pornman123 said:Now, the last time i checked, you don't get paid unless you show up for work... or am i wrong on that? anyone not go to work and get paid??? and bush has pulled out his old pay stubs formt he army proving he wasnt AWOL, and me spouting the same rhetoric stuff as bush.... are you not spouting things that have been proven false? pay stubs i thought cleared up the whole mess with him supposedly being AWOL, but i guess there are some who just wont accpet the truth, and those are the most ignorant of us, those are mainly Demecrats....
What have I said that was proven false, please enlighten me?
What dont you guys get about the fact that Bush isnt like you or me? The same rules dont apply to him because: 1) He comes from a rich family and 2) His dad worked in the CIA and had connections. Is it really that big a leap to think that he got it easy? Look it wouldnt take that much for his dad George Sr. to get the Guard to take it easy on him and pay him even though he wasnt there. For crying out loud, there is a 50,000$ reward for anybody who could prove that they saw Bush in the guard and guess what, nobody's been able to!
I just noticed... I cant open any of Kerry's records.....bush's i can, but kerry remains a mystery, jsut liek on many isues, but i wonder why over 250 of his fellow servicemen that served with him do not want him commander and cheif? and 4-5 ,omths in swift boats, going into camboadia in 68....or was it 72 last time it was seered into his mind????
Their in pdf format! If you cant open them then that's your problem! First of all most military people are conservative to begin with but not all. Second, a lot of people who served in Vietnam are angry at Kerry for speaking out against the war, that's why their not voting for him. There is something called freedom of speech in this country but unfortunately there are some people who criticize Kerry for speaking his mind and that in my opinion is un-patriotic!
and as for that site, dont ya think it is meant to cast an evil light on our president? instead ofsimply putting down the facts and letting people decide. But, wasnt clinton a Draft Dodger? so serving your country, even though not at the front, is an improvement over the former administration. but i do not think 4 months and a record of voting against many weapons and fighters that are top of the line makes a good president.
That site is laying down the facts. Everytime somebody or something portrays Bush in a bad light you say that its partisan bullshit but it isnt, you just cant accept the truth. And about weapons that Kerry voted against, first of all Cheney and many other republicans voted against them as well, second he voted against them nearly ten years ago and hasnt voted against weapon systems since 1996, third Kerry himself has said that the kind of thinking that made him vote against weapons so long ago doesnt work in the post 9/11 world and he wouldnt vote against them today!
Kerry flips on way to much stuff. he has said we went in alone, yet we have many allies. besides though other countries who want kerry in, think they will get included in the stuff, but thy dont relize, that a strong America keeps them from going broke, and if they come with us, kerry will make them do mroe work cause America is not strong enough, and on top of that, the DNC said bush wanted to bring back the draft. how would he do that? people would revolt if anyone tried that.
There are so many false and misleading statements here that I dont even know where to begin. First, Saying that we have allies in Iraq is really a hollow statement, what are there 30 of them, only a handful of which have more than a hundred troops in Iraq and only Great Britain has more than a thousand and even they only have 8,000 there! Plus a lot of the countries that are on the list arent even providing troops! How can you say that we have allies in Iraq when 90% of the casualties are American?
Second, Kerry doesnt flip nearly as much as Bush. First Bush was against homeland security and then for it, first he was against the 9/11 commission and then for it, first he was against the creation of an intelligence czar and then for it, he said we would only ivade Iraq as a last resort yet he invaded Iraq the first chance he got, he said he would leave no child behind and yet he left millions of children behind. Need I go on?
Third, How does a strong America keep foreign countries from going broke and how exactly does invading Iraq make America stronger?
Fourth, In case you havnt noticed there's already a backdoor draft going on!
And do you really beleive that Kerry is respected? the guys is awesome to watch when you feeling good, he'll bring ya down a few notches with his pessimistic attitude. Besides, Its been demecrats who won't let people drill for oil in Alaska that makes us dependent on foriegn countries.
Kerry is not pessimistic he's realistic! Kerry is the one that's thinking about our future while Bush is invoking emotional responses from people so that they wont think about our future and where were heading under his presidency, and I got news for ya, were not heading anywhere good under his presidency!
But i would take Bush over kerry because I know that Bush would amke good decisions and not wait on the French to give the Ok to React, Iraq is a success no doubt there, They are being Liberated(civi's) and occupied(terrorist), so the terrorist are flooding in there, and we fight them at there homes, and not at our homes. IF we pulled out, or never went in at all, we would have bombs going off like crazy. Japan had the balls and did not bend to the terrorist will, although there families may hate the governemtn now, how many attacks have they averted in not doing what the terrorist wanted? Spain pulled out and look at what kindof government they elected.
Iraq didnt attack us, Osama bin laden did and he's in Afganistan or Pakistan! How do you know that bombs would be going off if we didnt invade Iraq? That's a bullshit statement, bombs are already going off and we did invade Iraq! Iraq is NOT a success, how could any informed preson say that? Each month more troops die than the prevoius month! The CIA has even said that best case scenario things there keep going the way there going and worse case scenario is civil war! It is not a success! Do you know what the best selling video in Iraq is, I'll tell ya, it's the videos of americans being beheaded! How could you possibly say it's a success?
And if you think that Bush will make good decisions then you are seriously wrong! What the hell was Iraq? That wasnt a "good" decision and neither has anything else under this president been a "good" decision!
Now, when people make the government take care of the people, do you know what that is called? its called Communism, Demecrats are for people being on the government payroll, Welfare, Social Security, and many other government programs, there is just one path that leads to.... take a guess, its called one moves into power and becomes a dictator, one that has been lusting for power for a long time. My Prediction is it will be someone who has liberal views, hate to say it, but it wont be long before we have terrorist attacks if Kerry is elected.
Boy what a load of bullshit! You dont like Democrat policies so you imply that we're Communist! Either your so misinformed about the democrats policies that you think their communists or you just dont know what communism is! You seriously need to open your eyes and go back to school. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two.