago, Dean said Kerry was a terrible choice to lead the Democraps, now he is saying he is the best man to lead the US. Scary, very scary.

HAHA! Well I'm not trying to say Bush is even remotely close to Hitler I'm just saying that he's closer to Hitler than Kerry. If it makes you feel better then I'll say that Kerry is closer to being a communist than Bush! It's not like I'm actually saying that's what they are, I'm just giving a comparison.


Dirty Sanchez said:
Yes Brino, he is too busy running the Country!!!!

Dear Lord, this is what you folks have resorted to. I suppose if he went to Church every Sunday, you'd be saying he spends too much time there right? Maybe instead of wasting people's time with this crap, you, and this stupid bitch who wrote this junk, could tell us what Kerry would do is he became the POTUS, and how he would do it. Oh wait, that will never happen, so Kerry doesn't need to figure that out himself.

Vote Bush.

Like I said Clinton and Carter went to church more often than Bush during their presidencies. So you cant really use "he was busy" as an excuse. Besides I was just posting that for all the religious fanatics that are only voting for Bush because of their religon.


Dirty Sanchez said:
Would kind of defeat the purpose if you dedicate a site to debuking statements by using lies yourself.

Not really! Unless somebody wants to make a site called moorewatch watch, then who'd know their lying!?


georges said:
a right wing hypocrite? no i am just expressing my opinion. i know that not everybody share my views but not everybody share yours. you pass bush for what he isn't so you are an hypocrite.
comparing a president to a dictator, :wtf:are you 15 years old?next time avoid to be so childish
fighting terrorism by strong means is necessary.
Making an anti vietnam war campaign like kerry did in the past when he returned in the us after spending only three months in vietnam and negotiating with terrorists and surrendering to them is a proof of being a fucking coward.

This is so stupid it's not even worth a comment!

oops I guess I just gave one! :rofl:


georges said:
no i didn't. but as i told you diplomatic methods don't help with dictators and terrorists.

georges said:
probably for avoiding war . but knowing nk regime you can all expect from them.if you want peace prepare for war

Are you or are you not contradicting yourself and your reason for voting for Bush?
Brino said:
Are you or are you not contradicting yourself and your reason for voting for Bush?

i was not contradicting myself, i think that talk with nk is something to do. but nk isn't irak, irak was a dictature with a dictator supporting terrrorists and he had to be removed.

i vote bush because he fights terrorism by all means and he isn't a leftist like kerry
Brino said:
This is so stupid it's not even worth a comment!

oops I guess I just gave one! :rofl:

3 months is that a proof of being brave
look at what kerry did after he returned from the war.

thanks mod to approve this document


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Brino said:
HAHA! Well I'm not trying to say Bush is even remotely close to Hitler I'm just saying that he's closer to Hitler than Kerry. If it makes you feel better then I'll say that Kerry is closer to being a communist than Bush! It's not like I'm actually saying that's what they are, I'm just giving a comparison.

You are an idiot. Bush isn't hitler. He is strongminded. Have you ever visited concentration camps, read books about nazism, studied exactly what is nazism?No you haven't so stop being so fucking immature. Did communism make people happier?No it didn't just look at people in ussr and in china.A few people like commies , i don't like commies.


georges said:
You are an idiot. Bush isn't hitler. He is strongminded. Have you ever visited concentration camps, read books about nazism, studied exactly what is nazism?No you haven't so stop being so fucking immature. Did communism make people happier?No it didn't just look at people in ussr and in china.A few people like commies , i don't like commies.

Maybe you should read more carefully what I posted before you babble crap.


georges said:
i was not contradicting myself, i think that talk with nk is something to do. but nk isn't irak, irak was a dictature with a dictator supporting terrrorists and he had to be removed.

i vote bush because he fights terrorism by all means and he isn't a leftist like kerry

Dude, you said talks dont help with dictators and terrorists and now youre saying it does. If that's not contradicting yourself then what is!


georges said:
3 months is that a proof of being brave
look at what kerry did after he returned from the war.

thanks mod to approve this document

As supposed to never having seen the war like Bush. Is that Brave?
Brino said:
As supposed to never having seen the war like Bush. Is that Brave?

Bush NEVER used his war back ground as a reason to elect him as President. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!!!!! Again, why was his service record not talked about 4 years ago. And please, John Kerry wanted nothing to do with the war. He tried to avoid going. How brave is that?? And once he was back, he slammed the war, and everybody still in it. Where is the bravery there?? Clinton didn't fight in a War, but yet you think he was a great leader right? Christ Forrest Gump was a "war hero", would you want him as President (yes, I know he is not an actual human being, but the point is still valid)??

On Sept. 11, George W. Bush showed his leadership. On Sept 11, John Kerry wondered around the Capital like a lost puppy. All his "war" experince didn't do much for him then, did it.

Brino, come on dude. This is what I am talking about. This election is about who will lead the the United States of America for the next 4 years, not a class popularity contest. You lose all credability when you post crap like this. When you, and the other Demos stray off track this much, just to take a pot shot, it shows how bad your "guy" really is. We know George W. Bush. He has been POTUS for the last 4 years. We don't know John Kerry. He has been a nobody for the last 25 years. Show us Kerry, not immature cracks at Bush. Show why your guy is better, not your childish behavour


Dirty Sanchez said:
Bush NEVER used his war back ground as a reason to elect him as President. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!!!!!! Again, why was his service record not talked about 4 years ago. And please, John Kerry wanted nothing to do with the war. He tried to avoid going. How brave is that?? And once he was back, he slammed the war, and everybody still in it. Where is the bravery there?? Clinton didn't fight in a War, but yet you think he was a great leader right? Christ Forrest Gump was a "war hero", would you want him as President (yes, I know he is not an actual human being, but the point is still valid)??

On Sept. 11, George W. Bush showed his leadership. On Sept 11, John Kerry wondered around the Capital like a lost puppy. All his "war" experince didn't do much for him then, did it.

On Sept. 11 GWB sat it a classroom for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack and Dick Cheney was at an undisclosed location! Those are the people you want to be in charge of this country for another four years?

And were did you get this bullshit information that John Kerry resisted going to war?

btw My point was that you shouldnt be criticizing somebody who saw combat when your own canidate had his father help him dodge the draft. And when he was in the guard he didnt even fulfill his duty. How could you vote for somebody who does that?

Brino, come on dude. This is what I am talking about. This election is about who will lead the the United States of America for the next 4 years, not a class popularity contest. You lose all credability when you post crap like this. When you, and the other Demos stray off track this much, just to take a pot shot, it shows how bad your "guy" really is. We know George W. Bush. He has been POTUS for the last 4 years. We don't know John Kerry. He has been a nobody for the last 25 years. Show us Kerry, not immature cracks at Bush. Show why your guy is better, not your childish behavour

It was a joke! It's not a crime to make a joke. If you cant laugh about things then what's the point!

btw John Kerry has been more of a somebody than you! You just criticize him because you blindly follow Bush. But what has Bush done that's been good during the past four years? It seems to me that the U.S. is worse off than we were four years ago. So why vote for somebody who's partially the cause for it!?
About the church thing. How can you guys bring up religion, at least this type of religion, when you obviously know nothing about it. How often you go to church DOES NOT effect how religious you are. Period.

About the kerry/bush debate that just happened. Here is a VERY interesting article.

I seriously recommend everybody check out some of his other stuff too. This guy makes so much sense its funny, and backs up his claims with quotes/facts/ etc.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but when guys like this guy post these kinds of articles, it is impossible for me to imagine anyone being a liberal. Or at least an exreme far left/liberal.
Brino said:
On Sept. 11 GWB sat it a classroom for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack and Dick Cheney was at an undisclosed location! Those are the people you want to be in charge of this country for another four years?

Here we go again!! What was GWB suppose to do? Jump up and run around like a maniac? The Principal at the school said Bush's reaction was very calming to every one there. Plus, not all the facts of what was going on that day were known. Would you have preferred him to take the first unconfirmed reports and make decisions with that? And Cheney, was with his wife in a (Undisclosed location) underground bunker. If you had watched a real documentary (not that piece of crap from that very fat individual) you would have a better understanding what REALLY happened that morning. The documentary was on PBS, and looked into why the towers fell. Including the info about the WTC, it showed the time line that morning. After the 3 attacks had already taken place, the Capitol building was evacuated (remember the 4th plane?). Even though it had been far more time then the 7 minutes you speak of, the film clearly shows a bewildered John Kerry wondering around like a lost puppy out side the Capitol. I'll take the 7 minutes for the POTUS to make sure the people who work for him to make sure they have the best and most current and factual information to make sure he had a clear picture of what their next steps can be.

And were did you get this bullshit information that John Kerry resisted going to war??

Kerry wanted a pass from the military so that he could go to France to study. Can't remember where I read that, but I'll find it for you and eagerly await your excuse as to why it doesn't matter (BTW, I don't really care that he didn't want to join the War effort, just don't try and brag about it afterwards)

btw My point was that you shouldn't be criticizing somebody who saw combat when your own candidate had his father help him dodge the draft. And when he was in the guard he didn't even fulfill his duty. How could you vote for somebody who does that??

Bush wasn't elected on his war record (why was this not brought to light 4 years ago?). I don't care if either one of them went. One went, and slammed the war and everyone in it, as well as throwing out the medals he asked for. The other didn't bother going. IMO, neither should be proud of what they did. But yet Kerry tried using his past as a positive thing (until it came out, and now I see he has dropped that). Like I said, just because you did, or didn't go to War, doesn't make you a better leader. And you want to know what, some people just don't make great soldiers. Bad soldiers risk the lives of the men beside him.

It was a joke! It's not a crime to make a joke. If you cant laugh about things then what's the point!

The point is, you always love poking fun at Bush, but once the tables get turned towards Kerry/Edwards, you get defensive. Don't play with fire if you are afraid to get burned.

btw John Kerry has been more of a somebody than you! You just criticize him because you blindly follow Bush. But what has Bush done that's been good during the past four years? It seems to me that the U.S. is worse off than we were four years ago. So why vote for somebody who's partially the cause for it!?

Umm, I'm not running to be elected the President of the United States of America. I don't blindly follow anybody. I read everything I can, and educate myself. You are willing to bash Bush, but have yet to acknowledge the mistakes Clinton made during his terms. Something happened to the USA when George W Bush was in power that had never, ever happened before. This was not something that could be figured out by some hand book. He showed leadership. He showed he is strong in the face of our enemies. He showed he was not going to let the United States of America get pushed, or threatened by anybody.

Put someone up who will do a better job then Bush/Cheney, and I will support them (much like I supported Clinton, and the fictictous Jeb Bartlett). But, since you haven't, I will support the guys who will do a much, much better job.
Dirty Sanchez said:

Put someone up who will do a better job then Bush/Cheney, and I will support them (much like I supported Clinton, and the fictictous Jeb Bartlett). But, since you haven't, I will support the guys who will do a much, much better job.

Dirty Sanchez you are absultly right JEB BARTLETT for presedent. hell i would even vote for Aran Sorkin. so what he is a coke head. bush used coke.