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  1. Becks...poamr

    Comments about my pornstar fiance

    I sincerely hope you both enjoy having herpes.
  2. Becks...poamr

    Death Row Inmate Removes & Eats His Remaining Eye Ball

    :eek: Words can't describe.
  3. Becks...poamr

    Make easy $$$ money

    Ask Senob. I don't have a clue.
  4. Becks...poamr

    Gotti neighbor was dissolved in acid

    I am not surprised.
  5. Becks...poamr

    Saying "I Love You"...

    A few, and I meant it every time. Chef, do I really need to profess my love for you on this board? I let the world know every day as it is...
  6. Becks...poamr

    Make easy $$$ money

    I've already reached minion status with someone else.
  7. Becks...poamr

    TV commercials that annoy you?

    At least 95% of all TV commercials annoy me...add a few more percentage points when I'm PMSing.
  8. Becks...poamr

    Scariest Day of My Life.

    Well, reading this sucked time out of my life that I'll never get back. :ban:
  9. Becks...poamr

    Looking forward to the summer...

    Chef stole my answer.
  10. Becks...poamr

    What do you do on the internet?

    I have done that many times. Aside from Wikipedia, let me think... MySpace Facebook (and the other five with it) I Google stuff various other sites in my AOHell favorite places, depending on my mood
  11. Becks...poamr

    Schools spent $67K on cappuccino machines

    I am speechless.
  12. Becks...poamr

    Does your significant other know you have a freeones account?

    Keeping in mind that Senob's the one who got me to join this board...
  13. Becks...poamr


    I swear more than Senob does...and he's the one born in Brooklyn and raised in New Jersey!!!
  14. Becks...poamr

    If you won the lotto tommorrow what would you do?

    Yes, you can but...I suspect different motives. :1orglaugh Honestly? In July. Hell, I worked all but two days in July, and one of those days was the last day. My first day of unemployment, so I could pack up and move to WI. At least two of the store managers knew I busted my ass day in...
  15. Becks...poamr

    If you won the lotto tommorrow what would you do?

    Thanks most kindly for the quality leer. Must everything have a price?
  16. Becks...poamr

    My Friends Mom...

    You're a sad, pathetic person. And when, exactly, did I ask if she was divorced? Shady.
  17. Becks...poamr

    Happy new year to yourself, too. :D

    Happy new year to yourself, too. :D
  18. Becks...poamr

    Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. I'll let you decide.

    Maybe it was. Maybe it wasn't. I'll let you decide.
  19. Becks...poamr

    Escaped beaver fells river trees

    Too funny for words.:1orglaugh
  20. Becks...poamr

    Congressional Pay Raise Secured

    ...And people are SURPRISED by this?
  21. Becks...poamr

    Favorite Band/Song

    Favorite bands--MetallicA, Godsmack, AnAkA Favorite songs--almost anything by any of the three
  22. Becks...poamr

    My Friends Mom...

    How come one of the chicks in the first pic looks like Paris Hilton?
  23. Becks...poamr

    Favorite Pornstar or Favorite Celebrity: Which Would You Rather Fuck?

    I chose celebrity. Why? I have no favorite pornstar, and I oddly crush on Charlie Sheen and John Cusack.
  24. Becks...poamr

    2008 The Year in Sport -- In review

    He just goes down a slide and then waves a Brewers flag. I miss the mug.
  25. Becks...poamr

    Only time I holler is when I have an orgasm. :tongue:

    Only time I holler is when I have an orgasm. :tongue:
  26. Becks...poamr

    I hope your Christmas was snazzy, and may 2009 be a fantastic year. Not to jinx it, but it...

    I hope your Christmas was snazzy, and may 2009 be a fantastic year. Not to jinx it, but it hasn't been so very cold yet very often...the snow, however... IT SUCKS!!!!!!
  27. Becks...poamr

    2008 The Year in Sport -- In review

    Highlight: Milwaukee Brewers making it to the playoffs. Lowlight: Milwaukee Brewers losing in the playoffs. (But at least they weren't swept!!!)
  28. Becks...poamr

    Disgraceful Human Beings Today

    I am not surprised.
  29. Becks...poamr

    This is so annoying...any other recent grads?

    :looking around at friends and family: They're working the same kind of job that I am. They went to college. I did not. I saved myself THOUSANDS of dollars to work retail. Yay me!! :nanner:
  30. Becks...poamr

    If you won the lotto tommorrow what would you do?

    I'd get lipsuction and a boob job.
  31. Becks...poamr

    I tried to post my favorites, but someone out there keeps deleting them. It's a conspiracy...

    I tried to post my favorites, but someone out there keeps deleting them. It's a conspiracy against me and my male harem, I tell you!!!
  32. Becks...poamr

    $10,000 in a box of crackers!

    It said in the story that no reward was given.
  33. Becks...poamr

    Name my duck

  34. Becks...poamr

    what's ur occupation?

    FreeOnes groupie for hire.
  35. Becks...poamr

    Anyone grab sale bargain?

    I stocked up on next year's Christmas cards and wrapping paper. :dunno:
  36. Becks...poamr

    101 Year Old Woman to be evicted from her house...for 6 Months.

    They're being naive on that.
  37. Becks...poamr

    $10,000 in a box of crackers!

    The things people find because of other people.
  38. Becks...poamr

    Irony, sarcasm and sardonic wrath.

    Works for me. :D
  39. Becks...poamr

    Lost one of my black socks, and then there was one. What do I do?

    I think your sock stopped over here yesterday to see Senob. If I had read this post earlier, I would've crossed the street to the Greyhound station and sent it back home.
  40. Becks...poamr

    It's that time of the year again / Merry Christmas FreeOnes people

    Senob's not doing it for ya anymore? :dunno:
  41. Becks...poamr

    christmas eve: opening gift(s) at midnight?

    When I was younger, we'd open one present each on Christmas Eve, then save the rest for the next morning. I think we stopped doing that when my mommy was not longer making enough money at her job to afford to get presents for me and my sister.
  42. Becks...poamr

    Sports team you hate the most

    Any teams except the Milwaukee Brewers and the NY Mets. And maybe occasionally a Chicago team or two. Depends on my mood and the standings. :tongue:
  43. Becks...poamr

    Christmas Eve Massacre

    Fucked up shit.
  44. Becks...poamr

    Irony, sarcasm and sardonic wrath.

    Both, I imagine. Now if we had a decent leering smiley, I'd have a better idea.
  45. Becks...poamr

    Senob escaped from his cage AGES ago. He's just being his usual occasionally slackerish self...

    Senob escaped from his cage AGES ago. He's just being his usual occasionally slackerish self. I'll try to harass him into coming online. I hope your Christmas was mad snazzy and full of fun.
  46. Becks...poamr

    Thanks most kindly for the Christmas wishes. :) I hope you had a wonderful day.

    Thanks most kindly for the Christmas wishes. :) I hope you had a wonderful day.
  47. Becks...poamr

    Purple squirrel

    I have seen common gray squirrels. Common brown squirrels. I've seen BLACK ones, and albino ones, too. And now, I have seen a purple one. Next on the list--plaid.
  48. Becks...poamr

    Favorite weak beverage?!

    Water. :tongue:
  49. Becks...poamr

    Chicago sheriff baits fugitives

    Somebody watches House. :1orglaugh
  50. Becks...poamr

    VHS era is winding down

    I think I FINALLY know what to get Senob for Christmas...