which gun do you own?


No worries mate, really.... I just dont believe it that nonsense..

IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN... There is way too many guns for anyone to ever recover, if they actually decided. Also if they did it would be Waco in too many towns and cities... No one gun owners or not wants that. NIMBY!


John Kerry is working on getting the treaty ratified.

Sure "they" can disarm the populace. "They" can do it via intimidation. "They" don't have to go door to door, "they" can have you surrender your arms or else and maintain that "they" didn't actually confiscate our arms, we simply turned them in. There's a plethora of means for which "they" can achieve their ends. You know what rahn emanuel says about the capitalization of crisis - doing something that you normally couldn't do . . .

Better safe than sorry I always say. ;)
What the statistics do show us is that the concealed carry community are a very restrained, measured and responsible group of individuals. Apparently, liberals hate those attributes.

Yup. You figured out the grand mystery of liberalism. We pretty much hate restrained, measured and responsible groups. :dunno: So the majority of Americans who don't own guns or abhor them are unrestrained, unmeasured and irresponsible:dunno:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Democrat with 3 guns. Dont hunt, just target shooting and sporting clays. I have no worry they will ever be taken away, whoever is in office!

Maybe they won't, but what about regulating them to such extremes, that merely taking them to a shooting range would be a crime, or loading your own ammo would be a crime, or the fact that they want a data base of EVERY gun owner in the country...and make no mistake, that's EXACTLY how Hitler did what he did. Please don't tell me it's ok if they pass an assault weapons ban, because "there is no reason to own a gun like that". Please don't tell me that when people carry guns, it will turn our towns into a wild west shoot outs. Because the fact is, plain and simple, if you honestly believe that our government DOESN'T want you disarmed, you are sadly mistaken, and naive. If you value your right to bare arms, you WILL be vigilant of EVERY move they make, because each one, is a little step forward to their ultimate goal...and they ARE working on it, REAL hard.

titsrock said:
So the majority of Americans who don't own guns or abhor them are unrestrained, unmeasured and irresponsible

No, just generally ignorant of the facts and data that's in front of them, and unrelenting in their efforts to selfishly squash the rights of honest, hard working, law abiding people that choose to exercise them, and enjoy several hobbies, and preventative measures.
Is it ignorance or is it really the fact that guns make it easy for people to kill people? Do Pro-Gun people enjoy the "right" to own firearms or isn't it more about the right to own powerful, mass murdering firearms?

Perhaps the proper compromise between these positions is to outlaw modern weapons for private ownership but reintroduce the musket and the flintlock pistol. The God and Gun crowd could still exercise their "freedom" but the musket is a "safer" weapon for a contemporary world and if the Founding Fathers were able to hunt with these weapons, so should the modern sportsman.
Is it ignorance or is it really the fact that guns make it easy for people to kill people? Do Pro-Gun people enjoy the "right" to own firearms or isn't it more about the right to own powerful, mass murdering firearms?

Perhaps the proper compromise between these positions is to outlaw modern weapons for private ownership but reintroduce the musket and the flintlock pistol. The God and Gun crowd could still exercise their "freedom" but the musket is a "safer" weapon for a contemporary world and if the Founding Fathers were able to hunt with these weapons, so should the modern sportsman.

This makes sense to me, (although, just because it makes sense, does not mean I agree with you. Yeah. Find my sense there. hahah) until you start talking about flintlocks. There's nothing wrong with modern "hunting" firearms.

Alot of people spend alot of money on guns that aren't really necessary. But still, even handguns are fine in the hands of responsible people. Lets be honest. Most of the people killed by gunshot wounds every day, aren't killed by legally purchased, or "legit" firearms. But, at the same time, I'm willing to bet there are more people out there who have their guns on the straight, than there are ones who got there's by... some other means.

So maybe, the gun laws could be stricter... but I will never agree with the right to bare arms being restricted. Never

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Is it ignorance or is it really the fact that guns make it easy for people to kill people? Do Pro-Gun people enjoy the "right" to own firearms or isn't it more about the right to own powerful, mass murdering firearms?

