i'll use your post to make my point, if thats ok with you hr.
ok, i'm gonna do it anyway
are you employed sir?
if you are you really have no problem with money being taken from your check each week to buy condoms for people you dont know to fuck each other be it in the vagina, butt or any other hole?
you dont mind that?
how bout money being taken out of your check each week to pay for an abortion for some chic that you dont know or didnt impregnate?
no problem?
if not, you sir are a damn fool.
legalized abortion is one thing, taxpayers being forced to pay for rubbers, birth control pills , morning after pills , any contraceptives and paying for abortions is wrong
My answer:
d) Yes to all of the above.
That's more great news. I should be getting a phone call from Obama any minute now to ask me if I'm willing to accept being appointed to be one of his "Anti-Hypocritical NeoCon Czars"
ok hr, at least your honest about it.
personally i dont think GOV should be involved in providing contraceptives or aiding abortions.
not At all.
It wasnt what was intended at the start of this great country and its just not fair to the working people to have to pay for such things.
Oh boo hoo. We should award your for paying taxes, I guess.
now its that attitude that just begs GOV to bend you over and fuck you in the buttocks.
the government is their to represent the people, for the people, by the people, not just waste their money on things like contraceptives and actually helping pay for and arrange abortions under the guise of a government funded program they call "family planning",plus a million other things.
when a GOV gets too big its suppose to be up to the people to change it, check it.
it seems now that is impossible.
we have lost that power, now the servant is the master.
too bad, for that i do say boo hoo.
Lulz....Dude I worry more about the BNP than some lefty uprising....Fact is lefties never run anything in the west.....If Obama has appointed some Czar's lulz which I am highly skeptical off btw they sure as hell wont be lefties after a term or so in office.....Politics the quickest and surest way to compromise anyone's personal beliefs, get shafted in the ass and swallowed by the dirty capitalist system in place:rofl:
huh, wow.
He's correct.
Forcing someone to pay for something that goes against what they believe is wrong.
You need to change your name. :nono:
yep, especially this.
imagine the founding fathers during the signing of the declaration saying "wait, we forgot to include an article to buy rubbers and diaphrams so poor people can fuck more and pay for and set up abortions if they dont use them"
its crazy.
No problem with it. Should all out £ only go to ourselves without assisting our fellow man/woman?!?
Its not foolish to be fine with my money, in the form of tax, to be spent to assist others via social programmes such as health or the Welfare State.
mrt there are already so many social programs in existence, free rent,reduced housing, free food, free medical, free spending money, tax credits(a clever disguise that literally means giving a check of 2,500 to even 7 or 8 thousand dollars per year to people who paid absolutely no federal, state taxes or social security payments because they fucked and had a few or more kids)
how do you think probably about 25% of the US population and growing survives these days?
so in a literal sense the working citizens are already paying for this group to fuck,get pregnate and have kids they cant afford.
So is not paying for their rubbers or helping out with their abortions really too much to ask?