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  1. AFA

    Rescue plan seeks $700B to buy bad mortgages

    WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is asking Congress to let the government buy $700 billion in toxic mortgages in the largest financial bailout since the Great Depression, according to a draft of the plan obtained Saturday by The Associated Press...
  2. AFA

    Paying more taxes is Patriotic?

    About paying taxes. Why do people have so much trouble with this? It's like paying your bills. When you get a credit card bill, you have to pay it, and that takes a portion of your income. The higher the balance, the more you pay. When you run up about $7 Trillion in debt during your...
  3. AFA

    [SOLVED] Helen E Met-Art

    No problem with the link I can see.
  4. AFA

    Gabrielle Lupin / Piper Fawn / Faith Lightspeed / Ariel

    Re: Gabrielle Lupin / Piper Fawn / Faith Lightspeed Old?
  5. AFA

    Sarah Palin action figure!

    I've had mine for weeks now, and in true Disney movie form it looks good but never says anything important. :dunno:
  6. AFA

    What are you reading now?

    The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict "An educated but conservative estimate of the true cost of the war. Begs the question as to how this money could have been more wisely spent on huge tax rate cuts, paid tuition for university educations for millions of Americans...
  7. AFA

    Biggest Bailout Ever: Did the Government Go Too Far?

    Biggest Bailout Ever: Did the Government Go Too Far? So of course the stock market goes up when the US puts itself into greater debt? :rolleyes: So what are the costs? Almost certainly: Higher taxes Higher interest rates on government debt Bigger government deficits When the alternative is...
  8. AFA

    Introducing....The Dildo Bike !!!

    I guess you have to buy special riding pants, and it might also be good to go downhill at the end of the ride so you can pedal faster. :)
  9. AFA

    ID'd For Medicine???...

    Around here, there are cops sitting in the Walgreen's parking lots all the time. I see they everytime I drive by as there were a number of robberies of various cold remedies to get the ingredients needed, pseudoephedrine or ephedrine, the active ingredients in over-the-counter drugs such as...
  10. AFA

    Full ID to Gabriela please

    Very pretty. I think I dreamed about her but never saw her before. :)
  11. AFA

    Thanks for cheering me up yesterday! :)

    Thanks for cheering me up yesterday! :)
  12. AFA

    Blonde teen

    Marina C.
  13. AFA

    Palin's husband refuses to testify in probe

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's husband has refused to testify in the investigation of his wife's alleged abuse of power, and a key lawmaker said Thursday that uncooperative witnesses are effectively sidetracking the probe until after Election Day...
  14. AFA

    Just Teen Site Blonde Sofiya

    I saw that beforeyou changed it. Never saw that happen before. :dunno:
  15. AFA

    Just Teen Site Blonde Sofiya

    Weird. I tried to paste it and got a dotted line. I had to type it all in. Looks good, then it goes to the main site link. :dunno:
  16. AFA

    Just Teen Site Blonde Sofiya

  17. AFA

    Just Teen Site Blonde Sofiya

    I thought I posted this before. Maybe not. No links, sorry. Aqua
  18. AFA

    Till Death Do Us Part...

    Or a divorce. People should give themselves time to heal. Jumping into another relationship I think shows insecurity, and is probably doomed to failure. However like everything else in this society, everything is disposable including people.
  19. AFA

    Contest Results! 3 months FREE to Chica's Official Site!!

    I'm bewildered. I slept through this whole contest!
  20. AFA

    What's The Weirdest Thing That's Ever Been In Your Body...

    Plaque! It's there if I like it or not!
  21. AFA

    Sarah Palin

    I'm still thinking she's a joke candidate, and Steve Jobs is going to pop out with a big laugh. Seriously! I think the blonde down the street has about the same credentials, but I have a better chance of getting laid. I say! It's time to stand up for blondes!
  22. AFA

    Post your favorite music videos

    Everybody knows I like Bush. Little Things Comedown
  23. AFA

    Pro-life is Palin's agenda!

    I was going to comment, but thought she would probably change her position by the time I did. :dunno:
  24. AFA

    Post your favorite music videos

    Another variation on some great sounds from Pat Metheny. I just think this knocks the term excellent right out of the vocabulary. Are You Going With Me?
  25. AFA

    What's The Weirdest Thing That's Ever Been In Your Body...

    A big bottle of Bacardi Select with some Coca Cola seems like a great idea at first :throwup:
  26. AFA

    What's The Weirdest Thing That's Ever Been In Your Body...

    Sorry to be boring. Just stuff I regreted later. :dunno:
  27. AFA

    Do Freeone's members deserve the big bucks for predicting the obvious?

    No, No, No, he just changed that! Forget what he said before in the ministry of truth, (1984). Now he says the economy is in trouble and something has to be done! Didn't you watch the news 5 minutes ago silly boy? Everything is different now! You want reality, watch CBS Survivor! Jeff...
  28. AFA

    Do Freeone's members deserve the big bucks for predicting the obvious?

