Search results

  1. Spleen

    Freediver sets new world record by swimming 150m through an underwater cave

    Incredible. Shame he has to share his Guinness record with people who stick pegs to their face and dogs with slightly longer tongues than usual.
  2. Spleen

    Cell Phone Text Messaging Styles

    I think it's better, but that's just me. Any reason you hate it so much?
  3. Spleen

    UK TV Newsreaders
  4. Spleen

    Best Sports Person of 2010

    Barack Obama. I don't even care that he cheated on his wife with so many women, he's still a great golfer, and that's all that matters.
  5. Spleen

    what is this position called?

    Me and my girl call it the Al Sharpton Pony Stand.
  6. Spleen

    i have chickenpox

    It's brilliant. Four fifths of deaths from chicken-pox are in adults. It's far worse for you when you get older, you should definitely go out of your way to make your child get them.
  7. Spleen

    Does my INDIAN wife have what it takes to be a centrefold?

    Then why is she wearing a wedding ring in the first photo?
  8. Spleen

    What are you listening to right now?

    There is a difference between letting people know what you are listening to an outright post-count spamming. Saying "I'm listening to Powerage" would have done. You could have put all the links in one post instead of several. Stop getting all pissy about it, it's called common sense.
  9. Spleen

    jodi marsh

    Definitely not the same 'white woman', I do see a slight resemblance.
  10. Spleen

    Britain-France military co-operation

    Dude, did you read it? There is only one battle of france that is called THE BATTLE OF FRANCE. THE BATTLE OF FRANCE
  11. Spleen

    California's weed legalization goes up in smoke

    Damn, that's close! I'm sure they'll get it next time.
  12. Spleen

    Britain-France military co-operation

    France may have been in many battles, but there is only one "Battle of France".
  13. Spleen

    Ladies: An Anal sex questionaire

    Maybe that is #1. But #2 is definitely; Deb, ew.
  14. Spleen

    Ladies: An Anal sex questionaire

    And how many of the OCSMs need to answer these questions for us to know? If they do anal, we probably know about it. On the other hand, if it's in their private life, maybe they won't want to talk about it. They don't have the joy of anonymity like the rest of us posters have.
  15. Spleen

    Ladies: An Anal sex questionaire

    I look forward to the responses from the female members of this board. All two of them.
  16. Spleen

    Fuck all the political threads

    Name your top 3 hobbies or interests...
  17. Spleen

    The McRib is Back!

    It never really caught on much in the UK. Still, if I want ribs, I'll get me some actual ribs, not centipede legs in the shape of ribs
  18. Spleen

    Samantha Kelly

    Re: last day of website special! hurry! Jesus, you look like you could kick the shit out of me. Luckily I'm a bit of a masochist.
  19. Spleen

    Fuck all the political threads

    I wouldn't worry about it, you'll probably never encounter one.
  20. Spleen

    Fuck all the political threads

    We need a seperate forum for politics. Call it the "Ctrl+C Ctrl+V" subforum.
  21. Spleen

    10 year old in Spain gives birth

    This was incredibly shocking until I realised the girl was actually Romanian.
  22. Spleen

    I was just laid off reccently...

    Job market is the same all over the world I see...
  23. Spleen

    Britain-France military co-operation

    Not invading Iraq wouldn't count as surrendering though. The Battle of France, however...
  24. Spleen

    Minidog, Minidog. Wherefore art thou Minidog?

    Minidog, Minidog. Wherefore art thou Minidog?
  25. Spleen

    What are you listening to right now?

    Born2Jizz. You're listening to Powerage. We get it. You don't need to post every song.
  26. Spleen

    Messed up traffic

    Saw it coming, but didn't want to ruin it. Usually I put "And stop drinking" at the end :1orglaugh.
  27. Spleen

    Fuck you!!

    That's hardly fair. Influence isn't theft. Bob Marley didn't invent Raggae, he was influenced by others.
  28. Spleen

    Britain-France military co-operation

    Does that mean we have to surrender next time war threatens our country? Never heard a french military joke before?
  29. Spleen

    Fuck you!!

