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  1. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    NL Central maybe
  2. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Dude its getting bad man lol.
  3. nealdrox

    What are you listening to right now?

    Sunn O)))
  4. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Reds fucking suck
  5. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Stabbing Westward-You COmplete Me
  6. nealdrox

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! Mike & Mike ESPN2
  7. nealdrox

    Marketa Brymova / Marketa Laysova / Marketa Morgan / Victoria / Liz Harvey

    Re: Marketa Brymova / Marketa Laysova / Marketa Morgan / Victoria
  8. nealdrox

    Karina Kay
  9. nealdrox

    Eve Lawrence / Eve Laurence / Envy

    Re: Eve Lawrence
  10. nealdrox

    game: who would you fuck?

    whew i dislike them both but I guess Gwen Kate Beckinsale or Heather Graham
  11. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Nats are horrible man lol. Well we now have last place.
  12. nealdrox

    The Member Above Me....

    Likes the Exotic ladies
  13. nealdrox

    Eva Angelina / Evangelina

    Sometimes I can agree. At times she has it just perfect. I love her hair and especially when she has the glasses on.:thumbsup:
  14. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    What do you know??? Reds are down 7-1 lol to the Nats.
  15. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    lol good stuff
  16. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    The Bloodhound Gang - I hope You Die
  17. nealdrox

    Just One Word To Describe The Person Above

  18. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Mushroomhead-Never Let it Go
  19. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Well Reds are down early.
  20. nealdrox

    FreeOnes 2007 Signature of The Week (S.O.T.W)

    Good job DR.
  21. nealdrox

    Stranded on a island with 4 women

    Singer - Victoria Beckham Pornstar - Eva Angelina Actress - Elisha Cuthbert Model - Keeley Hazell
  22. nealdrox

    Just One Word To Describe The Person Above

  23. nealdrox

    How many songs are on your iPod?

    Well I love Death Metal. Those bands do not make much money. Same with industrial groups. So i like to support the band and I also like having the artwork and such.
  24. nealdrox

    Favorite "Cult" Movies

    Movie owns Oh and I heart House of....... and Devils rejects as well
  25. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Statix-X-Bleed for Days
  26. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Aerosmith-Nine Lives
  27. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Psyclon Nine-Payback
  28. nealdrox

    The Music Recommending-Game Thread

    Ill recommend PYSCLON NINE
  29. nealdrox

    Eva Angelina / Evangelina

    Climbing up my favs chart
  30. nealdrox

    game: who would you fuck?

    Pussycat Dolls Riley Mason or Julia Bond?
  31. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Mastodon-Iron Tusk
  32. nealdrox

    game: who would you fuck?

    Puma Keira Knightley or Fergie?
  33. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    30 Seconds to Mars-The Mission
  34. nealdrox

    game: who would you fuck?

    Xtina Victoria Beckham or Natalie Portman?
  35. nealdrox

    This Is why Joe Pa is so respected.

    Yeah I like that
  36. nealdrox

    Favorite "Cult" Movies

    Chainsaw Massacre(74) Boondock saints They Live Escape from NY etc.....
  37. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Lol yet you live in the same town as me. We should meet up and have us a knife fight lol. :D
  38. nealdrox

    What are you listening to right now?

    Marilyn Manson-Eat Me Drink Me
  39. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    White Zombie-Thunder Kiss 65
  40. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    White Zombie-Black Sunshine
  41. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Mnemic - In The Nothingness Black
  42. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Statix-X - This is not
  43. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Anthrax-Mad House
  44. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    gary jules - mad world
  45. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Deadsy - Mansion World
  46. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Im a reds/sox fan but Ill just shut up. Yankee fans have the quirks too but hey Ill be quiet.
  47. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Marilyn Manson-You and me and the Devil
  48. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Stabbing Westward-Wasted
  49. nealdrox

    2007 MLB Thread

    Ohio rules!
  50. nealdrox

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Stone Sour-Get Inside