Bush Kerry Blair masters of sex

who is the STUD?

  • Bush

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Blair

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • I think I'm gonna puke!

    Votes: 13 65.0%

  • Total voters
bigdan, whats with ur signature? im yet to meet one person who can tell me why they have such a profound hatrid for bush, and give reasons for it too. and wtf is wrong with the poll maker here? bush and blair i have no clue, kerry is a bore im sure form how he talks, and drones on and on, so im prett sure he has never been able to have sex with a woman without making her fall a sleep of boredom.
I have no problem with ur signature, as it is allowed in the Constitution, im just trying to understand the psychology involved with that sort of hatred, it simplies boggles my mind to see it. and if you dont want bush to win, ya got to get a better candidate then Kerry.
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Since the democrats have not found any other candidate for the job, i have to live with Kerry... and even if Bush win, it would not be the end of the, in fact, i would really like to see him clean is own mess...


Well pornman123 why dont you like Kerry? Is it because, like you said, that he's boring? That's hardly a reason not to vote for a guy! Although I agree that Kerry wasnt the best canidate, I personally voted for Wesly Clark because I thought he had a better chance at beating bush when it came to National Security but other democrats apparently didnt think so! :2 cents:
pornman123 said:
I have no problem with ur signature, as it is allowed in the Constitution, im just trying to understand the psychology involved with that sort of hatred, it simplies boggles my mind to see it. and if you dont want bush to win, ya got to get a better candidate then Kerry.

It boggles my mind when someone talks smart but types like a kid. I don't like Bush because he makes uninformed decisions. Which he himself has admitted to doing once.

Oh... And he was a pansy when he was younger. More than likely he still is.

What else would you call someone that lets others fight for him when he is getting paid to do it?

These are facts... That even he himself can't make an excuse/reason for. So go ahead and reply your fingers off. I probably won't read it. But you asked... Dan just didn't have the patience to type out a big message probably.

EDIT: BTW I voted I think Im gonna puke. LOL
If i was better in writing in english, i would probably long messages too, but i'm still not confident enough to write long message, but i think you still know what i'm saying, so why keep going on and on about something when you already made your point ?
Goblin said:
It boggles my mind when someone talks smart but types like a kid. I don't like Bush because he makes uninformed decisions. Which he himself has admitted to doing once.

Oh... And he was a pansy when he was younger. More than likely he still is.

What else would you call someone that lets others fight for him when he is getting paid to do it?

These are facts... That even he himself can't make an excuse/reason for. So go ahead and reply your fingers off. I probably won't read it. But you asked... Dan just didn't have the patience to type out a big message probably.

EDIT: BTW I voted I think Im gonna puke. LOL

How is he typing like a kid but you aren't?

I agree with him. I am voting bush, therefor I DO NOT think kerry is a good choice. Yet I am not going to make stupid claims like some people do. It's ridiculous to get as worked up over this stuff as some of you do.

And how is he a pansy? Because he had the BALLS to go to war to help stop terrorism and fix the country Suddam fucked up?

This isn't the place for a huge debate I guess...(this thread I mean)....but it disgusts me to see how many ignorant democrats are around. The majority of you KNOW you are always right, and your canidate is the only way to go, because the republican is 100% wrong.

I realise there are republicans like this too, but honestly I see way more democrats like this. I try to be a little bit more open minded than alot of the people like this.

Because that line of thinking= STUPID


Dolman said:
How is he typing like a kid but you aren't?

I agree with him. I am voting bush, therefor I DO NOT think kerry is a good choice. Yet I am not going to make stupid claims like some people do. It's ridiculous to get as worked up over this stuff as some of you do.

And how is he a pansy? Because he had the BALLS to go to war to help stop terrorism and fix the country Suddam fucked up?

This isn't the place for a huge debate I guess...(this thread I mean)....but it disgusts me to see how many ignorant democrats are around. The majority of you KNOW you are always right, and your canidate is the only way to go, because the republican is 100% wrong.

I realise there are republicans like this too, but honestly I see way more democrats like this. I try to be a little bit more open minded than alot of the people like this.

Because that line of thinking= STUPID

Ohhh please! Stop acting all high and mighty! Like you dont do the same thing, give me a break!
I dont see how kerry won the debate, he was on a bit more of the offensive then bush, ill give him that, however, he flipped a few times in there. And Clark would have been a much better choice, but remember, they are setting it up for Hillary. And let me get this strait on his military record.

I was actually surprised that Bush got to speak at all, since Kerry can argue both sides and then a few others as well all at the same time.

He served his country, He could have been called up at anytime and fly in vietnam, he was one of the few who did not get called. I dont hold him not being called into duty against him, he had no real control over that, it jsut wasnt his number.

Kerry on the other hand, He served his country well, and i admire him just as much as i do bush, since they both served, however, there are many things i do not understand about the man.
1. The "Magic Hat" that he got from a Secret agent man after droppinghim off in Cambodia on a secret mission.
2.1968, Christmas Eve that was seered into his memory when the rest of his vet friends that served wwith him say the exact oppisite and they werent there. Also, on the river he said he took, unless his boat was in the water less than a foot, they had cement pillars placed to prevent boats from coming into there country.

And Kerry has also said that he would have gone to war with saddam regardless of him having WMD, saying we needed to get him out of power. i find it highly ironic that he voted for it, then against it.... or was it against then for it???? i always get confused on that subject.

And for the uninformed decision, Kerry made the same one. The voting record shows that.

and Brino, its not that i dont like him cause he is boring, its the fact that the man has Lied under Oath, and if someone has done that, how can they ever be trusted? when asked if he owns SUV's he said no, yet his wife owns a fleet of them, now if I understand Marriage right, its that "what is urs is mine,and what is mine is urs" also his wife called People "Scumbags" real nice person having as first lady eh? she also said" i would give up all that i have in order to have my (first)husband back", i think its a bad sign when ur own wife doesnt even want you.

