Search results

  1. HeyFellas

    what is the name of this babe???

    Kinda looks like Lucy Pinder, but probably not. :dunno: :wave2:
  2. HeyFellas

    Ask the person below you a question

    Of course not, there's no such thing as a heterosexual female. :D How long should a fully charged cell phone last? I barely get twelve hours of standby on mine. :confused: :wave2:
  3. HeyFellas

    Freeones Survey Problems

    Thanks for the fix, I've filled it in now. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  4. HeyFellas

    Blonde Cam Girl Yep, I'm still on the lookout occasionally. :wave2:
  5. HeyFellas

    Young Busty Blonde

    Butt. (Bump doesn't really make sense.) :wave2:
  6. HeyFellas

    This babe is?????'?

    Penny Mathis aka Jenny P: :wave2:
  7. HeyFellas

    Hot girl from advertisement

    A few suggestions here: :wave2:
  8. HeyFellas

    Freeones Survey Problems

    I just tried to fill in the Freeones survey but couldn't. It asked if I have a partner so I said no. It them demanded information about this none-existent person. I also had the same problem with the questions about paying for porn, strip clubs and sex toys. How can we answer questions about...
  9. HeyFellas

    [SOLVED] Hot blonde in what looks like electrical tape.

    Similar hair, blue eyes, identical eyebrows, but maybe just a coincidence, I can't tell: :dunno: :wave2:
  10. HeyFellas

    Favorite Quotes

    From a news report about riots in Britain today: "One man was arrested for kicking a police dog. He was then bitten and is now recovering in hospital." :1orglaugh :wave2:
  11. HeyFellas

    Cara Brett

    Re: Cara Brett - New page 3 girl According to her "official" Twitter page Cara had a boob job a couple of weeks ago and they are now massive. Apparently her 34FF bra is "too small". Hope they look as good as they sound! :boobies: :wave2:
  12. HeyFellas

    We should be able to delete topics and posts we have created.

    I think you should be able to delete a post within the initial edit time, 10 minutes is it? Especially in the I.D forum where someone usually beats you to the answer by a few seconds, and you then have to edit your post by saying "well done" or something else pointless. And perhaps the option...
  13. HeyFellas

    Just a thought for Admin and Mods

    Just so I understand this: if we rep someone and their name appears on the list we can't rep them again, but once it disappears we can rep? Is that how it works? :confused: And bump for Tittenman's idea too. :wave2:
  14. HeyFellas

    Wrestling babes

    Who was that blonde girl near the timekeeper on last week's Smackdown (20 Nov) ? I didn't notice her till she ran out of the way during the final tag match. :wave2:
  15. HeyFellas

    Calling All Car Mechanics

    Rabid_2250, thanks for those ideas, I'll check what I can and hopefully it will be something simple. :thumbsup: Knowone, it does have a chain, not a belt. I think the engine model is a K10. The new Cat was brand new and fitted by a well respected local shop while we watched. Facetious, I...
  16. HeyFellas

    Who is this girl in the bloopers clip?

    Gonna take a wild stab in the dark and say Jennifer Stone. It worked once before.......:dunno: :wave2:
  17. HeyFellas

    Calling All Car Mechanics

    You may laugh but it worked twice. And it also works with old tractors, make them pull hard for half an hour and they stop smoking and start up easier. :dunno: The car is a 97 Susuki, I don't know if it's got an oxygen sensor, I was under the impression that everything under the bonnet was...
  18. HeyFellas


    Allison Miller. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  19. HeyFellas

    Calling All Car Mechanics

    There's no check engine light, the emissions are just slightly over the legal limit, and with the MOT coming up I'm concerned about another failure. I just need the levels down a tiny fraction, I used emission cleaning fluid last time but it was too small a change. Eventually the guy testing...
  20. HeyFellas

    Michelle Thorne

    Has Michelle had another boob job in the last couple of years? I haven't really looked at her since I got internet four years ago, but she's been on Elite recently and they look bigger and rounder to me. Plus she lists her size as 30GG on her profile page, surely bigger than they used to be...
  21. HeyFellas

    Calling All Car Mechanics

    My car is a little over the emissions limit and I don't know why. I was wondering if it could be a worn timing chain, could this cause poor fuel burn? I know it isn't the exhaust system as it had a new Cat recently and it barely made a difference. So if any revheads out there could give me...
  22. HeyFellas

    Any UFC fans present?

    Yes. It was the same round in which Vera delivered a low kick and a poke to the eye. It was also the round in which Randy gave some big knees and later, hard face punches. The same round where Vera got caught in a full close guard and coudn't move. The round in which Vera got clinched and...
  23. HeyFellas

    Cara Brett

    Re: Cara Brett - New page 3 girl She was looking smokin hot today, could be my new favorite. :wave2:
  24. HeyFellas

    OMG beautiful tits!!!

    Here's hoping that's her girlfriend. :1orglaugh Nice find, more reps comin. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  25. HeyFellas

    Any UFC fans present?

    From what I saw, Couture won the first round, Vera the third, and the second was just about a tie. Remember too it was a split decision, could have easily gone the other way with just one point from one judge. Some fights are incredibly difficult to call. And with the Machida fight, try...
  26. HeyFellas

    Sexi Barbie from myspace

    Re: ID Sexi Barbie from myspace And now it says the website will be up this (or next) week. Aaaarrrrgh! Do it already! :wave2:
  27. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    ^^^I know a couple of elderly farmers who smoke a pipe, but it's probably less than 1% in total. Most guys round here roll their own, because you can get it cheap and in bulk at ports, whereas women tend to by the ready made article. As for wearing a plaid deerstalker, I don't think I've ever...
  28. HeyFellas

    latin girl...

    Britney Amber? I'm guessin.......:wave2:
  29. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    ^^^After a quick look around the web, I think it was actually part of the Human Rights Act of 1951. It is a little different to the American version though, which is why we don't have extremist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan. (Although the BNP say this stuff, they don't actually do it, and if...
  30. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Although we've practiced the idea of freedom of speech for hundreds, maybe thousands of years, it wasn't made official until recently, I think it was 1953 but I could be a year or two out. This just states that if someone does try something, for instance, like the recent BNP debacle (sorry...
  31. HeyFellas

    Sexi Barbie from myspace

    Re: ID Sexi Barbie from myspace Now it's redirecting to her MySpace. Damn, I knew it was too good to be true. :mad: :wave2:
  32. HeyFellas

    My Freeones Points

    Hummingbird, I don't think that will get you points. I think it will get you banned. Freeones only accepts pics that the models give them, they don't steal from other sites, which is probably why so many models and pornstars are members of this forum. ;) :wave2:
  33. HeyFellas

    "Rainbow", New Busty Thai Model

    Rainbow is back! She was on channel 954 on Wednesday night, I haven't found anything yet but I'm searching hard for a live link or clips of that show. She was really good too, I think she's been taking lessons from the other girls, put on a great performance. Her hair looked a little shorter...
  34. HeyFellas

    Ask the person below you a question

    Having never seen her in action, I'll have to say no. I'm gonna say Delta White today, but only cos she's on T.V right now. :D How do the pills know where the pain is? :confused: :wave2:
  35. HeyFellas

    Server is too busy?

    I couldn't even log in on Saturday, it just refused all attempts to go anywhere but the home page. :( :wave2:
  36. HeyFellas

    Delta White

    ^^^Must have been filmed a few weeks ago, she's had a couple more tattoos since then. She's on here for the next few hours:
  37. HeyFellas

    Young Busty Blonde

    Any idea who this is? The movie is "Forbidden Desires" but I've searched the cast list and can't find a match. :wave2:
  38. HeyFellas

    name these hot ass boobs!!!

    First name that came to my mind was Mia from CamWithHer, but I can't find a decent pic to compare. :dunno: :wave2:
  39. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    You drink beer to keep warm during Winter, so chilling it kind of defeats the object. I'd rather have a bowl of porridge, myself. Bump. :wave2:
  40. HeyFellas

    Juliet Who? (UK Babeshow Girl)

    Still don't know her last name, but I've found out she's Russian and also uses the names Julie and Julieta. Apparantly she's made some lesbian porn films and one B/G, but I haven't found any clips or anything yet. Very hard to find girl. :dunno: :wave2:
  41. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    ^^^ I think many people hear American versions of songs and try to mimic them, and gradually pick up that style of speaking, that's why you get British singers with a distinct nasal drawl. I do it all the time when singing along to American bands. I thought the idea of teaching was for kids...
  42. HeyFellas


    Is this the one you're thinking of? http://www.*************.com/tvbabes.php?girl=1596 :D :wave2:
  43. HeyFellas

    Kelly Bell

    Re: The Amazing Kelly Bell Another short vid and a few pics of Kelly: http://www.*************.com/tvbabes.php?girl=1545 Some of you might like this, but me, I'm still undecided.......yeah right! :eek: :D :wave2:
  44. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    No. Why?
  45. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    I think that some things, such as history, certain types of science, maybe even literature as well as a few other subjects should be taught by putting kids in a cinema and showing various Discovery / History / Nat Geo channel programmes. These shows are far more interesting and insightful than...
  46. HeyFellas

    Juliet Who? (UK Babeshow Girl)

    Who is this girl? I'm fairly sure her first name is Juliet. As usual, any help is repped. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  47. HeyFellas

    [SOLVED] Hot blonde in what looks like electrical tape.

    Finally did it! Booyah! :thumbsup: Bumpage! :D :wave2:
  48. HeyFellas

    Match The Name To The Pic

    Job done. Repped. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  49. HeyFellas

    Match The Name To The Pic

    I'm looking for the redhead in the brown bra, second from the left. I don't know if she is Bridgette, Ryan or Kelly. Any help repped. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  50. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    We only had two exams for science: Physics and Science Double (biology and chemistry combined). I also picked Vocational Engineering, or as it used to be known, Metalwork. :dunno: :D :wave2: