Gunman, guards exchange fire in Holocaust Museum


How does a guy who has stormed a federal building with a firearm and what he claimed to be a bomb...serve time for that then end up with another firearm?
Maybe the government should employ better door security measures at the Holocaust Museum. :dunno: Why so lackluster ? -> allow for a thorough investigation to take place. ;)

As for how the 'ol fuddy duddy ended up with another firearm ?, like the deeply ingrained racism, you have to treat each case on an individual basis. The mediums for which some people can acquire firearms is infinite.
I'm sure that there will be a thorough investigation, don't you ?

How can you or I even begin to speculate here in the early going the whereabouts as to where the firearm was acquired ?
Maybe he stole it, maybe he bought it illegally from a member of his "organization" that was able to legally buy a firearm. Who knows> I see your point, but Facetious is right, you don't freak out, and deny others, because of this asshole. I have a better question, why was this guy ever let out of prison in the first place? If I understand correctly, he took a bomb into a Federal building? He should still be locked up.

There is no freaking out. There are plenty of cases in which seriously disturbed people have ended up with firearms. This is the 3rd such high profile case in the span of a week.

In each of these cases these were people who clearly should not be in possession of firearms. It ought to be worth investigating what loophole if any allowed these people to acquire them. There most assuredly is some loophole somewhere.

If it was stolen, shouldn't there be more accountability for the stolen firearm? That could take any number of forms.

I as a proud owner of firearms I understand acts like this conspire against the cause of ownership.

I don't want deranged people making firearms look bad...because at the end of it, that is what becomes the villain.

As illustrated by many dumb laws that encroach upon our freedoms, they are passed largely on the wings of popular sentiment against something...rights be damned.:2 cents:
It makes me sad that such idiots (I'm HEAVILY censoring myself here) still exist in this day in age. These white supremacists blame all their failings as individuals on everyone else but themselves. They are cowards who simply can't admit that they aren't smart enough or resourceful enough to succeed and they feel the need to espouse hatred hoping someone will listen. These people make me sick
hey remember when the justice department issued that report a few months ago talking about "right-wing extremists on the rise" and everyone just said it was because he was a blah blah blah...take away our rights.. blah blah blah.

whoops, guess they were right. Better not tell Rush. Or maybe you should. I'm sure he'd be willing to defend this veteran and 2nd amendment champion against the evil liberals trying to violate his civil rights.


The guy was a crochity 88 y/o man with a .22 Long rifle pea shooter for Khrist sake !

How in the hell did he get into the museum with a rifle ?

- conspiracy - :eek: Somebody let it happen :eek:

:grin: (sorta)
Usually they don't have the National Guard and the SWAT team, and on weekends the Navy Seals, standing by at museums.

They usually don't have people walking in with guns and open firing either.
The guy was a crochity 88 y/o man with a .22 Long rifle pea shooter for Khrist sake !

How in the hell did he get into the museum with a rifle ?

- conspiracy - :eek: Somebody let it happen :eek:

:grin: (sorta)

Yeah, just like the Holocaust was a conspiracy too huh?:rolleyes:

And he could be 88, 44 or 22....all are capable of killing with a firearm and as I understand it he used a sawed-off shotgun, he was confronted before he got into the museum and shot in the doorway after he got off a shot.

Conspiracy, meet window...out you go.
Maybe he stole it, maybe he bought it illegally from a member of his "organization" that was able to legally buy a firearm. Who knows> I see your point, but Facetious is right, you don't freak out, and deny others, because of this asshole. I have a better question, why was this guy ever let out of prison in the first place? If I understand correctly, he took a bomb into a Federal building? He should still be locked up.

That's the main reason we have so many problems with shootings. They keep letting the criminals back out on the street. They finally locked a guy up close to where I live because he finally killed somebody. I say finally because it was like the 5th or 6th shooting he was in (gang related). How many times does somebody get to shoot at people before they get locked up?:wtf:
And I'll bet you anything he won't spend the rest of his life in prison for this. Nope, they'll let him out one day and he'll just go shoot someone else.
yes the guy was bigot, yes lock him up. But when you see gang members killing innocent people in drive by shootings and who are stealing or injuring them because they are not belonging to their communities, it is also a form of racism.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
FBI: Child porn on accused museum shooter computer

WASHINGTON – Child pornography was found on a computer belonging to the white supremacist charged with shooting and killing a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the FBI said in court documents.

This just keeps getting better and better. Or worse and worse. Either way this guy is so fucked in the head it is a wonder he didn't have to leave the house every day wearing a helmet.
This shooting has absolutely noting to do with white KKK theory.

The guy is nut but he somehow did not get his social security checks for a few months and has no fxxking money. (He moved in with his son last 2 years because he is broke !)

He did not even enter the security paramenters. When the guard opened the door, he fired and killed him immediately.

The guards are "private security" guards, not Federal agents some are in their 60's retired Army just wants a part-time job as a security guard.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Really? A shooting at a Holocaust museum by a white supremacist wasn't motivated by hate but by the fact he was broke, huh? Yeah they were security officers, I don't think anyone disputes that. So if the shooter entered the parameters and fired at the guard it would have been worse how?

So he didn't get his checks and he blamed...Holocaust survivors? Impeccable logic you have there.
Really? A shooting at a Holocaust museum by a white supremacist wasn't motivated by hate but by the fact he was broke, huh? Yeah they were security officers, I don't think anyone disputes that. So if the shooter entered the parameters and fired at the guard it would have been worse how?

So he didn't get his checks and he blamed...Holocaust survivors? Impeccable logic you have there.

The guy has been a white supremacist for the last 88 years, what make him shoot ?

I am not saying he is not a white supremacist but something triggered him to shoot. :nanner::nanner: $$$$$$$:glugglug: