Search results

  1. HeyFellas

    Busty Blonde Covered (Really Covered!) With Cum

    Didn't recognise her with all that facepaint. :1orglaugh Cheers bud. :wave2:
  2. HeyFellas

    Busty Blonde Covered (Really Covered!) With Cum

    Couldn't attach the pic for obvious reasons: :eek: :wave2:
  3. HeyFellas

    id this babe / lesbo shower action

    Screenshots: face and tattoo. :wave2:
  4. HeyFellas

    UK General Election Thread!

    The whole voting system needs reform. I'd prefer some kind of playoff league where say, the first round of elections is open for all, and the top 8 or so parties go through to the next round, then 4 to the next, then the final 2 battle it out, with plenty of T.V debates and stuff in between...
  5. HeyFellas

    Gemma Massey

    Bluebird? Making stuff up? Never! :1orglaugh Yep, unfortunately, us guys who have dealt with Bluebird in the past know to take their press releases with a pinch of salt. They do have a way of phrasing things certain ways and bending the truth. Ah well, we can but hope. :dunno: :wave2:
  6. HeyFellas

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    That facebook episode had me in stitches! (3:48) :rofl2: Definitely going in my all time top ten. :wave2:
  7. HeyFellas

    Barefoot or Heels?

    Heels - no way, never at any time. Barefoot's ok, but the best is trainers, big goth platforms or chunky workboots. :wave2:
  8. HeyFellas

    Wrong person I put in my reply

    If you don't want the auto link to come up, just put two spaces between the names, e.g instead of Vanessa space James, put Vanessa space space James. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  9. HeyFellas

    UK General Election Thread!

    It makes me so annoyed really, to think that 18 million people will be stupid enough to vote Labour and Conservative again. :dunno: :wave2:
  10. HeyFellas

    Savannah Mai - AKA: Rochelle @ BabeStation

    Re: Rochelle, Babestation Live TV A selection of recent clips. So great to see her back. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  11. HeyFellas

    "These Moderators Are Online" List

    Excellent, that's exactly what I was looking for, I just didn't know where to find it. Thanks. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  12. HeyFellas

    "These Moderators Are Online" List

    I think it would be a good idea if there was a list of moderators somewhere, clearly showing which ones are online. Then we could hopefully get prompt answers to any questions we may have, instead of PMing someone who may have gone on holiday or something. Just an idea, and please let me know...
  13. HeyFellas

    Kitana Baker

    Re: Beautiful brunette Kitana Baker? Maybe...:dunno: :wave2:
  14. HeyFellas

    Gemma Massey

    According to a Bluebird Spokesperson, the B/G vid was a private thing for Gemma and her hubby, and will not be released to the public. :dunno: :wave2:
  15. HeyFellas

    Gemma Massey

    ^^^Oh yeah, she obviously had a facelift or something, cos her forehead never moves, but some people were moaning about her still having regular surgeries and I think she just got annoyed with them. But I do know from personal experience that a mouth problem can make your lips swell quite...
  16. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Soccer is short for association, as in Football Association, which is what posh people called football many years ago (18th, 19th century perhaps) so actually it's sort of our fault. :dunno: :wave2:
  17. HeyFellas

    Who is this British Bumblegirl???

    Siffert's right, I'm sure that's TJ. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  18. HeyFellas

    Brunete from Ed the Sock

    Just bumping for the blonde. Tried a search for the show but found next to nothing. I fear an I.D will be down to pure luck. :dunno: :wave2:
  19. HeyFellas

    Kristy Swanson Softcore Lookalike?

    Just seen her by chance on a TV movie. Wendy "Maya" Divine. Thanks anyway fellas. :wave2:
  20. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    Here's a couple of proper English girls, judge for yourself: :1orglaugh :wave2:
  21. HeyFellas

    Blonde From Brandi Belle

    Any ideas? :wave2:
  22. HeyFellas

    Freeones 400 error

    Right, here's my problem: I come to the forums, which work fine, then open a new window for babelistings, which part-loads or maybe doesn't at all, so I close that window and come back to the forums and find that they too are now going slow, and I have to wait five or ten minutes...
  23. HeyFellas

    Favorite Quotes

    "When a woman says nothing's wrong, that means everything's wrong. And when a woman says everything's wrong, that means everything's wrong. And when a woman says something's not funny, you'd better not laugh your ass off!" Wise words from Homer Simpson. :wave2:
  24. HeyFellas

    Gemma Massey

    From another forum, and the girl herself :wave2::
  25. HeyFellas

    Kelly Bell

    Re: The Amazing Kelly Bell Kelly's Youtube channel, showing her in training for a boxing match which she apparently won with a first round knock-out! She's tough as well as hot. :eek: :wave2:
  26. HeyFellas

    Freeones 400 error

    I've been getting this for months. It usually tries to load the page for ages then finally says "could not display the page" or one of those types of messages. If it ever does connect it tends to show a lot of red X's and blank spaces. I did mention it a while ago but on that one day it...
  27. HeyFellas

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    That's the thing I love about it. Some shows and "comedians" pick on certain people or subjects, but South Park goes after absolutely everyone and everything, so if you are offended by a particular item it's your problem not theirs. Very refreshing. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  28. HeyFellas

    teen spreading

    Sophia Knight? If not, she's her twin sister! :dunno: :wave2:
  29. HeyFellas

    Please help me identify this blonde.