Perhaps the proper compromise between these positions is to outlaw modern weapons for private ownership but reintroduce the musket and the flintlock pistol. The God and Gun crowd could still exercise their "freedom" but the musket is a "safer" weapon for a contemporary world and if the Founding Fathers were able to hunt with these weapons, so should the modern sportsman.

As I have said before, laws only effect the law abiding. If what you propose were to be put in effect, I would possibly have to defend myself, my family, my home against multiple intruders, with pistols that hold 15 rounds each. Why, because the criminal WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY to arm himself, no matter what law you pass, and even if you confiscated every gun you took from a criminal, and every law abiding citizen turned in their guns...criminals would still steal them from somewhere, or someone that IS ALLOWED to have them. By outlawing modern weapons for private ownership, you clearly would be usurping the Second Amendment, by putting the people at an even further disadvantage technology wise. I don't see why it is right to make me pay ANY PRICE, because a criminal chooses to break the law. Don't take away my gun, put him in prison, or the electric chair, if his crime is serious enough to warrant it. I think that it is abundantly clear in today's political climate, that the people DO IN FACT want, and expect their right to bare arms. Just look at the huge increase in sales, for all types of guns. These sales are LEGAL TRANSACTIONS, by law abiding citizens, that clearly feal their rights very well might be infringed upon, by an oppressive Government. The same Government that is a servant of the very people they call home grown terrorists, because they believe in the Constitution, and what it stands for. Called terrorists, because they feel dissatisfied with the job politicians are doing, because they feel there may be a need to defend themselves, and their families. If you honestly believe ANY gun law is designed to make anybody safer, you truly are naive. Every gun law, with the exception of...1) If you use a gun to commit a crime, and you do hard time. And 2) If you have been convicted of a crime, or adjudicated mentally ill, and are not allowed to own or possess a fire arm, clearly usurps the Second Amendment, and only serves to disarm a lawful society, and empower a government entity, that has little to no concern for you, or your well being, or your rights or pursuits of happiness. And the 2 gun laws I mentioned above, are the ONLY gun laws we need, or should have, EVER. IF guns are being used to commit crimes, punish the criminals. If Mexican, and Central American gang violence is occurring because of guns from America, lock the borders, and I ask you this...what in the fuck are THEY DOING to stop it? How many guns are these criminals getting from corrupt Mexican police personal, and politicians? How many are being stolen from Mexican forces? As far as why I enjoy owning what I own, that's irrelevant, as long as I obey the law, it's no ones business...especially the governments.
Is it ignorance or is it really the fact that guns make it easy for people to kill people? Do Pro-Gun people enjoy the "right" to own firearms or isn't it more about the right to own powerful, mass murdering firearms?

Perhaps the proper compromise between these positions is to outlaw modern weapons for private ownership but reintroduce the musket and the flintlock pistol. The God and Gun crowd could still exercise their "freedom" but the musket is a "safer" weapon for a contemporary world and if the Founding Fathers were able to hunt with these weapons, so should the modern sportsman.

Are you also going to make every other person in the world and every government, including our own (especially our own) go back to using muskets and flintlocks? Otherwise that seems like a pretty poorly thought out idea.
They must be paying you commission on sales buddy. I like the Para high cap 1911's, but they do come with a big price tag, and the extra mags are pricey. You can get Kimbers for 8 or 9 hundy, and they take standard 1911 mags (that cost about $15.00). As far as a .40S&W...gotta go with Sig Sauer P229, or 226. Hell, the P220's are good .45's, if you're not hell bent on a 1911 style gun.

