Is any one else mystified by the non nude model phenomena? I seriously just don't get it. I mean I can see perfectly clothed chicks just by getting out of the house. Professional swimsuit and lingerie models are one thing. No big deal they are making a living modeling for magazines and catalogs. That I can understand.
However chicks that start up websites like that...seriously? The only product they are selling are themselves, not a line of clothing. I'm not gonna pay for that shit. Don't get me wrong kudos to the chicks that can do it and pull it off. What I don't get is the guys that join the sites.
My feeling is they must be a large group of virgins out there that don't know how to approach a woman. Sustaining these chicks income. I can definitely understand why some guys get cranky when they see a chick open a site and not get naked. Like me they surf porn for uh, porn. Which seriously it's the whole cock tease effect.
It's like you go to a strip club and for some weird reason one chick is allowed to dance and keep her clothes on no matter how much money goes her way. Let's see I go out and see women clothed, if I'm lucky I can bring one home and see her naked..woot woot! Shit I barely pay for porn much less giving a chick money to keep her clothes on.
lol.. imagine a strip club were you pay the chicks to keep their clothes on.
idk I probably just opened up a whole pandora's box here. So let the " discussion " begin!
However chicks that start up websites like that...seriously? The only product they are selling are themselves, not a line of clothing. I'm not gonna pay for that shit. Don't get me wrong kudos to the chicks that can do it and pull it off. What I don't get is the guys that join the sites.
My feeling is they must be a large group of virgins out there that don't know how to approach a woman. Sustaining these chicks income. I can definitely understand why some guys get cranky when they see a chick open a site and not get naked. Like me they surf porn for uh, porn. Which seriously it's the whole cock tease effect.
It's like you go to a strip club and for some weird reason one chick is allowed to dance and keep her clothes on no matter how much money goes her way. Let's see I go out and see women clothed, if I'm lucky I can bring one home and see her naked..woot woot! Shit I barely pay for porn much less giving a chick money to keep her clothes on.
lol.. imagine a strip club were you pay the chicks to keep their clothes on.
idk I probably just opened up a whole pandora's box here. So let the " discussion " begin!