Search results

  1. sporty_carr

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Trick r Treat
  2. sporty_carr

    Obama's Czars push abortion agenda

    Yes they do. YES!!! Best news I've read in this forum so far.......only 3 more years.
  3. sporty_carr

    Blue vs Balls

    Can one really coexist without the other? Somebody should do a study. Somebody should also do a study as to which part is most racist.
  4. sporty_carr

    Hottest Winter Olympian

    Re: Best Looking Winter Olympian Veronica Zuzuzulover
  5. sporty_carr

    New Study Links Religion and Racism

  6. sporty_carr

    Top 10 Sexiest Songs

    Where's Creeping Death by Metallica? :confused:
  7. sporty_carr

    Biden says Iraq is the greatest achievement of this Administration

    I thought the second greatest achievement was that time Obama got on Jay Leno? No wait, maybe it was when Obama got on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man? :dunno:
  8. sporty_carr

    Any plans for Valentines Day???

    When is Valentines Day?
  9. sporty_carr

    Myspace vs facebook vs taged

    I hate them all. Social butterflies that have 1500 friends on myspace should have a needle shoved through them and be mounted on a so:
  10. sporty_carr

    Would you rather for 12 hours be...?

    I miss Fear Factor. :(
  11. sporty_carr

    Would you rather...

    I'm going with option C. I will beat, rape and kill the guy who tries to beat, rape and kill them.
  12. sporty_carr

    L3ggy vs Whimsy

    My vote has to be bought. Bree Olsen said she'd give blowjobs for votes. What are you guys willing to give me?..........Other than herpes of course.
  13. sporty_carr

    Are you happy about your President/Prime Minister/leader/whatever his called ?

    High five! Hi! My name a Borat. I like a you. I like a sex. I don't like a my leader because he tries to use his gypsy magics to "change" people. :mad:
  14. sporty_carr

    Is anybody having trouble with freeones board?

    Trouble??? No, there's no trouble at all. What are you trying to suggest? That I have some kind of problem because I'm on the board 23 hours a day? There's nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly normal.....normal I tell you. :nanner::helpme::crying: I must go take my 3 minute...
  15. sporty_carr

    Tito and Jameson berate Coleman after UFC loss

    Coleman should stomp a mud hole in Ortiz's ass and walk it dry!
  16. sporty_carr

    New Rob Zombie

    I saw that tour El Paso. Did he have that crazy giant robot walking around on stage at your show too?
  17. sporty_carr

    Megadeth Vs. Metalica

    How do you know they wouldn't be MEGALLICA?
  18. sporty_carr

    Vote for first impression!

    Amy Anderssen for me.
  19. sporty_carr

    Fun Game: 3 decisions on 3 playboy models!

    This game should be called - What Would O.J. Do?
  20. sporty_carr

    The most important woman's body parts

    The cervical mucus plug.
  21. sporty_carr

    What is nostalgia good for?

    :sing: Nostalgia, HUH!, YEAH! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing UH-HUH! Nostalgia, HUH!, YEAH! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Say it again, y'all :sing:
  22. sporty_carr


    It's supposed to snow here tomorrow (Tx). It'll probably be gone the next day, though. It could be worse. This guy says it's snowing shitballs where he lives. :eek:
  23. sporty_carr

    Holy shitballs!!!! we're getting pounded by a blizzard here...

    It's snowing shitballs there?!?! :eek: You'd better record it and post it on youtube.
  24. sporty_carr

    Jessica Alba's twin.

  25. sporty_carr

    Where Are You Watching The Super Bowl At?

    An alternate dimension.
  26. sporty_carr

    Whats goin on bros

    What's up brosephusias.
  27. sporty_carr

    Is this picture controversial?

    Nice................ the chunks of corn make it seem 3-D. Kind of like watching Avatar.........but with much more talent involved.
  28. sporty_carr

    "Unknown creature" has 2 types of DNA???

    That's why I ALWAYS read the posts before clicking a link. :thumbsup:
  29. sporty_carr

    Is this picture controversial?

    ^ Are those red squigly lines blood or spaghetti?
  30. sporty_carr

    Megadeth Vs. Metalica

    Dave that you?
  31. sporty_carr

    You're all losers!!!

    Vote for Eve Laurence!!! < shameless plug > :wave2:
  32. sporty_carr

    It's no cussing week.

    Actually....I was censoring, "Well Fry That Shrimp!" because I didn't want to offend any animal rights activists that might be on this board. Thanks for screwing it up.
  33. sporty_carr

    Megadeth Vs. Metalica

  34. sporty_carr

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    Would you have sex with this thing?
  35. sporty_carr

    'Internet addiction' linked to depression, says study

    That article depresses me. :(
  36. sporty_carr

    You're all losers!!!

    Andronicus.....SSHHHHHHHH!!!!! I don't want you to have to taste the cold chunky chicken soup too! :crying:
  37. sporty_carr

    World's First Life-Size 'Sexbot' Unveiled

    It has begun. Cindy!?!?! They've turned you into a robot!?!?!
  38. sporty_carr

    Attacker throws animal semen over girls in Bury

    I thought his name was Bacon Salt? :dunno:
  39. sporty_carr

    It's no cussing week.

    Well F@#^$$#$^ That Sh*#*!
  40. sporty_carr

    You're all losers!!!

    Don't ask, don't tell is a very important policy. I for one think they should keep it. I mean, could you even begin to imagine the chaos it would cause if soldiers started going around telling eachother if they're circumsized or not? "My dick looks better than yours because it's circumsized!"...
  41. sporty_carr

    what game are you playing right now?

    Tales of Vesperia for the 360. If you're into RPGs you should definitely check it out.
  42. sporty_carr

    Favorite Video Game Franchise?

    That's a hard choice, but I'm gonna go with Resident Evil. But Zelda, Final Fantasy, Mega Man, and Mario are all favorites as well.
  43. sporty_carr

    You're all losers!!!

    But it isn't real! Her boobs are obviously implants and I can tell she's been airbrushed. Not always friend.................. Not always. Oh, but the horrors I have seen. :eek:
  44. sporty_carr

    You're all losers!!!

    That kind of language will not be tolerated here.
  45. sporty_carr

    You're all losers!!!

    Japanese porn? :confused:
  46. sporty_carr

    I'm going to rep you harder and faster next you better be ready!

    I'm going to rep you harder and faster next you better be ready!
  47. sporty_carr

    Captain America Vs Batman

    Uh oh.......................FANBOY FIGHT!!!!!!!! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!!!!!!!!:scream:
  48. sporty_carr

    You're all losers!!!

    Poor guy, you're new here aren't you? Whatever you do, don't ever look them in the eyes.....and never turn your back on them!