Help me finding this font for free.

Hi I'd like to download the Gill Sans Regular font for free but I can't find it anywhere...:dunno:

I would thank you guys so much if you could find it for me.:thumbsup:

Please help me


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You don't have to be so smart because what do you don't understand at the word FREE. If you clicked you would have seen it costs 30 dollars there...

I'm not going to click through a bunch of extra links to find something that you want. Am I supposed to do everything? Do you want me to download and install it to your computer too?

:takes his ball and goes home:
Search via rapid-share or mega-upload. I'm pretty sure you will find it out there somewhere.
Tsk.. and I would have had you down as a 'Wingdings' man.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm fond of Lucida Console, honestly.

A length of wasted time when I was younger had me browsing through all available fonts to choose the one that seemed the most like 'me'. I liked Lucida.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I liked Lucinda Cockhole.. but that's another story.

Now that.. is a perfectly good transsexual name. Hmm..

What is that formula for coming up with your proper drag-queen name? Your first dog... and your mother's maiden name.

King Jaeger. It's not very drag, but it's a good drinking persona. Jaegerbombs, anyone?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Now that.. is a perfectly good transsexual name. Hmm..

What is that formula for coming up with your proper drag-queen name? Your first dog... and your mother's maiden name.

King Jaeger. It's not very drag, but it's a good drinking persona. Jaegerbombs, anyone?

Mine would be Dutchess, that's awesome.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND