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I'd just like to take a second and point out how damn entertaining The New Day is. Seriously, their pre-match routine (clapping, singing, playing instruments, insulting the crowd, etc.) is hilarious. Also, Kofi and Big E work well together as a heel team in the ring. And Xavier Woods shouting and taunting during the match is incredibly annoying. Awesome heel tactics from him. Last week he slammed El Torito head first onto the floor outside the ring and then loudly taunted him afterward. It was an awesome moment.

They took their gimmick and ran with it. Glad to see it paying off so well for them. They're going to organically turn face at some point because they're going to be too damn entertaining to boo. New Day rocks!

Their gimmick has become more comical and therefore, easier to digest. They're very funny and I love Woods' upupdowndown channel. Great stuff.
I normally believe the Divas division is a waste of time and air space with no quality whatsoever. Current champion Charlotte is never impressed me but her recent matches with Paige have been epic. They can compete with the men any day of the week and some of the ingenious little moves they are pulling out are fantastic

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Really not liking the new League Of Nations stable.

The New Day is still the most entertaining thing in WWE.

I have to agree with a Dino.....which...is actually kind of sad.

WWE has this enormous stable of talent...which is boring the sh*t out of me. I turn RAW on every monday, and find myself flipping channels and rarely coming back before the first half-hour.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
^^ You're not alone. Only WWE could take a roster so talented and completely fuck everything up. With the exception of New Day and KO, RAW is garbage right now.

Just some thoughts:
1. Sheamus could be a decent heel world champion... if booked strongly. But apparently WWE doesn't believe in booking the champion strongly (see Rollins) unless his name is John Cena. How are fans supposed to take a champion seriously when he never wins any of his matches?
2. Kevin Owens should be feuding for the WHC, not screwing around with Ambrose & Ziggler on the midcard. He's better than that.
3. The Sheamus and Reigns segment to end last Monday's RAW was painful to watch. Sweet Jesus, Reigns is still awful on the mic. Why can't he be a silent, badass baby face? Why does he need to be a cheese ball, joke spouting Cena clone? Let him just run through people. Dude doesn't need to speak.
4. Ambrose does nothing for me. I might be in the minority here, but I'm not a fan. And I think his rebound clothesline is the dumbest move in the company right now. I loved him in the Shield. Loved him as Jon Moxley. Just not a fan right now.
5. The Wyatts are critically under used. Why are they losing every goddamn feud? 3 out of the 4 of them are the biggest goddamn fuckers in the company. Why isn't Bray in the WHC picture? He would make an excellent monster heel if booked correctly. The Wyatts should be stomping mud holes in everyone. As it is right now, he cuts killer promos and then loses every big feud. That doesn't give him any credibility.
6. Not having Rollins, Orton, and Bryan (and Cesaro to a lesser extent) sucks. WWE has a serious lack of star power right now. Tommy Dreamer, Sting, Rhyno, and the Dudleys can fuck right off. Their days have passed. Push the younger kids.
7. No fucks to give for the Divas revolution. Sasha is the most talented, so naturally, we're not going to use her correctly or even that often. Charlotte is in her spot because of her father. She's average in the ring and horrible on the mic. None of daddy's charisma rubbed off. I don't mind Paige. She's great as a heel.
8. New. Day. Rocks.
9. The league has potential... waiting to see what they do with it.
10. Cody Rhodes is way too talented for his gimmick and current position on the card.

WWE's ratings are at an 19-year low. Pretty easy to see why.

1. They haven't used Sheamus (as champion) right in his career yet. His first WWE title win, they kept playing off it as a fluke win. Then later when Nexus appeared, he ran away and joined other people in support. As a heel! The second was his overly long feud with ADR where it was suppose to put him over big, but no one cared because it was the same junk month after month. And now this.
2. Maybe, but I'm still on the behalf that his ring gear is among the worst I've ever seen as a 'real' wrestler. Either way, they need faces. They need heels, too... There's just an extremely thin line at that spot.
3. It displayed and showcased how terrible the scripting and acting is the current product. You go back and watch a Jake The Snake Roberts promo in 1989, he doesn't come off like a robot. He knows what he's saying and he believes it. You know first hand just by the words these guys are saying and how they're saying it, it's phony.
4. Ambrose signature moves are horrible. I'm with you. I'm not sure what I'd like to see him do outside disappear a month or two, return and turn heel, have a new finisher, sigs, etc. just a newer, ediger outlook on him. As old as guys like Ziggler, Kofi, and Swagger are on the roster, Ambrose fits with them to me because he just is bland as shit.
5. The only feuds Wyatt's have lost is Cena, Undertaker, and Reigns. The problem they do with him is, he cuts these devilish and dark promos, loses the match, cuts same repeated promo the next Monday night segueing into the next feud. No heat.
6. Meh. I hated Rollins' reign and was dying for anybody to take it off of him.
7.Right, don't care for any of it. I just go by eye candy. Too bad Layla's gone. Still like seeing Nikki's body and Paige's push up bra. Lol
8. Eh
9. Their potential has already been splattered. In their first real contest. Stupid move.
10. True. I've been saying that since 2010 though. :\


