Search results

  1. Smallville417

    Who Was Your 1st Favorite Porn Star?

    Kristara Barrington.
  2. Smallville417

    Do you fear death?

    Yes, depending on how I die.
  3. Smallville417

    Prostitution should it be legal?

    I think it should be legal. It makes no sense to me why it's not legal in the first place.
  4. Smallville417

    MLB 2010 Thread

    I'm nervous about the season. No offensive punch on my team, and Cliff Lee going to the 15-day disabled list. The Mariners will have to work real hard for each win.
  5. Smallville417

    One night stands: do you consider it 'slutty' if a girl has a ONS OR she has a guy strictly for sex?

    Re: One night stands? Nothing wrong with being slutty. You have your needs, nothing wrong with that, go for it.
  6. Smallville417

    Florida Doc's sign warns off Obama voters

    I want a doctor that cares about making people better, not who they voted for. He is a douche.
  7. Smallville417

    Did anyone get the "swine flu"?

    No, and I took a plane and bus trip. I don't have any friends or family that I know of who contracted it either.
  8. Smallville417

    5 Charged in Gang Rape of 7 Year old...

    These are the type of individuals that never reform, keep them locked away. People this sick should never be allowed in society.
  9. Smallville417

    I wanna get to know you!

    Nothing to ask you, but you are very cute.
  10. Smallville417

    Still Horny

    It's always nice to know that there are plenty of women out there with high sex drives just like most men.
  11. Smallville417

    Is Carmella Bing obese/fat/over-weighted ?

    Not overweight, and I find her pretty hot.
  12. Smallville417

    girls with nose pierced!! sexy or not??

    Don't like them, my girlfriend wants to get one.
  13. Smallville417

    Any one get fooled or pull a good prank today?

    I rarely ever pull April Fool's pranks, and did not once again this year.
  14. Smallville417

    New Board Format<<<

    I like it better.
  15. Smallville417

    South Park or Family Guy?

    Family Guy by a very small margin.
  16. Smallville417

    Like Kissing?

    I enjoy kissing, the more the better.
  17. Smallville417

    Sworn into the Air Force

    Congrats, a little stability is a good thing in these tough times.
  18. Smallville417

    Which Sports Team Has The Hottest Cheerleaders?

    I'm probably weird, but I've never paid attention to the cheerleaders in any sport.
  19. Smallville417

    Wish to be a young black man

    I've never had a fantasy to be of another race, but even my girlfriend is turned on by the scene you describe. She has a very dirty mind.
  20. Smallville417

    Butler Sticks One On Aniston's Bunghole

    That is a nice shot.
  21. Smallville417

    Militia Groups

    I'm sure there are some militia groups out there that aren't dominated by crackpots, but I'm more in the same line of thinking as you.
  22. Smallville417

    Ricky martin came out the closet

    Him and Keanu Reeves.
  23. Smallville417

    Why do you have a computer?

    Generally just gaming and eBay.
  24. Smallville417

    Jana Miartusova and Angie Harmon

    I don't think they look alike.
  25. Smallville417

    Gonzo vs movie porn.

    I enjoy both, but probably gonzo more. My girlfriend only enjoys gonzo.
  26. Smallville417

    Turn off your lights!!

    I didn't turn them off, but I have ALWAYS been energy conscious. Why waste electricity, that's just stupid.
  27. Smallville417

    Whats you girlfriends or wife's cup size?

    34C I believe.
  28. Smallville417

    Tiger Woods vs Jesse James

    In a fight, Jesse pounds Tiger to a pulp. As far as who is worth, I find them to both be garbage equally.
  29. Smallville417

    28 Weeks Later?

    Thought it was ok, no real desire to watch it again though.
  30. Smallville417

    Maria Kirilenko vs. Maria Sharapova

  31. Smallville417

    Why are some of you asshats so obssessed with women's feet?

    I don't consider myself to have a foot fetish, but I really love my girlfriends sexy feet, and am definitely turned off by a woman who doesn't take care of her feet.
  32. Smallville417

    The Official Obamacare Poll

    Don't think it's perfect, but I'm for it.
  33. Smallville417

    Losing Virginity???

    I was 16, she was 17.
  34. Smallville417

    Why Women Don't Want Macho Men - Good article

    My girlfriend says I'm the perfect mix of masculinity/sensitivity. I speak my mind, but am rarely ever an ass about anything (was going to say never, but that would be a lie). I have no sympathy for the girl who dates the prick, than complains, or is sad about it all the time. I see and hear...
  35. Smallville417

    What kind of threads interest you the most?

    More conversational threads, ones that deal with personal situations, sexual fantasies, etc...
  36. Smallville417

    Bumping Old Threads

    I agree with you. People are jumped on constantly. It's not a big deal to me either way. Why would I get upset for something as trivial as a bumped thread.
  37. Smallville417

    You are welcome.

    You are welcome.
  38. Smallville417

    Sexy Goths.

    I think Goth girls are sexy, though I've never dated one, or even really known one for that matter.
  39. Smallville417

    How Many Times A Day Do You Have Sex?

    Right now me and my girlfriend are apart (different states) so I'm getting no sex at all. When we are together it's at least once a day, often 2 or 3 times a day.
  40. Smallville417

    sofia staks - hot or not!

    Tits are way too big for me, but she has a sexy quality about her.
  41. Smallville417

    Robert Culp has passed away.

    Always enjoyed his characters.
  42. Smallville417

    I want a pornstar to fuck my wife...

    If it's both his and his wife's fantasy, I don't see a problem with it. It's a rather common fantasy for a guy to want to see his wife fucked by another man, so what's the difference if it's a porn star?
  43. Smallville417

    Is the tea party the 21st century KKK?

    No I don't, but I do think the hate group element is growing day by day within them.
  44. Smallville417

    My dirtiest little sexual fantasy is...?

    My girlfriend has the same fantasies.
  45. Smallville417

    Angel Dark vs Amy Reid

    I like both, but Angel Dark gets my vote.
  46. Smallville417

    Everyone, Meet Dumb & Dumber!

    The stupidity of people doesn't shock me anymore. So many morons on this planet.
  47. Smallville417

    How often do you masturbate?

    There was a Seinfeld episode where Kramer said he faked it.