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Why Obama should withdraw


Works for panties

:clap: Pack it up and vacate the premises.

While I'd like to see him go, I wanna see him go from the electorate kicking him and all the others of his party up for re-election out and emphatically rejecting everything he and his party stand for. If he just decides not to run, then Biden or Hillary step in, they'll say they'll do things differently, and there's a chance enough people will believe that to vote them in, and we're stuck with four more years of the same or worse. Our country won't survive four more years of failed socialist, Marxist, Progressive policies. (To those who want to change us, quit trying to turn us into Europe. We're not Europe. We left Europe to get away from all this crap in the first place. You need to just move to Europe where things are already how you want them, seem to love so much, and 'threaten' to leave for and actually follow through with your 'threat,' and leave us the hell alone, and we'll see once and for all which way is better. Although we all already know who'd be crawling to who for help within six months. The Christian in me says to help, but the POed American in me says "Get the hell back over there. You wanted it. Deal with it." I think I'm gonna go with option 2. And with gusto.) And God only knows what will happen to the world if we fall apart, but it ain't gonna be pretty. It's not gonna be pretty for a little while if we do try to turn things around, but is sure as hell ain't gonna be good for alot longer if we continue on our present course.
Our country won't survive four more years of failed socialist, Marxist, Progressive policies.

right on!

Bailing out some of our biggest capitalist concerns, aggressively persuing Bin Laden and Al queda, not letting the Bush tax cuts expire. It doesn't get more marxist than that :mad: :mad:



Works for panties
Bailing out some of our biggest capitalist concerns

Uh yeah. That's not capitalism. Capitalism has them fail when they screw up. It's the natural order. Bailing things out falls under socialism and Marxism.

aggressively persuing Bin Laden and Al queda

Well, I would point out to you that Communist USSR also did that in the 1980s, but more importantly, they're backing Al queda and people just as bad if not worse in Egypt, Lybia, and all those other so called 'Arab Spring' countries. Oh, and by the way, giving your enemy (Bin Laden) a proper or acceptable Muslim burial is not aggressive. Stuffing him in a SPAM can with the SPAM still in it and firing him out into space as an example of what happens when we kill them to dissuade them from fighting us is aggressive. Not to mention they wanna try all those people in NYC so they can spout off all their anti-American drivel and hatred.

not letting the Bush tax cuts expire

As I recall, they didn't wanna do that. They wanted to raise taxes. Still do.

It doesn't get more marxist than that :mad: :mad:

Let's see, there's Obamacare, telling people not to pay their mortgages and the banks to not foreclose on them, taking over GM, taking over practically all loans, paying people not to work for two years, paying people to go out and buy new cars and destroying the perfectly good old ones, insisting the top 1% who already pay 39% of all taxes to pay their 'fair share' of taxes while almost half the country pays nothing and gets money from the government in addition to all the regular services (yeah, that's real 'fair'), printing all kinds of money for 'quantitative easing' and 'stimulus' to just give to friends and people (their base) wanting money from "Obama's stash" while also causing inflation in the process, circumventing Congress with regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein and all the other Czars (Czars are for Russia, not US), having people report to the government what 'untruths' are being said about it (twice, first with Anita Dunn, and now with that joke 'Attack Watch' or whatever it is; I bet they're really regretting Hillary ever saying what she said about rights to debate and stand up to any administration, huh?). That's just a small sampling of the last few years. Going back further than that, you've got all the New Deal and Great Society stuff. (By the way, if people loved FDR so much as people on the left like to believe, how come when he died, the Democrats limited the number of Presidential terms before he was even cold?)


You don't even post enough to worry about what I do on here.

You're just jealous because, even though I only post once every week or so, I'm still liked way more than you are.

Will E Worm

While I'd like to see him go, I wanna see him go from the electorate kicking him and all the others of his party up for re-election out and emphatically rejecting everything he and his party stand for. If he just decides not to run, then Biden or Hillary step in, they'll say they'll do things.

Anyway to get him out of Washington is okay by me.

