There has to be something that pushes the borders on what rights are.
Right to bear arms - fully automatic assault rifles. When written, they were talking about your grandad's shotgun.
Freedom of religion - Scientology. When written, no one had ever became rich off of some wacked out idea about religion before they died (L. Ron Hubbard). Or wanted to, because under this same right, they still burned witches at the stake, and imagine how fast they'd be getting the rope while someone was trying to explain what Scientology was all about. The simple fact is anyone can register a religion, and has the right to worship whatever the hell they want. Myself, I don't believe in anything. (And I went to church twice a week growing up all the way up until I moved out on my own. Even went to a christian school!) I think when you die, you're dead....that's it. Karma and all that, it's bs. Shit happens, that's what that is.
If you guys think Scientology is fucked up, my girlfriend is native american. Now some of them believe some fucked up shit, like how a bear supposedly brought the sun up over the mountains, and gave us light, and how spiders did some shit. I feel like sitting down with these people and saying, "Let me get this right, you people believe that a bear brought the sun up over these mountains, and that's why we have the sun today?" You know, just to get some feedback on the matter. I can understand some though, i mean..these were pretty much cavemen before modern civilization got to them, so i can understand the primitive thinking, but to continue to believe this even today....damn.
Anyway, i'll stfu about religion. Where's the TnA!?