Night 1: Victoria Beckham
Night 2: Riley Mason
Night 3: Julia Bond
Night 4: Gianna Michaels
Night 5: Jessica Alba
Night 6: Eva Angelina
Night 7: Eilsha Cuthbert
I just got a personalized jersey. I love the new design so I picked me up one. They have not made any good moves. As far as bad they Dropped aaron johnson. They felt they needed to re-sign Ole and Svitov. Svitov rules though but I think Tollefson is worthless..
Well k.............
Nero Bellum(Psyclon Nine)
Mark Hunter(Chimaira)
Elijah Blue(Deadsy)
Marilyn Manson
Jeffery Nothing(Mushroomhead)
Jay Gordon(Orgy)
Lol i'm aware it does. Mortician comes to mind. Also Cattle Decap are grindcore
and thats about it I listed. Vader can be listed as thrash/death but the others are "Death Metal"
Well I love Death Metal which is hardest you can get. I.E.-Hate Eternal,Behemoth,Cannibal Corpse,Vital Remains,Decapitated,Cattle Decapitation,Nile Vader etc......
The scene in Rat Race where Jon Lovitz crashes into the WW2 convention looking and acting like Hitler made me laugh for a good 10 mins the first time I saw it.