You're just jealous because, even though I only post once every week or so, I'm still liked way more than you are.

Comedy today. :tongue:

Jon S.

You're just jealous because, even though I only post once every week or so, I'm still liked way more than you are.

You're comparing how well liked you are to how well liked the worm is? Isn't that kind of setting the bar pretty low? Ha ha ha! I mean, you could probably count those who are less liked than him on 1 hand, and still have fingers left over. :D Ha ha ha!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
You're just jealous because, even though I only post once every week or so, I'm still liked way more than you are.

Fucking Osama Bin laden would have been a more popular FO member than Will E Trebus .... :D

Anyway ... on topic. I'd actually like to see Hillary give it a go.

She's got bigger balls than Obama, that's for sure.
Anyway ... on topic. I'd actually like to see Hillary give it a go.

She's got bigger balls than Obama, that's for sure.

You think the elite lib media/far leftists will pull the rug out from under a black man's feet to allow a white to run in his place?

Jon S.

Fucking Osama Bin laden would have been a more popular FO member than Will E Trebus .... :D

Anyway ... on topic. I'd actually like to see Hillary give it a go.

She's got bigger balls than Obama, that's for sure.
Yeah, saying you're more popular than him is like saying you are better liked than Hitler......not exactly setting the bar very high! Ha ha ha!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
You think the elite lib media/far leftists will pull the rug out from under a black man's feet to allow a white to run in his place?

Yea, but Whitey is a woman. What better joy for the meeja whores and the forces of orthodoxy than to watch/help Snatch take a monumental fall right on the heels of Darky?

Well, they'd say .. see .. can't trust the ethnic or the women to get anything right. Time to give it back to the Old White Men to look after y'awl, and keep you safe and supplied with beer and apple pie and little flags to wave at soldier's funerals ...
Uh yeah. That's not capitalism. Capitalism has them fail when they screw up. It's the natural order. Bailing things out falls under socialism and Marxism.


Well gee then, being as Bush instituted TARP, he must be a marxist too :rolleyes:

Oh, and by the way, giving your enemy (Bin Laden) a proper or acceptable Muslim burial is not aggressive. Stuffing him in a SPAM can with the SPAM still in it and firing him out into space as an example of what happens when we kill them to dissuade them from fighting us is aggressive.

Oh for fuck's sake. He's DEAD. That's all that matters.
Your suggestion we treat his remains with the kind of barbarism a terrorist might visit on yours is the very embodiment of hypocrisy.
Not to mention that far from dissuading retributive acts, it would further justify them, in the minds of our enemies.

There's no question whatsoever that Obama has prosecuted the Afghan war with more men, material, focus and aggression than Bush did.

As I recall, they didn't wanna do that. They wanted to raise taxes. Still do.

Wanted too. Could have. Might. Maybe. Plans to. Blah blah blah.
The fact is that up until now he has not. And all he ever advocated was a return to Clinton era levels - an increase of around 3%. Not exactly confiscatory, is it? And most certainly not Marxist.

Let's see, there's Obamacare

"Obamacare" isn't even a single payer system ala Canada, Great Britain, Germay, et al. Calling it marxist is a complete joke. It may even prove to be quite a boon to the insurance industry, which last I looked is one of our largest capitalist concerns.

taking over GM

GM's government loans have all been repaid. We're out of the auto making business. Another major capitalist concern (along with hundreds of thousands of jobs) saved.
The public is able to invest in GM stock again.
Under Marxism the government controls all means of production. So as you can see, your assertion is not only groundless, it's ridiculous.

while almost half the country pays nothing

a partial truth that's constantly presented by righties as an absolute.

That 50ish percent may not pay income taxes, but they still contribute through other forms of taxation.

(Czars are for Russia, not US)


Still more vacuous, uniformed crappola courtesy of the right wing echo chamber :facepalm:

You think these so-called czars first appeared under Obama?
Every president going all the way back to Roosevelt has had at least one.
Way back in the early 70s Nixon had five.
Do you know how many "czars" Bush appointed? Forty nine.

now with that joke 'Attack Watch' or whatever it is

attackwatch (much like snopes and politifact) is a debunking site. One can see from your posts alone why such sites would be useful.