    Well, a little while ago I happened to mention those dicks in Enron who said the same thing, (just like the Bush admin), almost got off the hook as most have done in the past. The rest of us are still figuring out how to pay our taxes, and then buy food and gas before this new $7 Trillion debt...
  29. AFA

    Send me more pics!

    Send me more pics!
  30. AFA

    $85 million as a bail-out?

    I only print what I need. I'm not selfish, just a true repub. And just think, that new car that was un-affordable at $700 in 1955 would be no problem to buy today with your credit card on a month working minimum wage at Walmart! Trickle down economics? Wake up!
  31. AFA

    Any suggestions for a Costa Rica vacation?

    I have not been to Costa Rica but always was curious about it. Best bet is to Google it for the official tourist info site as a place to start.
  32. AFA

    Do Freeone's members deserve the big bucks for predicting the obvious?

    On top of the 504 point fall on Monday. I guess there's just no more free money for the selfish assholes that run the US? Chances are there is one or two more fools readly to bet on the Bush economy in the name of "freedom, democracy or the war on terror"? :dunno: The Dow Jones industrial...
  33. AFA

    Are you worried about the economy?

    Like going to Las Vegas, getting every cushy perk you can, gambling way over your heads into the tens of billions in debt and having someone wipe the slate clean. Reminds me of the situation with imprisoned execs in the past. Cushy internment, then they write a book and make millions. But...
  34. AFA

    HELP! Picked up a virus guys and I'm not talking an STD

    Good. Case closed. Report it to a moderator if and when it happens. :thumbsup:
  35. AFA

    young looking blonde..

    Not Sarah Peachez
  36. AFA

    Leave Palin alone !!!

    Oh, my mistake. I first thought that was Palin after becoming President in her first official crisis in the White House.
  37. AFA

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Yep, Fight Club is terrific Try Network
  38. AFA

    What makes people vote republican

    This is the new reality;
  39. AFA

    Michael Moore says watch his new film for free.

    I dont see all the anger toward him. All his films have had a lot to say and seem to reflect the attitude of the underdogs at the hands of those in control, (or should I say with the power but out of control?) Roger and Me, Sicko, Farenheit 9/11 all had a lot to say. When he did his TV show...
  40. AFA

    Obama trying to use US Soldiers as political football...

    The original article seems very biased. According to this, from the news, (the TV video with the text below), the Bush proposal is to keep the number of troops basically intact until the new President takes office; Bush said Tuesday that he would keep the...
  41. AFA

    What makes people vote republican

    More info. I remember Rumsfeld smuggly flipping off the experts as having no idea what they were talking about. He should be doing jail time with the rest of that crowd.; When Larry Lindsey, then head of the National Economic Council, estimated in 2002 that the looming war on Iraq might cost...
  42. AFA

    Wall Street awakes to 2 storied firms falling

    Also bad news today to be ignored because everything is great! (I got nothing on Britney today) Fed holds fresh AIG crisis talks,dwp_uuid=e8477cc4-c820-11db-b0dc-000b5df10621.html
  43. AFA

    What makes people vote republican

    Like robots, really. It doesn't matter how obvious it all is. It is like that good feeling the German Youth said they felt when the Fuhrer took the stage. Religion too. No matter what the facts, people want it. Priests blessed troops on both sides of WW2 didn't they? And we've been told...
  44. AFA

    Neverending wipe?

    And I thought there was some stupid stuff in the political threads! :dunno:
  45. AFA

    Help me finding this font for free.

    I don't know but I think it's because we're not all comics, some of us are Gil Sans? :dunno:
  46. AFA

    What makes people vote republican

    It's appaling, but people do what they're told and are happy to have someone else come up with catch phrases, like freedom, democracy, war on terror, blah blah blah. Oh, it makes them feel they have conviction in something important, oh, another famous line, "Stay the course", even when going...
  47. AFA

    What makes people vote republican

    You might like to look at this, I just ordered it; The Three Trillion Dollar War From Publishers Weekly Starred Review. Readers may be surprised to learn just how difficult it was for Nobel Prize-winning economist Stiglitz...
  48. AFA

    Wall Street awakes to 2 storied firms falling

    Yes, like a desperate person shooting up a bank, I think that's the reason so many politicians this election believe/d a stronger US, doesn't mean financially but dump more future debt into military hardware and then take what you want. Like pirates! Arrgh!
  49. AFA

    What makes people vote republican

    Haha! That's pretty funny. Kids are sure to believe that's true! You know the Spanish Conquistadors did just about the same stuff in South America for God and Country.
  50. AFA

    Wall Street awakes to 2 storied firms falling

    Don't worry, there's plenty of money in the US. Don't believe these un- American looking guys like Dave Walker, things are great, politically sound, and much better now than when he first said this; Dave Walker, GAO, not saying anything very patriotic or very stupid either...