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  1. Boothbabe

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? VeraBaby :D
  2. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Let me guess, you're a lesbian trapped in a mans body :1orglaugh This is my most recent picture. My wife wanted a photo of me for on her office desk so I had it taken last week by a professional photographer :)
  3. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

  4. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

  5. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    If that's how you feel I should thank you both because that's my hiney :) But I do have to say I like it a lot more that Vera likes my ass :D
  6. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    How about now?
  7. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Only a seal of awesomeness? How about this?
  8. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Childporn and bestiality are not allowed so not from everywhere ;) BTW, today I only had to work until 02:00 PM and when I got home I took a shower and I started to finger myself while I fantasized about you and my wife dp'ing me :D
  9. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

  10. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    My wife actually noticed her first and she's right, Vera is hot. Anyway, it's almost 23.30 over here so we're going to bed because it's another working day tommorow.
  11. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Are you by any chance planning to visit the Netherlands :D
  12. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    My wife and I would take you on :shy: Than you'd have two pairs of boobs to play with :shy:
  13. Boothbabe

    Do cute girls do anal?

  14. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    You've got a good point there. I just assume we do because women are superior :D
  15. Boothbabe

    Do cute girls do anal?

    I do :D
  16. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    But only other women know how to really appreciate boobies :D
  17. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Ours as well :drool2:
  18. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

  19. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    My wife and I agree this is a beautiful picture of you :) You are hot :)
  20. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Another one for the ranks :D I approve of you :cool: :drool2:
  21. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Do you like girls :shy:
  22. Boothbabe

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    How u doin' :cool:
  23. Boothbabe

    Which Female Singer Would U Want To Wake Up In Bed With ?

    With Elize _v-3Jf_lsnI nTNy-6QMlDc My wife thinks she's awesome as well end Elize once said she thinks men are disgusting so maybe there's a chance she'll want a threesome with us :D
  24. Boothbabe

    My lesbian friend told me she'd totally bang me... IF I WAS GAY?!?!?!

    I don't know. Sexuality is a strange and very personal thing and isn't easily definable. If it feels right, it is right even if others think it blurs the lines. I can only speak for myself and how I feel. That's why I love my wife. I love the shape and curves of her body, the softness of her...
  25. Boothbabe

    My lesbian friend told me she'd totally bang me... IF I WAS GAY?!?!?!

    You are correct, I'm in a lesbian relationship (I'm married) but to be honest, I don't know from personal experience if there's a difference between being in a relationship with a lesbian or a dyke. I can only tell you that I've always been attracted to real women. A woman I know is also a...
  26. Boothbabe

    My lesbian friend told me she'd totally bang me... IF I WAS GAY?!?!?!

    I'm just guessing here but I think she's comparing the dykes she's dated to gay men who display feminine attributes and reached the conclusion based on her experience that some gay men are more like a woman than a dyke. I still find it strange she says she could have sex with a feminine gay man...
  27. Boothbabe

    A Super Spexy Night With Ashleigh

  28. Boothbabe

    My lesbian friend told me she'd totally bang me... IF I WAS GAY?!?!?!

    Being a lesbian as well I can say what she told you makes no sense. Maybe she has only dated dykes :dunno: I mean, there's a difference between a lesbian and a dyke.
  29. Boothbabe

    A Super Spexy Night With Ashleigh

    You'll get over it. Or not.
  30. Boothbabe

    Egypt: make your predictions

    :facepalm: If you fell into a pond they'd be skimming stupid of the surface for a week.
  31. Boothbabe

    A Super Spexy Night With Ashleigh

    If I ever reach a point where I call other members on this board my family I'm going to buy a gun and kill myself to put myself out of my misery.
  32. Boothbabe

    Chica's Pics for the Foot Guys!

    You should post pics of your feetz on 4chan. They go crazy for that kind of thing over there. Maybe you'll even be voted the new queen of /b :1orglaugh
  33. Boothbabe

    Should I molest Violet?

    No, you shouldn't. First you should take her out for a nice dinner and court her and finish by making sweet tender love to her.
  34. Boothbabe

    If you had 3 wishes what would they be?

    1 - Change the warmongering, violent, selfdestructive, selfish and greedy nature of mankind. 2 - Make it possible to harness the power nuclear fusion 3 - The most beautiful and hottest girls are always lesbians who's only goal in life is to satisfy me and my wife :D (it's not selfish if they...
  35. Boothbabe

    Starting a new job.

    So? just stay away. Nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read it :facepalm:
  36. Boothbabe

    Starting a new job.

    I already accepted the job, I just have to wait a month before I start :( :1orglaugh No, we do have unions but collective labour agreements are legally binding, that's what I meant with protected by the law.
  37. Boothbabe

    Starting a new job.

    Thanks :)
  38. Boothbabe

    Starting a new job.

    It's not a mom & pops sized business, they have 45 people working for them and they've been in business for 23 years. I've also talked to some of the people working there and some of them have been with them since they started so they must be doing something right. As far as wages and terms and...
  39. Boothbabe

    If you could have one superpower...

    I guess I am. But isn't every human being marred in some way? Nobody's perfect ;) :1orglaugh :facepalm:
  40. Boothbabe

    If you could have one superpower...

    The power to turn the most beautiful and hottest girls into lesbians. They would also willingly want to do whatever I tell them :D
  41. Boothbabe

    Starting a new job.

    That can't be good for young impressionable minds :1orglaugh Yes, I love riding my bike. I rarely use my car @ home and if the job works out I think I'm going to sell it. My wife also has a car for work so one is more than enough. It's not that I don't like my current job but this one is...
  42. Boothbabe

    Starting a new job.

    A few days ago I was recommended to a medium sized shipyard for a job. It's owned by a couple and they're looking for someone to help with the day to day running of the company and because I've always worked on shipyards ever since my first job I'm a perfect fit. They also want a younger person...
  43. Boothbabe

    Sal the Cat summoned for jury service.

    A cat is summoned for jury duty in a court in Boston. The owner requested the cat to be exempted from jury service because the little feline can't even talk or understand English but a jury commisioner turned down the request saying the cat has to show up :1orglaugh If it was my cat I would have...
  44. Boothbabe

    Record $14 trillion-plus debt weighs on Congress

    The only thing keeping America afloat is the dollars reserve currency status. If coutries switch to the euro for example for international trade it will completely ruin the US. China is already testing the water and Iran has expressed interest in using the euro for oil trade. Financial experts...
  45. Boothbabe

    Yep, that's me in my avatar. Thnx for the compliment :)

    Yep, that's me in my avatar. Thnx for the compliment :)
  46. Boothbabe

    My dad got me a cute weapon.

    As I said in a previous post, I've been taking Krav Maga lessons for the past 3,5 years. The first thing you learn is that the best defense is to not get in a fight. If you can defuse the situation or walk away that's what you do but you also learn to do whatever it takes to win if you have to...
  47. Boothbabe

    My dad got me a cute weapon.

    I understand what some of you are saying about taking a chance when you carry a knife but I will only use it as a last resort if my life is in danger. I've been practicing Krav Maga for the last 3,5 years so I'm confident I can handle myself without a knife. I guess it's just the idea of feeling...
  48. Boothbabe

    My dad got me a cute weapon.

    I live in the Netherlands and a knife of this size is still legal to own. I looked up what the law states about knives and it's not legal to carry it on a belt or in your pocket in public, i.e. in direct reach. The law says nothing about carrying it in a purse or other type of bag :dunno...