    Reminds me of TJ, but I wouldn't swear to it. :dunno: :wave2:
  30. HeyFellas

    Ask a British Person.......

    It's very rare these days, because the Yankees went to Iraq, set fire to our share and stole the rest. Bloody Derek Jeter, I never liked him. :tongue: Doesn't bother me though, I know how to grow my own diesel. :thefinger :wave2:
  31. HeyFellas

    Cheers bud, yes I do still care! :D :wave2:

    Cheers bud, yes I do still care! :D :wave2:
  32. HeyFellas

    Delta White

    Streaming live for the next few hours: Remember to check both channels. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  33. HeyFellas

    What ist her name???????

    Join the club: :wave2:
  34. HeyFellas

    Kristy Swanson Softcore Lookalike?

    ^^^No, she's more recent, in the last 4 or 5 years. Just so annoying that I can't remember names of the movies or any of her co-stars. It's driving me mad. :mad: :wave2:
  35. HeyFellas

    Kristy Swanson Softcore Lookalike?

    There is an actress who does (or recently did) a lot of those late-night softcore movies who looks like Kristy Swanson, pictured below. I can't remember her name or any of her movies, does anyone know who I'm talking about? :wave2:
  36. HeyFellas

    Back To The Future II: 5 years to go!

    According to the movie, the Cubbies do win in 2015. Can you hold on that long? :thumbsup: :wave2:
  37. HeyFellas

    Ask an American...

    On an episode of Friends, Rachel made a comment about mincemeat pies and then said British people put weird things in desserts. Do you really not know what mincemeat is? :wave2:
  38. HeyFellas

    The Problem With Burger King Is...

    No salt is still to much, in my opinion. :tongue: Is it true that in American burger bars, the burgers are put together when you order? I wish we had that here, several times I been told "sorry, we're out of triple cheeseburgers". How can you be out of them? I'd rather wait another two...
  39. HeyFellas

    Savannah Mai - AKA: Rochelle @ BabeStation

    Re: Rochelle, Babestation Live TV Rochelle is back after a one year absence. I thought I'd never see her again. New pics to come, but for now here's an oldie. :wave2:
  40. HeyFellas

    Bangbabes/Babestation/Babecast etc.

    ^^^Yeah, you have to phone to talk to them. But I think most people are happy just watching. :D Good news too: Rochelle is back on Babestation, after over a year away. I'll get some pics once I find them. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  41. HeyFellas

    Ananda Saint James

    Finally found some more info. The film was a Vivid production called L'Affaire, made in 2004, it starred Savanna Samson, Ananda was billed as Mercedes and I even have a screencap. Haven't found any other new stuff, though. :wave2:
  42. HeyFellas

    Bangbabes/Babestation/Babecast etc.

    A pic of the new and (I think, anyway :bowdown:) improved Annie. Not as big as I'd hoped :1orglaugh but still good. :wave2:
  43. HeyFellas

    Ask the person below you a question

    Well, I used to like Laurie Dhue, but these days I think I'll go for Megyn Kelly. In an American Burger King / McDonalds / whatever, are the burgers put together when you order, or are they pre-packaged and on the shelf? :wave2:
  44. HeyFellas

    Favorite Quotes

    From the Terry Pratchett novel Feet Of Clay: "He subsequently got dead-drunk and was shanghaied aboard a merchantman bound for strange and foreign parts, where he met lots of young ladies who didn't wear many clothes. He eventually died from stepping on a tiger." I have the same problem with...
  45. HeyFellas

    Smoking Busty Euro Model

    Anyone? Reps are waitin...:wave2:
  46. HeyFellas

    Bangbabes/Babestation/Babecast etc.

    ^^^Just an update to the Annie Bullah pic that I posted - she's had a boob job. Apparently they're very big, but we'll find out for sure on Sunday when she returns to the show. :thumbsup: :wave2:
  47. HeyFellas

    Gemma Hiles

    Did you know Gemma was in the army for two months before she got into modeling? :eek: Anyway, here's a lovely pic of Gemma from a recent show: And I found this pic too, but I'm sure you won't be interested in the vid...
  48. HeyFellas

    Ask the person below you a question

    Watched some Olympics, not much else. Does Freeones count as a social networking site? :wave2:
  49. HeyFellas

    Jules De Wilde - Any Other Names?

    Plenty of views but no response, I guess that film was a one-off. Shame. :( :wave2:
  50. HeyFellas

    Perfectly Round Breasts

    Fernanda Ferrari: She does have a couple of topless pics out there, but very hard to find. :wave2: Edit: Oh yeah, Jules in my sig too.