    You say that like they are some kind of rip-off... Rancid have been around just as long as Sublime and 311! Not to insult Sublime, they are a much better band IMO.
  30. Spleen

    The Black Keys - The first good band mentioned in one of these threads?

    A zombie bump with a purpose... Seeing the Black Keys tomorrow night, can't fucking wait. I spent far too long NOT listening to these guys, only got into them earlier this year. Who doesn't love blues rock, eh?
  31. Spleen

    What are you listening to right now?

    As much Black Keys as possible, going to see them in London tomorrow night!
  32. Spleen

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    USA is jealous because Canada is better. I'm not trying to suck up to you, I couldn't give a damn, it's just a fact.
  33. Spleen

    It's election day in the USA... are you voting??

    Vote YES on Search Thread.
  34. Spleen

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    You fellas might enjoy this;
  35. Spleen

    Prisoners in UK to get the Vote

    When you commit crimes, you give up your rights. That's why they're in prison. Did everyone wake up stupid today?
  36. Spleen

    Obama's Change Slogan

    Since Obama became president, I've noticed that Obama is president. Not much else.
  37. Spleen

    The world in 50 years- place your predictions!

    I'm not sure why you are laughing. The trouble in Afghanistan will not be over in our lifetime, and it's quite possible that troops will be there the entire time. It's actually a pretty realisitc scenario. Do some research, you'll see.
  38. Spleen

    The world in 50 years- place your predictions!

    Sure, there will be a few pandemics which we are long overdue, but I'm not sure if they will be on an apocalyptic scale like some scientists claim. My prediction; American troops will still be fighting in Afghanistan.
  39. Spleen

    The Reason I am Back

    That's too bad, man. It's just the human body, I don't get it either. Keith Richards is still alive FFS, and yet young healthy people die for almost no apparent reason... I hope those kidney stones were caught in time to be broken down and not passed?
  40. Spleen

    Prisoners in UK to get the Vote

    Yeah, you're right. We should probably free them as well. After all, they are human...
  41. Spleen

    finding the right shemale

    And then all of a sudden you realise you know all the words to I Will Survive.
  42. Spleen

    finding the right shemale

    Fucking girls is for poofs.
  43. Spleen

    Gentlemen, how Protective Were/Are You of Your Sisters and Mom?

    Not very, both more than capable of looking after themselves. Girlfriends and girl---friends is a different story. I'm extremely paranoid about bad things happening to girlfriends, as a few things have happened in the past. I don't let it get in the way, I'd never stop them from doing what they...
  44. Spleen

    finding the right shemale

    Traditionally, you should spend one whole months salary on your shemale. Or was that engagement ring? Same thing.
  45. Spleen

    Prisoners in UK to get the Vote

    Pathetic. It makes no fucking sense. This guy I know, a teenager, he was constantly getting himself into trouble. It was mainly small crimes, vandalism etc, but the police put him into a program that took him into prison to see what life was like inside. It's obviously meant to put people on...
  46. Spleen

    Does my INDIAN wife have what it takes to be a centrefold?

    Ha, sadly that phony quit the board a long time ago. No doubt she's here somewhere under another user name.
  47. Spleen

    The Walking Dead on AMC

    I fucking hope not, Romero tried that same shit and it ruined his entire franchise.
  48. Spleen

    Tattoos on tits...

    I think Belladonnas is one of the best on any pornstar. She had taken it a little far though, but the one on her chest is awesome and instantly recognizable.
  49. Spleen

    Does my INDIAN wife have what it takes to be a centrefold?

    Are people just ignoring what I pointed out? WHERE IS HER WEDDING RING?! In the first one she's wearing it, second one, not so much... Could be proof of a different woman?
  50. Spleen

    It's officially over between me and chica :crying:

    You know those little loops on the back of your shoes that help you put them on?