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  1. sporty_carr

    any horror movie fans here ?

    I watched The Midnight Meat Train last night. It could have been good had they done it right....but there was just too much crappy cgi and it ruined it for me.
  2. sporty_carr

    Schwarzenegger's proposal to end welfare

    Now you know HOW I feel :1orglaugh
  3. sporty_carr

    Schwarzenegger's proposal to end welfare

    Reps to you all :hatsoff: You've got it all backwards...its the majority that abuse welfare. You should come live in Texas for awhile. Every person I know of that is on welfare abuse the system. They have 20 kids but somehow manage to drive far better cars than I can afford :wtf: Alls I can...
  4. sporty_carr

    any horror movie fans here ?

    I have to go return some movies :1orglaugh
  5. sporty_carr

    Terminator v Robocop!

    Technically, if they made a movie about it, Robocop would win because he's the good guy....though I'd be rooting for the Terminator.
  6. sporty_carr

    Gunman, guards exchange fire in Holocaust Museum

    That's the main reason we have so many problems with shootings. They keep letting the criminals back out on the street. They finally locked a guy up close to where I live because he finally killed somebody. I say finally because it was like the 5th or 6th shooting he was in (gang related). How...
  7. sporty_carr

    Did man really land on the Moon ?

    Who cares if a man landed on the moon? Now if a man landed on the sun....THAT would be cool.
  8. sporty_carr

    Worst Genre of Music?

    Oh, sorry, I didn't understand you. My bad :o
  9. sporty_carr

    Your favorite Johnny Depp movie

    He kind of uses that same "twitchy" type of character in both movies :1orglaugh
  10. sporty_carr

    Worst Genre of Music?

    You mean like how the MAJORITY liked hair-metal glam bands in the 80s because it was the most POPULAR music back then? Gotcha :thumbsup: Well you can stay in the MAJORITY......while I'll stay way over here in the MINORITY with the good stuff ;) On a sidenote, I seriously doubt rap is the most...
  11. sporty_carr

    any horror movie fans here ?

    Good taste :thumbsup: I own them all on dvd (including Japanese Shutter) with the exception of the Poltergeist series. And yes, American Shutter = crap. I liked Rob's other movies, but I thought Halloween was a disappointment. I guess mostly because of the goofy kid he got to play young...
  12. sporty_carr

    Your favorite Johnny Depp movie

    He resembles Johnny Depp? In what life? :dunno: Anyway, here's my favs: 1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (I laughed my ass off the first time I saw that movie) 2. What's Eating Gilbert Grape 3. Nightmare on Elm Street 4. Pirates of the Caribbean 5. Blow 6. From Hell 7. Ninth Gate I have all...
  13. sporty_carr

    Someone is going to shoot you - you have 2 choices

    They'd probably shoot you neither.
  14. sporty_carr

    Wish She Did Hardcore!?

    Southern Brooke, Ewa Sonnet, Bea Flora and Veronica Zemanova. I'd be willing to fork over some $$$ for dvds with these girls.
  15. sporty_carr

    Worst Genre of Music?

    Totally agree. A better reason to hate rap is because it sucks :D What I don't understand is that if most people say they dislike rap and country (myself included) why is it still popular? :dunno: Emo is pretty shitty too.
  16. sporty_carr

    End The Violence [in Video Games].

    This is a really tired and pointless issue. I first saw the Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th movies when I was about 5. It didn't cause me to go out and start hacking people up once I reached adulthood. It just contributed to a rather large horror dvd collection :D
  17. sporty_carr

    Katie Kox

    Just discovered her today...she's hot!
  18. sporty_carr

    Vicky Vette vs Lisa Ann

  19. sporty_carr

    Lisa Ann vs. Devon Lee

    Lisa as always
  20. sporty_carr

    Most overrated pornstar.

    Tory Lane is underrated if anything. The woman is everything a pornstar should be, beautiful and nasty!
  21. sporty_carr

    Late Term Abortion "Doctor" Murdered

    You mean to tell me Supes and Green Lantern aren't real? :crying: But what about Captain Crunch? He's real, right?
  22. sporty_carr

    Late Term Abortion "Doctor" Murdered

    Yes, thats why we have adoption. There are other types of birth control such as the pill. Or....there's abstinence. If you don't want to worry about having an unwanted baby simply don't have sex.....not really that hard. It doesn't matter if its a life or not? Really!?!?!? Well, I guess you...
  23. sporty_carr

    Late Term Abortion "Doctor" Murdered

    That's your opinion....not a fact. I thought you just said you don't believe in God...why are you thanking Him again? :confused: You must be one of those people that denounce God, but the second you're going down in an airplane you're screaming "Oh God, please Jesus save me!!!" There's no...
  24. sporty_carr

    Priya Raï VS Lisa ANN

    Lisa Ann by far.
  25. sporty_carr

    Did anyone see Eminem on the MTV awards

    Ah yes, how I miss the 90s :( Where did it all go so horribly wrong? :dunno: Oh thats right, Britney Spears and NSync.
  26. sporty_carr

    Southern Brooke

    Hey Brooke, just found out you joined! I'm so glad :D You are by far my favorite solo model and you always look amazing. You know, you kind of remind me of a girl I know....except you have way bigger boobs lol. Welcome to the board beautiful ;)
  27. sporty_carr

    Nina Mercedez or Briana Banks ?

    I like them both, but I went with Nina.
  28. sporty_carr

    Need help to order pornstars

    Tory Lane Ricki White Shyla Stylez Friday Danni Ashe Phoenix Marie Ava Lauren Lily Thai Lucy Lee Kitty Langdon
  29. sporty_carr

    who is your best french pornstar?

    Brigitte Lahaie for sure.
  30. sporty_carr

    Question about rep

    I have a dumb question. Is there a way to see who's given you positive rep, and how do you check it? Thanks.
  31. sporty_carr

    Favorite Eve Lawrence Movie

    All of them :thumbsup:
  32. sporty_carr

    Do you think Carmella Bing has to join Freeones Board ?

    Yeah it would be cool if she did. But I dunno if that will ever happen. You might just have to twist her arm Ezteban.
  33. sporty_carr

    WWE Fans ???

    Well, I haven't had satellite for months so it would be hard for me to say. It would depend which show has the majority of theses stars: Mickey James, Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton and Edge. I think most of the other stars (with the exception of a few divas) are...
  34. sporty_carr

    Favorite Comedian?

    Of those I voted Dane Cook (well, back when he was still funny). But my favorite comedian actor would have to be Ben Stiller. Just his facial expressions get me to crack up lol.
  35. sporty_carr

    Sandee Westgate or Lisa Ann ?

    Always had a thing for Lisa.
  36. sporty_carr

    Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology

    I really don't know much about scientology, but I think the average person probably associates it with Tom Cruise jumping up and down on a couch :dunno: He seems kinda nuts in his private life but he's still a great actor. Valkyrie was an awesome movie.
  37. sporty_carr

    what game are you playing right now?

    Streets of Rage 2, Splatterhouse 2, and Bonk on my Wii virtual console. I'm having a hard time beating Streets, I don't remember it being as hard when I was little lol.
  38. sporty_carr

    Eve Lawrence / Eve Laurence / Envy

    All OSCM's on the board get some kind of asshole that tries to rile them up...I don't know why. I guess its kind of sad in a way... when someone has nothing better to do than get on a porn forum and try to belittle beautiful women to make them feel better about themselves. And as for the...
  39. sporty_carr

    who would you titty fuck?

  40. sporty_carr

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Nina Mercedez
  41. sporty_carr

    Henry Rollins On Evolution...

    So if it was mitosis, how did it become different from itself. If a single celled organism kept replicating identically why is it not larger than the universe by now? It would still be expanding like the universe. And why would we have ever needed sexual reproduction at all?
  42. sporty_carr

    top 10 brests... the biggest, best of all types.

    Eve Laurence Ewa Sonnet Bea Flora Veronica Zemanova Karen McDougal Dylan Ryder Alexandra Nice Harley Raine Denise Milani Rukhsana
  43. sporty_carr

    The most irritating voices in porn

    I think Cherokee's voice is so annoying its kinda hot lol.
  44. sporty_carr

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Saw V.......and I hear they're making a part VI. Are they trying to out do Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street or what? Anyway, it was good, not great. I think part 2 will stay my favorite.
  45. sporty_carr

    carmella bing hot or not

    Of course
  46. sporty_carr

    Hottest Pornstar ... Shortest Career

    Wendi Knight and Isabella Rossa