********** said:
You obviously like Portugal a lot. Holland weren't that bad at all.
Yep, I do! I have two nationalities, Portuguese is the anoter one! But I didnt say that cause I like the team or because Im a Portuguese either, I just did 'cause Portugal just got to the semi once before and Scolari did it again for the country. About Scolari, nobody couldnt agree how good he is, he just managed twice in WC, once Brazil catching a 1st place and once Portugal in 4th place, nothing is more wise than numbers. Portugal got the first place in the group on 1st Round, thats a good way to be in ROund of 16. What about Holland? They got there crawling, with boring games, how could that be so good as Portugal campaing in 1st Round. At least, Holland was a poor team, they didn't disappointed me more than Brazi just 'cause I didnt expected so much for them. And I like to add to disappointment list Czech Replubic in 1st Place with England, I expected a lot of their team and their goalkeeper.
********** said:
And what the hell are you talking about with Italy and Germany. Italy did not waste time in any of their games, ANY, although like most teams they did dive a few times.
GERMANY DID NOT WASTE TIME OR DIVE, they were probably the most honest and honourable and respectable team in the whole thing, it was remarkable... they were wonderful! They attacked, they never wasted time, just kept attacking even when in the lead and they soundly beat Portugal because they are a better team
Anyway, while I respect everyone's opinions, it's bizarre that you would say Italy and especially Germany, wasted game time and playacted and cheated... Italy a bit, but not the timewasting, and not as much as they are famous for... Germany never even once... not even slightly, although Ballack usually has a tendency to dive and stuff (in club games).
Sorry, you understood me wrongly, I didnt say Italy and Germany was diving all the time, but I dont distinguish (I dont know if this word is the right one) team wich is diving or putting all the players on defence to hold the score, I just said Italy and Germany and lot of others teams in this Cup when got a result play more or totally defensively to hold the score.
I dont think was Portugal's fault, it is just a strategy, dont blame them, blame the ref who couldnt do his job and add the right time to the extra minutes on 2nd half, it's his job calculate the time lost with injuries, faults and add it to the final of the half. Am I wrong? For sure I would love if Ronaldo, who is skillfull player, player more on the penalty box than watch him diving all the time trying to catch a penalty, but c'est la vie, what could I do?
Thanks for respect my opinion. Im not fighting with you, just disagrering. In fact, I like you, Calm, Darkman, 9Inch, CivicKiller, Omega ... We all spent a good time here discussing the WC.
Just sad cause in a time this thread is gonna be useless.
By the way, Brazil gonna be champion in 2010 in a final against Portugal.