Para pays me nothing, I have shot with many paras including limited editions and they are amy favorites. I also shot with kimbers, wilson combat, dan brown, rock river arms, les baer, sti, caspian custom hi cap and springfield 1911s. The para has a better larger extractor than any other standard or custom 1911, it also has a ramped barrel improving accuracy. The caspian is also something special but multiply the price of p14-45 by 4 and will have the price of a caspian. I haven't shot with s&w, nighthawk, sig arms and taurus 1911s. The magazines for paraords are specific but they are of high quality, my main concern is also high cap mags especially in 45acp as well as in 40s&w, para makes the 1911 with a high cap in 40s&w, 45acp and 9mm para. I shot with a p226 but wasn't too enamored of their shootability especially in fast double taps. The main advantage with Para is that you have a lifetime warranty.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Para pays me nothing, I have shot with many paras including limited editions and they are amy favorites. I also shot with kimbers, wilson combat, dan brown, rock river arms, les baer, sti, caspian custom hi cap and springfield 1911s. The para has a better larger extractor than any other standard or custom 1911, it also has a ramped barrel improving accuracy. The caspian is also something special but multiply the price of p14-45 by 4 and will have the price of a caspian. I haven't shot with s&w, nighthawk, sig arms and taurus 1911s. The magazines for paraords are specific but they are of high quality, my main concern is also high cap mags especially in 45acp as well as in 40s&w, para makes the 1911 with a high cap in 40s&w, 45acp and 9mm para. I shot with a p226 but wasn't too enamored of their shootability especially in fast double taps. The main advantage with Para is that you have a lifetime warranty.

I was just busting your chops Georges...I know you would never sell out your integrity. I do like the over sized extractors, I will give you that, and you can't do much better on a warranty, then life time. I guess I'm not as big a fan of 1911's, as most. I like my DA/SA Sigs.


Boobs rock like so many others are opposed to The Second Amendment, as well as the Constitution of the United States of America in general, on the grounds that he is a *progressive atheist activist. :1orglaugh
There Is No Creator, therefore, there is no legitimacy to the Constitution of the United States of America.
No Creator -> No Guns ! (except for the despotic hierarchy)

On progressivism -
- Any time you hear about a progressive lefty being a Constitutional Scholar, keep in mind that there are those who take up certain disciplines in order to defy those certain disciplines. Sorta like many attorneys today, they study law so that they can undermine it ; and those who espouse anti hate so often can easily be identified as being haters themselves !

Semantics baby ! :spin:

*there Is a difference between standard and activist
How many posts defending gun ownership immediately defer to the 2nd Amendment and use as support---what is going on in Mexico as justification for arming America.

I have no intention of ever owning a gun or "defending the border" from Mexico or Canada. If Mexican criminals come marauding into "The Heartland" or if they start randomly attacking Americans' homes, like the Native Indians did back in the Calvary days, than the proper solution is for the American Military to defend the American Family. My tax dollars go to the Military not the 2nd Amendment.

If high-tech weapons are eliminated from the market, then "urban criminals" will have more incentive to "protect" their weapons and not use them out of fear of losing them or having them stolen. Plus, the "black market" for high tech weapons will either dry up or will become incredibly expensive, since there will be no *future* supply of high tech weapons entering the marketplace (unless Smith&Wesson ignore the order to stop manufacturing mass murder weapons).

I think the case can be made for owning a gun for hunting purposes because we do need to keep the *critter* (and Deer) population in check. But it doesn't have to be a Draganov. Where's the "thrill" in the hunt if a sportsman enters the jungle with a semi-automatic? I thought hunting was about tracking, sighting, and marksmanship?

I'm all for tightening the criminal penalties against those who chose to commit crimes with guns. The problem with that is than all the "Tea Partiers" will soon complain about tax increases for criminals living "Club Fed" lives behind bars....you Tea Partiers can't have "life" both ways....
i don't have one, but out of curiosity, which gun(s) do you own?

I live in and am a AUS so I don't own a gun either. But I really want an AA-12 if anyone's heard of that. Looks really dodgy but the gun itself is orgasmic. :) I love glocks too. Btw I would rather a pistol than a machine gun anyday. Just more handy etc.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
How many posts defending gun ownership immediately defer to the 2nd Amendment and use as support---what is going on in Mexico as justification for arming America.

I have no intention of ever owning a gun or "defending the border" from Mexico or Canada. If Mexican criminals come marauding into "The Heartland" or if they start randomly attacking Americans' homes, like the Native Indians did back in the Calvary days, than the proper solution is for the American Military to defend the American Family. My tax dollars go to the Military not the 2nd Amendment.

If high-tech weapons are eliminated from the market, then "urban criminals" will have more incentive to "protect" their weapons and not use them out of fear of losing them or having them stolen. Plus, the "black market" for high tech weapons will either dry up or will become incredibly expensive, since there will be no *future* supply of high tech weapons entering the marketplace (unless Smith&Wesson ignore the order to stop manufacturing mass murder weapons).

