Brino said:
GWB should have been out of that classroom the moment he heard the news, period. He should have been gathering information himself instead of letting just his aides do it and he should have been doing his job..
That is his job Brino. His job is to let the specially trained and experienced people do what they are suppose to do. You think Bush has a secured cell phone in his pocket, with the numbers to all the intelligence agencies? You think Bush could make all the phone calls by himself? Please, don't be stupid. When it was time to tell the President what was going on, they did. I can tell you from my own personal experiences, that first hand information is almost always wrong, especially when you are at a different location. Don't you remember that morning? How many different reports did you hear coming over the wire? And how many of those turned out to be false?
Just admit it, whatever Bush did that morning, you'd bitch about it. Yet, you seem to overlook the actions, or lack there of, John Kerry took that morning.
It's funny, you talk about the fourth plane and yet you dont even consider that him being there put that school in danger. After all the event that day was widely talked about and for all he knew the fourth plane could have been headed that way. All the more reason for him to get the fuck outta there.
Well, first of all, no plane made its way to Florida, and so that shows the POTUS was NOT a target, the United States was (putting it that way takes the responsiblity you place on Bush away from him).
Second, while I can only offered a guess at the actual speed, I would imagine if the President was indeed a target, and the terrorists knew he was at that school, and planned on taking him out as well, I doubt they had the information or time to turn the plane around if Bush had been moved from that location. In other words, if Bush was on the list, seeing his motorcade leaving the school, wouldn't have stopped them from crashing the plane. These aren't highly trained snipers who can go in and take out the selected few people they want dead. These are people that crash planes into buildings, hoping to kill as many Americans as possible. Even with Bush out of the school (if he was a target, in which he wasn't), the school still would have been in danger.
Ohhh please, stop acting all innocent. Who was it that brought up Vietnam in the first place, the Swift Boat liars for truth that's who. You reap what you sow!
DUDE, it was Kerry who talked about what a war hero he was. He brought up his time in 'Nam. Don't get pissed when it back fires.
And dont try to say it was Kerry, Kerry only talked about it because National Security is an issue in this campaign. And god forbid somebody should run off of the expierence they have in that area.
What experince does Kerry have with National Security? He went to a war he didn't want to go to. He asked for the medals he earned for that war, only to throw them out. And then he denounced that war, and the people he served with. I tell you, that is leadership written all over it.
And John Kerry will do a better job. And stop using Michael Moore as a fucking reason to attack me and other deomcrats. Ive said it before and I'll say it again, I havnt even seen the movie so your false claim that I blindly follow Moore is baseless and Unfounded..
If better job you mean worse, then yes, you're right. Kerry, and his so called running mate, are not the answer. Just say you don't want Bush, and would take anybody over him. I can live with that. But this constant thought process that Kerry is better then Bush will get the World in a lot of trouble.
With your hatred towards Bush, I find it highly unlikely you have yet to see his "movie". However, since I asked you to believe me earlier in this post, I'll believe you. The reason you are so much like Moore, is that you seem willing to cut off your nose, just to spite your face. You seem to miss out on the actual events, and just take a little bit to form your case. You also seem to vastly over look John Kerry's short comings, and are hell bent on getting Bush out, instead of putting the best man in. You also seem to tred way off base when things don't look good for you.
I tell you what, if you are looking for a good flick, here is one that I suggest
And, if you do actually get around to seeing moore's "film", I suggest you take a look at this
You however believe every piece of right wing rhetoric Karl Rove has ever come up with even when other Republicans say it's bullshit. Stop blinding yourself, your like a dear in the headlights.
Don't have a clue as to what Karl Rove looks like, and the only time I've ever seen his name is the 2 times YOU have brought him up. Next.