What is the latest good film you watched ?

Just finished watching 'the prestige' for the first time. Very good film. Need to see it again to try and work some of it out though, lots of twists.

Scarlett Johansson is great with an english accent lol Plus my name is the same as Hugh Jackman's character, so I got to hear her say my name a few times lol

9/10 film

dick van cock

Closed Account
A wonderful piece by Akira Kurosawa, Rashomon.
It's hard to tell which one of Kurosawa's many wonderful movies is the best, but I'd go with Rashomon.

Not only a wise film on the philosophical plane, but (as always with Kurosawa) a delight to watch on account of its brilliant camerawork - the nervously flickering leaves on the faces of the fighting guys; the somber hues under the arc while the rain floods around the narrators, and so on... :thumbsup:

The Seven Samurai and Yojimbo come close behind in my esteem.

I still have to watch Kurosawa's Men Who Stepped on the Tiger's Tail. It gathers dust on my shelf. But now I'll try to watch it this week-end. Thanks for reminding me, how great a director he was!

A rather unhailed movie by him, I can highly recommend is A Stray Dog


It's a Japanese film noir in the best tradition of its American precursors. The story is quite similar to Don Siegel's Madigan. An highly entertaining watch with some existentialist twists.


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COPLAND - I hadn't seen it since it came out 10 years ago.
I liked it more this time around. The funniest thing is that 80% of the cast are from The Sopranos, except they're all playing cops in this one, crooked cops mind you. Good stuff.
Brokeback Mountain......was really sad and very well acted, i didn't even mind that it was about gay cowboys....just a good movie...one i was convinced i was not gonna like.
Well I'd like to say it was Spiderman 3, but all the romantic stuff for over a hour in the middle ruined it. So it was only okay in the end.

TMNT is actually very good. Watched it with my nephew yesterday (he's 7 and he never took his eyes off the screen, which means it must be good). Thought the story had good depth even for the adults to watch and the computer graphics was very good.