I think the case can be made for owning a gun for hunting purposes because we do need to keep the *critter* (and Deer) population in check. But it doesn't have to be a Draganov. Where's the "thrill" in the hunt if a sportsman enters the jungle with a semi-automatic? I thought hunting was about tracking, sighting, and marksmanship?

I'm all for tightening the criminal penalties against those who chose to commit crimes with guns. The problem with that is than all the "Tea Partiers" will soon complain about tax increases for criminals living "Club Fed" lives behind bars....you Tea Partiers can't have "life" both ways....

If you don't get what Mexico has to do with my gun rights, you should go back a couple of pages, I posted some links for someone else. As far as protecting borders on American soil, we have the National Guard for that, this isn't about me protecting us from them...this is about preserving my rights from our own government. The populace will NEVER have high tech weapons, out government won't allow us to have them, but I can tell you this, criminals will get them, because they steal them...like the criminal that took a suppressed H&K MP5 out of the trunk of an F.B.I. agents car down in a popular nightclub spot here in Cleveland a few years ago. We always go to the 2nd Amendment, because that's what this is about...the 2nd Amend. has NOTHING to do with hunting...and because of it, all the others are possible. Listen to some of the people on this board from countries that have outlawed guns, some will tell you that gun violence is rampant...others will tell you it's not, but people getting stabbed is on the increase. Once again, allow me to explain, I don't care if you have a gun, or don't want a gun...just leave me alone, I play by the rules. If your going to judge me on what MIGHT happen one day...then turn in your car keys, you can kill with one of those too.


Tits - I'll save you the space of trying to imply that armed Americans would be firing upon helpless, unarmed, border breaching Mexican nationals because: Once again -

The only time that a lethal weapon can legally be employed by a legally armed citizen is when another individual (offender) poses an immediate threat to the life of the defender (would be victim).

Now here's the important part ! "The Unreported Stories" :
If a law abiding, firearm bearing, would have been victim, draws a firearm in defense of what they have determined to be a threat to their life or loved bystanders and the aggressor retreats, because said would have been victim was armed the general public will never hear about it. You see, it doesn't include blood and guts therefore it just isn't newsworthy ! This is the side of the story that doesn't get it's just due representation.

I have no intention of ever owning a gun or "defending the border" from Mexico or Canada. If Mexican criminals come marauding into "The Heartland" or
I don't believe that I'm going to drink copious amounts of alcohol like I did in times past, that doesn't give me the right to restrict your right to drink copious amounts of alcohol and maybe get behind the wheel and God forbid crash into me.

if they start randomly attacking Americans' homes, like the Native Indians did back in the Calvary days, than the proper solution is for the American Military to defend the American Family.
Shirley you jest !
You don't believe in the American Family in the first place ! You're still guilty, ashamed and apologetic about the Founding of America :D

you Tea Partiers can't have "life" both ways....

This idea that - "God Endearing" - "Tea Party Attending" - Second "Amend - mentors" are a bunch of wild west film watching aficionados just ready to duplicate a Virginia City shootout on the Mexican border is a folly filled progressive fantasy. It's almost as if those who espouse this kinda stuff wish, albeit surreptitiously, that it would happen.
Again, I am not worried at all. Bring all the fictious and impossible to enforce laws on me.

Do you ever think that someone is going to ever knock on your door and ask for you guns?

I dont belive a moment of that right wing crap..

The Dems if they are the enemy have bigger fish to fry these days than taking you guns.


^ I don't believe that America will fall victim to an EMP attack, nor do I anticipate that an earthquake will perfectly split California away from the continent, but I always keep 3 months worth of food & water on hand at all times.

Nothing wrong with a little vigilance. ;)
^ I don't believe that America will fall victim to an EMP attack, nor do I anticipate that an earthquake will perfectly split California away from the continent, but I always keep 3 months worth of food & water on hand at all times.

Nothing wrong with a little vigilance. ;)

That is why you a free in this country to own guns, if you choose...

Stock up on the Spam and 9MM. I prefer .357....