Okay. As far as DOA82 goes.
I like your pun...and I agree, she takes a chance of loosing big time with a knife, she's clearly rolling the dice. Maybe she would rather take a chance, then take a beating. I personally would rather see her with a small manageable firearm...but I would guess that's not legal for her.
You are right, the Prince isn't packing heat, and the Queen doesn't have a switchblade in her pocket...they have a huge security force. Do you? Or are you expected to just die because your life isn't worth as much as theirs. I still can't believe you people let them take your fucking guns!
My cliche may look good on a t-shirt....but I believe it, and I live it. I'm fed up with the filth in my country doing as they please. I have a CCW, and I carry EVERYDAY, and EVERYWHERE. If it's a place that prohibits me, I won't go there.
For L3ggy....see the last paragraph of the above section. I always have gun, and a knife....because you never know.
For Booth Babe....As I said, you shouldn't rely on anyone but yourself, and I give you credit for taking the initiative to look after yourself. I respect that, and your father for thinking of you.
jayhellcat...but the bad guys always will...the only people that abide by the law, are the law abiding. If you took away the rights of the law abiding, the criminals would still get guns...look at Mexico, and their gangs. You don't really think more then 3 or 4 percent of those guns come from America do you? They come from the Southern borders, and corrupt police and politicians within Mexico.