>Who was one of your favorite White Sox players growing up?
Big fucking deal.
At least she would have answered.
>Who was one of your favorite White Sox players growing up?
Big fucking deal.
Would you prefer that Levi was to be forced to marry Bristol shotgun wedding style?
Now, that said, the post I made was about qualifications on the face of it. Not particular events surrounding their time in office.
Obama has a few questions he could answer himself.
:1orglaughNo one should be married against their will, my problem is she (Sarah Palin) said that they would definately get married just to appease the Christian population whose votes she wanted when it reality she most likely knew they wouldn't marry. She couldn't bare the thought that her own daughter got pregnant out of marriage to a guy she had no long term plans/future with. And qualifications are meaningless if you lack basic integrity, she's a Richard Nixon in the making.
I see you are a mind reader too.
Most parents would hope that their child would marry if they were in the same situation.
There is no evidence to prove that she knew they wouldn't marry.
Well, would he be able to think about how he's going to solve the problems the US is currently facing if he spent more time mulling over his favorite baseball players and other such things?
So, is your problem that he spends too MUCH time thinking about sports, or NOT ENOUGH?
The guy is probably constantly thinking about how he is going to solve all of the problems the US are currently facing, he wouldn't give a flying f*ck about queastions like that
Well, the (fairly obvious) response to that is:
- His answer to a trivial baseball question can't help us to understand our president.
- Why should the president feel obliged to even bother answering trivial queries about baseball? Surely, it's nothing that we the public need to demand answers and accountability for. "Dammit Obama, after you cough up that birth certificate, we DEMAND you tell us your favorite World Series moment, and tell us WHY!!!!! We have the right to know!"
- Perhaps the president isn't very interested in baseball, or didn't feel like giving an answer, straight, roundabout, or otherwise...
- His ideas on weighty policy matters, and the policies he executes, are what matters. Not his views on baseball.
I was asking Ulysses31 how B.O. is constantly thinking about trying to fix problems in the U.S. when he's filling out basketball brackets? It came across as his point as to why B.O. could not answer a simple question and went into a diarrhea spill instead. Does he have time to fill out basketball brackets but not answer a simple question?
The guy is probably constantly thinking about how he is going to solve all of the problems the US are currently facing, he wouldn't give a flying f*ck about queastions like that
Who was one of your favorite White Sox players growing up?
It's a simple question but this shit hole can't seem to answer even the simplest question without getting a case of diarrhea to the mouth. No one asked about his fucking life history.
I have to chuckle at this.
Why? Just because you agree with him?
I submit that John McCain is very qualified to be POTUS based upon his service to his country , the fact that he was a Naval Officer and Congressman and Senator.
GWB was a twice elected governor of the second largest state in the Union, and held positions in the private sector as well as running his own businesses before becoming President.
If you want to compare resumes, I think Obama compares to Palin the most being that he never really had a job other than public office and being employed part time as a college professor. His community organizer positions were basically that of volunteer .
You do realize that the law firm he worked for was the one where Michelle Obama worked right? You also should know that Obama had problems gaining employment with other firms because the very issue of his birth certificate was an obstacle for him.
You are making such a ludicrous statement because you perceive him to be the most intelligent man to ever hold the office.
He may be one of the most gifted speakers, but Ronald Reagan could have given him a run for his money.
As partisan as I can be at times, I would never make such an absurd statement based on political loyalties.
Two Presidents that I disagreed with vehemently, Clinton and Carter were qualified to hold the office.
All Sarah Palin needs is 600 + days as a US Senator and she will be every bit as qualified as BHO, if not more.
Palin would have said "All of them!"
What newspapers do you read - "All of them!"
Who's your favorite founding father - "All of them!"
Who's your favorite of the 7 dwarves - "All of them!"
(Those first two are real. I made up the third one.)
He can start by leaving office.
Obama = Douchebag for putting on a White Sox cap to throw out the first ball at the Nationals game.
Of course...who Obama's favorite White Sox player was is a question of the utmost importance to the world right now.
In the world of the tea party conservatives, "Gotcha journalism" = "What newspapers do you read?"
Obama = Douchebag for putting on a White Sox cap to throw out the first ball at the Nationals game.
Why not? The Nationals are the team that the NL East wipes their asses with. I can't wait to see if they do any better than 5th place at the end of the season.Oh no he didn't!:tongue: