Search results

  1. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Dunno if it's still the same, but when I was in high school (ages 11 - 16) we did history for the first three years, then we had to choose between history and geography for the next two (or maybe it was two years of both and three years of one, can't quite remember). As the history stuff we had...
  2. HeyFellas

    Perfectly Round Breasts

    Needs an I.D: :wave2:
  3. HeyFellas

    Weakest Link Contestant - No Pic, No Vid, Nothing. Help!

    A couple of nights ago on an out-takes show I saw a clip of a Weakest Link UK episode with a fit, super busty blonde girl called Summer. The out-take was that Anne Robinson told her to lower her board so the viewers could see her big boobs (real nice round ones :D). I've searched the web for...
  4. HeyFellas

    Busty Blonde from Banner Ad

    My first, and probably only bump. Any help fellas? :dunno: :wave2:
  5. HeyFellas

    Bangbabes/Babestation/Babecast etc.

    Just bumping with this pic of sultry sensual Toya, and I've also found some old blonde pics of daytime Tiffany: :wave2:
  6. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Odd thing to say, considering most of their songs were about sex. But I suppose few people actully listened to the words. :dunno: :wave2:
  7. HeyFellas

    Busty Blonde from Banner Ad

    Sorry about the blurry pic, it was a very small banner. Any ideas? :wave2:
  8. HeyFellas

    [SOLVED] Hot blonde in what looks like electrical tape.

    Here are some more pics: Judging by those, this aint the girl we're looking for. Nice try though. :dunno: :wave2:
  9. HeyFellas

    Anim/Cartoon/Hentai Section?

    I did a poll about this subject: It got a pretty good response, considering the "overwhelming" number of people who say it's not popular. At the time of this post, 61 people said they do like it. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  10. HeyFellas

    Favorite Quotes

    Here Men From The Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We Came in Peace For All Mankind
  11. HeyFellas

    Bangbabes/Babestation/Babecast etc.

    My outright favourite is Toya, with Minnie, Amber and daytime Tiffany close behind (Tiffany is by far the best presenter). I find I like a lot of the girls for their personality, such as Alex and Ella for instance, they seem very friendly. I've recently got to like Annie too, shame she...
  12. HeyFellas

    Ask the person below you a question

    Nah, they're pretty easy going. Just send them an expensive dartboard to say sorry. But make sure it's a real dartboard, ok? :1orglaugh Why is it called Fresno State when Fresno is not a state? :wave2:
  13. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Unfortunately not, only about half of them. The others cost about £15 (about $22 I think) so it's a good deal, but not a great one. ;) And for some reason we don't get the "Superstars" show either. :mad: But we get Raw live, and I believe we get Smackdown even before it's shown in the U.S...
  14. HeyFellas

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele Gisele, a serious question: were you in that Kid Rock video "All Summer Long"? There's a girl by the bonfire who really looks like you, but typically for a music vid, all the clips are too short to get a good look. :wave2: Edit: check this vid at 0.58...
  15. HeyFellas

    New Formula One Season

    This whole thing with Nelson Piquet had me rolling around laughing, Dale Earnhart used to do that all the time. :1orglaugh Dunno if I'll be watching F1 next season, these last couple of years have put me off, and looking at some of the rules and other deals coming in, it probably won't have...
  16. HeyFellas

    Sexi Barbie from myspace

    Re: ID Sexi Barbie from myspace Nice pics, Miles. Repped. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  17. HeyFellas

    Lilly Roma

    Right here, right now: :wave2:
  18. HeyFellas

    busty teen id request!!!

    Am I the only one getting no pics, just "I.E cannot display the webpage"? :confused: :wave2:
  19. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    I thought we generally paid less. Most of Western Europe is paying around 50%. But they do seem to be in a better condition when it comes to public services, road management etc. :2 cents: We've had our third wet summer in a row now. Anone else fed up with this rain? Or are you guys in the...
  20. HeyFellas

    Just a thought for Admin and Mods

    ^^^Yeah, I know that, but how many people? Feels like I've repped hundreds, and it still won't let me rep 1337. Anyone know? :wave2:
  21. HeyFellas

    Charlie Monaco / Charlotte Stainton / Laura M / Miss Monaco

    Re: Charlotte Stainton/Charlie Monaco Live tonight: :wave2:
  22. HeyFellas

    Just a thought for Admin and Mods

    Anyone have any idea how many people you need to rep before giving more to an already repped person? I've been trying to rep 1337 for months, giving others plenty in the meantime, but every time I try it says "spread some rep around first". It's getting really tiresome. :mad: :wave2:
  23. HeyFellas

    Jacking To Sports

    Sorry to bump an old thread, but I just had to add Courtney Jolly: Now that's my kinda girl. ;) :wave2:
  24. HeyFellas

    Karmen__Electra busty camgirl

    No way are Karmen and Soleil the same person. Just look at these pics: They have completely different features, and Karmen looks way younger. :wave2: Edit: I was going to add a gallery of Karmen, but the site is banned. Sorry fellas.
  25. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Doing phone sex on late night T.V. :D Loads of British models are doing it lately, the money is probably pretty good considering you just sit on a bed and talk. :wave2:
  26. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Only when they're on the opposing team. ;) Race is not a separate issue over here, people only tend to be racist when there is nothing else to use as an insult, like age, sex, religion, where you live etc. The media often tries to make a thing of it, but most of the general public doesn't...
  27. HeyFellas

    I've been thinking up schemes for world domination.......but none of them worked, so I'm back...

    I've been thinking up schemes for world domination.......but none of them worked, so I'm back now. :wave2:
  28. HeyFellas

    Sexy Blonde 2

    She does remind me of Divini Rae, but whether it's actually her is anyone's guess. And bump for more bump vids. :1orglaugh :wave2:
  29. HeyFellas

    [SOLVED] Hot blonde in what looks like electrical tape.

    It's coming, I promise! :bowdown: Until then, bump. Let's get some more people on board. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  30. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    ^^^ But that's my point: it still contains an inordinate amount of American culture and references, when there is no apparent reason for it. Same thing is happening in the high street, American shops popping up everywhere. It used to be Burger King and KFC, now we've got Staples, Subway...
  31. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    ^^^ All three are a bit milfy for my taste, but I am quite partial to Fiona Bruce. ;) Anyone else noticed the amount of American stuff on British T.V lately? For example, on a recent episode of WWTB A Millionaire four of the first five questions were about America. Same with many other quiz...
  32. HeyFellas

    Jennifer Ellison

    A nice collection of pics, a couple of which I haven't seen before: And apparently there's more to come in the future: :wave2:
  33. HeyFellas

    Katerina Kay - Busty Blond Score Model Whatever happened to her, she was on a few sites then suddenly disappeared without a trace. :dunno: :wave2:
  34. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Apparently the barracks have been closed and sold to a development company who will use the site for a new housing estate, after previous plans to build a prison were scuppered by locals. :wave2: Rey C, no chance in heck. Try Natasha Kaplinsky instead. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  35. HeyFellas

    New Formula One Season

    ^^^ So are you saying it was all down to Ross? Or that Micheal will leave the rest behind? Or something else? I certainly don't see the point of your post. Any help? :dunno: :wave2:
  36. HeyFellas

    Random Statement Thread II

    I am so annoyed. You go to all the trouble of watching a video, recognising the girl, finding a link and finally posting an I.D, all to be nice and friendly to someone you don't even know, and what do you get? Nothing. No reps, no thanks, no reply at all. Well fudge em, fudge em all I say...
  37. HeyFellas

    Concentration Test

    ^^^ I got it five times, and the first was a complete guess, I didn't know what to do! :1orglaugh Maybe it would work better with a hotter girl, or perhaps a clip of Blueballs and CCT going at it. :eek: :1orglaugh :wave2:
  38. HeyFellas

    New Formula One Season

    ^^^ Yeah, I've spent the last half hour surfing the web and found nothing. I thought Eddie was happy with commentating these days. But you never know....... :wave2:
  39. HeyFellas

    Hot blonde on utube

    Yet another person joins my little club: :wave2:
  40. HeyFellas

    Server is too busy?

    I get it almost every time I log in. I'm normally only here around midnight though (7pm U.S eastern). Don't know if it happens at other times, when do you guys get it? Maybe we can pinpoint a time and reason....... :dunno: :wave2:
  41. HeyFellas

    New Formula One Season

    In English: Bizarre. I guess now we'll see how good he really is, in a car that's no better than the rest. And after seeing Brawn GP, I wonder how much of Schumi's success was down to Ross. :wave2:
  42. HeyFellas

    Xo Gisele/ Got Gisele / Love Gisele / Love Giselle

    Re: Gisele (CamWithHer) / Love Gisele Tig ol bitties are the best kind of bitties. :D Whatever happened to Presley, any chance of you two working together again? I loved your old vids.......:wave2:
  43. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    It's probably acceptable in Oxford University, but anywhere else you'd get your head kicked in. :wave2:
  44. HeyFellas

    Hey buddy, who's that blonde chick in your avatar pic? Looks kinda hot.......:wave2:

    Hey buddy, who's that blonde chick in your avatar pic? Looks kinda hot.......:wave2:
  45. HeyFellas

    Posting oddities

    I have it on good authority that they taste like Golden Eagle. :thumbsup: Do some of the names in the Freeones list not have auto-linking? I tried recently with Keeley Hazell and someone else I've forgotten, both are in the the listings but not linked. :wave2: Edit: The link seems to be...
  46. HeyFellas

    [SOLVED] Hot blonde in what looks like electrical tape.

    Dayum she's hot! Nice work 1337, I wouldn't have discovered this babe without your sig. I'll rep you again when it lets me. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  47. HeyFellas

    Favorite Quotes

    From a documentary about the "faked" moon landings: "With all the problems involved and effort needed to stage such a huge scam, wouldn't it be easier to build a rocket and go to the moon?" :wave2:
  48. HeyFellas

    Ask the person below you a question

    The only bad book I remember reading was a Shakespeare one that we were forced to read in school. I think it was Macbeth, but I could be wrong. Something about a guy killing his dad, I think. I usually only read Micheal Crichton and Terry Pratchett, and they're always great. :hatsoff: How...
  49. HeyFellas

    Have you ever.............

    Got my tractor stuck a few times. It happens a lot when harvesting maize in October. :1orglaugh .......took a swing at a cop? :wave2:
  50. HeyFellas

    New Formula One Season

    I just heard that next year there will be no re-fueling. Why is F1 always messing about and making stupid decisions? It's like they are trying to do the same as Nascar, but making all the wrong choices instead of making the racing more competitive and exciting. They've really made a mess of...