This, if anything, will cause even more piracy to happen. People will go out of their way to get their consoles sorted so as they can play illegal copies as well as legit copies. Now if it caught on over seas [The UK and US for example] then we would be up shit creek without a paddle. For the world of gaming [and the world it's self] would be a sad place with just Nintendo games and consoles out there. FUCK THAT SHIT. I would rather stick two pencils up my nose and then headbutt a table than play a Nintendo game. I'd rather jump off of the top of the Empire State Building and hope to catch my eye lid on a rusty nail on the way down than play a Nintendo console.
What do you guys think of this article?. Should we be worried? or should we just laugh it off as Germany already are too hard on movies and games as it is. Is this just the Jerries going Politically Correct?. Are they blowing things way out of proportion?. Your views please.
This, if anything, will cause even more piracy to happen. People will go out of their way to get their consoles sorted so as they can play illegal copies as well as legit copies. Now if it caught on over seas [The UK and US for example] then we would be up shit creek without a paddle. For the world of gaming [and the world it's self] would be a sad place with just Nintendo games and consoles out there. FUCK THAT SHIT. I would rather stick two pencils up my nose and then headbutt a table than play a Nintendo game. I'd rather jump off of the top of the Empire State Building and hope to catch my eye lid on a rusty nail on the way down than play a Nintendo console.
What do you guys think of this article?. Should we be worried? or should we just laugh it off as Germany already are too hard on movies and games as it is. Is this just the Jerries going Politically Correct?. Are they blowing things way out of proportion?. Your views please.