Bush is going to win one for the gipper, and Kerry is going to lose on as the Flipper, its that simple, he contradicted himself 2 times in the 15 minutes i watched, i usually take that as a bad sign when u can tell when a politician flips. Also how he insulted our allies. saying that we needed to form a real coalition, what does that say about our current allies? is it just France that we should have as an ally as he has been saying, but in 97 he said and i quote "the French cannot be trusted"

Also Kerry should have been tried for war crimes that he claims he and his men commited. but yet he wasnt, i wonder why?

and do u honestly beleive that the world is worse off without saddam in power? 56000 men were killed in vietnam. 6 millon jews were killed in WWII, not counting how many Allied and Axis Men were slaughtered by each other. a little over 1000 men is not a high price to pay in a war.

Micheal Moore said "there is no terrorist threat" in 2003, now im not sure about you, but i still strongly remember 9/11 happening, and the U.S.S. Cole, and the 93 car bombing of the WTC whihc killed just over 30, or the Oklahoma Bombing, and if you say it wasnt a terrorist then ur decieving yourself, He was a terrorist, although not in the same sense as we think of them now. And for killing Civilians, it happens in wars, tell it to the 6 milloin jews who were slaughtered and butchered, civi's die, although avoided by America and our allies, it isnt by the axis of evil, the mass graves that saddam filled were civi's. But American troops cannot be held responsiblefor the death of civi's when they are being used as shields. I think i jsut about crushed any sort of decent comeback you might have short of " he lied", which is easy enough to prove. Kerry knew the same exact stuff as President Bush, so If you call Bushh a Liar, u also call Kerry one.

and how do i talk like a kid? cause i use internet lingo? shortened spelling? is that what makes me sound like a mere child?


Wow! Your real good at spouting the same rhetoric as Bush. I'll comment on them later seeing as it's late and I'm tired. For now I'll leave you with this link concerning Military records: http://www.awolbush.com/kerry-vs-bush.asp Though I dont see how what happened 30 years ago applies to today. :2 cents:
Brino said:
Ohhh please! Stop acting all high and mighty! Like you dont do the same thing, give me a break!

Brino, don't talk to me.

I *try* not to act like a high and mighty ass, and so far no one has told me I act like one. You probably would say I do, just out of spite.

Your avatar is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I am not flaunting some stupid kerry/herman munster picture.
What's worse is the fact that your comparing him to a monkey (unless I am mistaken..?), yet I am willing to bet he's a better person than you are. (morally)

He took part in the decision to free Iraq. What have you done for the world?
Dolman said:
Brino, don't talk to me.

Your avatar is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I am not flaunting some stupid kerry/herman munster picture.
What's worse is the fact that your comparing him to a monkey (unless I am mistaken..?), yet I am willing to bet he's a better person than you are. (morally)

Its a Gollum picture from Lord of the Ring... i guess you hav'nt see it to knew it...
Now, the last time i checked, you don't get paid unless you show up for work... or am i wrong on that? anyone not go to work and get paid??? and bush has pulled out his old pay stubs formt he army proving he wasnt AWOL, and me spouting the same rhetoric stuff as bush.... are you not spouting things that have been proven false? pay stubs i thought cleared up the whole mess with him supposedly being AWOL, but i guess there are some who just wont accpet the truth, and those are the most ignorant of us, those are mainly Demecrats....

I just noticed... I cant open any of Kerry's records.....bush's i can, but kerry remains a mystery, jsut liek on many isues, but i wonder why over 250 of his fellow servicemen that served with him do not want him commander and cheif? and 4-5 ,omths in swift boats, going into camboadia in 68....or was it 72 last time it was seered into his mind????

and as for that site, dont ya think it is meant to cast an evil light on our president? instead ofsimply putting down the facts and letting people decide. But, wasnt clinton a Draft Dodger? so serving your country, even though not at the front, is an improvement over the former administration. but i do not think 4 months and a record of voting against many weapons and fighters that are top of the line makes a good president.

Kerry flips on way to much stuff. he has said we went in alone, yet we have many allies. besides though other countries who want kerry in, think they will get included in the stuff, but thy dont relize, that a strong America keeps them from going broke, and if they come with us, kerry will make them do mroe work cause America is not strong enough, and on top of that, the DNC said bush wanted to bring back the draft. how would he do that? people would revolt if anyone tried that.

And do you really beleive that Kerry is respected? the guys is awesome to watch when you feeling good, he'll bring ya down a few notches with his pessimistic attitude. Besides, Its been demecrats who won't let people drill for oil in Alaska that makes us dependent on foriegn countries.

But i would take Bush over kerry because I know that Bush would amke good decisions and not wait on the French to give the Ok to React, Iraq is a success no doubt there, They are being Liberated(civi's) and occupied(terrorist), so the terrorist are flooding in there, and we fight them at there homes, and not at our homes. IF we pulled out, or never went in at all, we would have bombs going off like crazy. Japan had the balls and did not bend to the terrorist will, although there families may hate the governemtn now, how many attacks have they averted in not doing what the terrorist wanted? Spain pulled out and look at what kindof government they elected.

Now, when people make the government take care of the people, do you know what that is called? its called Communism, Demecrats are for people being on the government payroll, Welfare, Social Security, and many other government programs, there is just one path that leads to.... take a guess, its called one moves into power and becomes a dictator, one that has been lusting for power for a long time. My Prediction is it will be someone who has liberal views, hate to say it, but it wont be long before we have terrorist attacks if Kerry is elected.

but none of kerrys documents opened at all on that "bipartisian" website.