Works for panties

Well gee then, being as Bush instituted TARP, he must be a marxist too

Well he sure wasn't a conservative.

Oh for fuck's sake. He's DEAD. That's all that matters.
Your suggestion we treat his remains with the kind of barbarism a terrorist might visit on yours is the very embodiment of hypocrisy.
Not to mention that far from dissuading retributive acts, it would further justify them, in the minds of our enemies.

No, if they believe they're getting 72 virgins and going to heaven for killing us when they die, and we can put a big roadblock on that incentive, I kinda think it'll put a damper on things. Besides, they're our enemy. Anything you can do to crush their will to fight is a good thing.

There's no question whatsoever that Obama has prosecuted the Afghan war with more men, material, focus and aggression than Bush did.

You mean the one who said he wanted us out of Afghanistan?

Wanted too. Could have. Might. Maybe. Plans to. Blah blah blah.
The fact is that up until now he has not. And all he ever advocated was a return to Clinton era levels - an increase of around 3%. Not exactly confiscatory, is it? And most certainly not Marxist.

Have you not heard all his speeches where he says 'raise taxes on the rich' like 200 times in each speech? And I know this is (seemingly as I doubt any of you are that dense) very difficult for people on the left to understand, but when you take money from people who have it, and give it to those who don't, that's Marxism. Personally, I think all the people on the left who say it's not, know it is, and also know Americans are not Marxists and socialists, which is why they scream bloody murder every time someone shines the light of truth on it and calls it what it is.

"Obamacare" isn't even a single payer system ala Canada, Great Britain, Germay, et al. Calling it marxist is a complete joke. It may even prove to be quite a boon to the insurance industry, which last I looked is one of our largest capitalist concerns.

Well, so I guess all these people are wrong?

Yes, calling it socialist or Marxist is such a joke.

GM's government loans have all been repaid. We're out of the auto making business. Another major capitalist concern (along with hundreds of thousands of jobs) saved.
The public is able to invest in GM stock again.
Under Marxism the government controls all means of production. So as you can see, your assertion is not only groundless, it's ridiculous.

Right, so the CEO wasn't installed by the government? They didn't repay all the loans, and no one is buying stock in a failed company run by the government.

a partial truth that's constantly presented by righties as an absolute.

That 50ish percent may not pay income taxes, but they still contribute through other forms of taxation.

You mean state and local sales taxes with money they got from the government that was taken in the form of taxes from others? It's like taking money out of one pocket and putting it in the other. You're not accomplishing anything.

Still more vacuous, uniformed crappola courtesy of the right wing echo chamber :facepalm:

You think these so-called czars first appeared under Obama?
Every president going all the way back to Roosevelt has had at least one.
Way back in the early 70s Nixon had five.
Do you know how many "czars" Bush appointed? Forty nine.

Did I say they did? I know some have been around for decades, but Obama's got one for just about every day of the year. And if Wikipedia is right about who had the first ones, I'm not real surprised it was FDR. The man started all kinds of bad things.

attackwatch (much like snopes and politifact) is a debunking site. One can see from your posts alone why such sites would be useful.

Apparently you didn't hear that attackwatch was a joke all over the internet within a few hours of it being launched. I mean people were sending them Obama's own stuff to debunk.
[THE POLITICIAN YOU LIKE] couldn't find his ass with both hands a flash light and a road map while but naked in a house of mirrors.
Yea, but Whitey is a woman.

True. The lib media would rip itself to shreds trying to decide whom to champion.
But alas the black man according to the unwritten liberal agenda is considered higher on the ladder than any white woman.


Official Checked Star Member
Nice job not reading the article. :tongue:

He's already said he doesn't care if he's a one-term President.

Obama: 'There are days when I say one term is enough' and my family doesn't care if I'm President Link

Thank God ! Because if he's anything more than that Who knows where this country will be at the end of the 2nd term !