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It's really weird to come online and read comments about WWE after the last PPV and Raw. It's basically a 180 with people who were formerly cussing out Sheamus and Reigns everytime they were on the TV to praising them. Sheamus carried Reigns to a career-making match and apparently in the span of two days Reigns found his character and got over. I'm interested to see if the cheers continue, or if WWE is going to go back to shilling for tater tots.
Cena out for months, Brock made an appearance, trombone gets broke in half ha ha, Vince and Stephanie are great and a less than enthusiastic crowd in New Orleans on Monday. And Total Divas start up next week for a new season.
Emotional moment for Francesca The Trombone, a Brock Lesnar build up ?, seemed like a less than enthusiastic crowd but the matches were well, the big names aren't around. At least Vince and Stephanie were there.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
AJ looks different. Married life with Punk must be taking its toll.
Bold / stupid Mania match predictions ;

Triple H VS Roman Reigns
Brock Lesnar VS Bray Wyatt (no DQ) / explicitly stated 1 vs 4 handicap match
Undertaker VS Sheamus
Dean Ambrose VS Chris Jericho
A.J. Styles VS Kevin Owens
Charlotte VS Sasha Banks
The New Day VS Dudley Boys
some mult-man clusterfuck, possibly involving a ladder, possibly involving the US title, or a battle royal

It's not the card I WANT, but its what I think will happen.
Just out of curiosity, what card would you like?

Errr.... well, trying to avoid fantasy booking (Rock isn't wrestling, Punk isn't coming back, Sting's done) and with what they've got to deal with.... my original idea was accepting that Reigns/Hunter and Lesnar/Wyatt are DEFINITELY happening and putting Ambrose in there with Sheamus so he can go over the last champion before Roman and get the perceived rub that the company THINK beating Sheamus would give him. But that's still not what I'd like to see, really, so......

Triple H VS Dean Ambrose
- Have them acknowledge that Roman isn't popular and give us a title match where the majority in attendance will actually CHEER for the "good guy" to win. Ambrose wins the three-way at Fast Lane by capitalizing when Lesnar and Reigns have beaten the shit out of each other. Leading to.....

Brock Lesnar VS Roman Reigns
- Have Reigns beat him this time to get some credibility. If he's still getting bad boos in the smark towns, give up at a later date and turn him heel, depending on how his t-shirt sales are going.

The Undertaker VS Kevin Owens
- You need a strong heel for Ambrose later in the year, so give Owens a match with Taker and let him beat the fucker. It helps him more than beating Cena did because this time there's no rematch next month.

Chris Jericho VS Dolph Ziggler
- Look, Jericho's going to be on the card either way. Might as well throw him out there with Ziggler and they can have a fanwank match based on tweeting about "stealing the show" and trying to have a great match rather than actually giving a shit about beating the other. On the night, 7/10.

A.J. Styles VS Bully Ray
- A.J. is the balls but he needs a decent heel to work with. Split the Dudleys soon and let Buh Buh just be Bully Ray because he's a heat machine.

The Wyatts VS Sheamus, Rusev and Del Rio
- Just have them beat the shit out of each other for some bullshit reason I didn't think about too much. Sheamus shouldn't be as pushed as he was at the end of the year but he can fight.

Charlotte VS Sasha VS Becky VS Bayley
- Call Bayley up shortly before Mania and let these four just have that match they had on the NXT special. Find some excuse after the match for Sasha to go celebrate in a hot tub with Paige. And suck each others' tits.

New Day VS any two fucking heels you want, Anderson & Gallows if it isn't too soon
- Turn New Day babyface because we're all cheering and its embarrassing to pretend they're heels.

Ryback VS Big Show
- They look like they might be getting ready to try again with the Ryback push so have him open the show by lamping Show in about 2 minutes and picking him up for Shellshock so people can bang on about it being a "WrestleMania moment." Don't complain, it's only 2 minutes.

...... Yeah, something like that. Or gut half the card and just run a rearrangement of TakeOver Dallas. Balor VS Zayn, Joe VS Aries. Alex Bliss' bum.