Search results

  1. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    I loved it with a passion.
  2. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    I heart you man cus its all true.
  3. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Well last I checked your boys are without a Series win for awhile. What makes you so confident?
  4. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    I can almost guarantee that BoSox will win it before Yanks will again.
  5. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Black Sabbath-Sweet Leaf
  6. nealdrox

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! Office Space
  7. nealdrox

    What are you listening to right now?

    Behemoth-The Apostasy
  8. nealdrox

    The Member Above Me....

    Should Like the Pats and not the Jets. P A T S PATS PATS PATS!! lol
  9. nealdrox

    Favourite Movie Quotes

    American Psycho Patrick Bateman: I don't think we should see each other any more. Evelyn Williams: Why? What's wrong? Patrick Bateman: I need to engage in homicidal behaviour on a massive scale. It can not be corrected but I have no other way to fulfill my needs.
  10. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    I heart Harley Quinn. Yummy lol
  11. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Id like to give Apocalypto a whirl.
  12. nealdrox

    Now those are what I call...

    Lmao thats fuckin' ridiculous.
  13. nealdrox

    New & Improved NBA Playoff Poll

    I really want Jazz to win bad. I heart AK47.
  14. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    Woo Ducks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. nealdrox

    Really, really cute...

    It is quite creepy imo.
  16. nealdrox

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    He looked best in 7 by far.
  17. nealdrox

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    I liked up to part 7. After that bleh.....
  18. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Red Sox for the win
  19. nealdrox

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    Indeed you are right sir. Got me there.
  20. nealdrox

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    Believe it was 6 pal.
  21. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    A round Robin Tournament would be badass.
  22. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Woo Hoo Reds!!
  23. nealdrox


    Re: Best Tits? Ive said it before that she has the best.
  24. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Weathers will blow it.
  25. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Woo hoo Ross
  26. nealdrox

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Movie is absolute trash!
  27. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    Yeah "We had Zubris and Drury out". Well Drury for a lil bit anyways. I cant wait to hear them. They had them for the other 3 losses so fuck that logic.
  28. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    I love it man. Im so happy.:nanner: :jump:
  29. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    HAhahah Im so happy. Go cry Sabres.
  30. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Good point lol. No clue.
  31. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    Im going to be so pissed if sens lose.
  32. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    its on VS
  33. nealdrox

    up-to-date nba playoffs poll

    Jazz for the win.
  34. nealdrox


    Re: Best Tits? I think hers are not that great. My :2 cents:
  35. nealdrox

    Official NHL thread 2006-2007

    Well I need Sens to win tonight. Please win Sens!!!
  36. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Reds for the win tonight.
  37. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Well reds got smoked tonight. What a surprise?
  38. nealdrox

    Porn Industry Full of OxyMORONS

    I agree that its dumb but I know many 18 or 19 year old girls who have kids that I can consider to be a milf.
  39. nealdrox

    Girls you have masturbated to the most

    Alot of Julia Bond fans around here which rules.
  40. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Yeah that was funny. He is my favorite player though along with Ichiro. Right now BP is on a 19 game hit streak.
  41. nealdrox

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    People lose sight of what the point of movies are. Like with Jason X it was meant for a good time. Not to be taken seriously as a epic horror movie that was going to break many barriers. Dont get me wrong its the worst installment of them all. Well Goes to hell was horrid lol. Anyways Blair...
  42. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Maybe we can get some runs in tonight. My boy Phillips is on a tear along with JR.
  43. nealdrox

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    Jason X had its moments like when he beats the girls against the tree while they are still in the sleeping bag. Im laughing thinking about it. The smashing the frozen face ruled too.
  44. nealdrox

    TV's Hottest Moms / Hottest TV Mom

    Re: Tv hottests mom Patricia Heaton by far. She is so sexy. Even though Jean Louisa Kelly is hot as hell too.
  45. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Well Bronson is a badass and so is Herrang. Kinda sucks for them that they got almost 0 run support. Bronson has great outings but damn its hard to win when your team gives you 1 run to work with day in and day out.
  46. nealdrox

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    Well Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974) is phenominal and all others mentioned with the exception of hills are in my top 10 favorite movies. Silent Hill makes me cream lol. Mainly cus I love the game and Pyramid Head. BTW Impious is a Badass band. If thats where you go your name from anyway.
  47. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Hahah you know damn well that reds will lose lol. My boys are terrible but maybe they can pull this one out of their ass.
  48. nealdrox

    New Behemoth Album!!

    Well I liked Reign in Blood,Diabolus in Musica & God Hates us all a great deal actually. I like some old stuff pal. I just do not like much maiden.
  49. nealdrox

    God Of War 2

    I love it on the harder levels myself. It gives you one hell of a challenge. I got to love the spear alot.