Is it ignorance or is it really the fact that guns make it easy for people to kill people? Do Pro-Gun people enjoy the "right" to own firearms or isn't it more about the right to own powerful, mass murdering firearms?
Perhaps the proper compromise between these positions is to outlaw modern weapons for private ownership but reintroduce the musket and the flintlock pistol. The God and Gun crowd could still exercise their "freedom" but the musket is a "safer" weapon for a contemporary world and if the Founding Fathers were able to hunt with these weapons, so should the modern sportsman.
As I have said before, laws only effect the law abiding. If what you propose were to be put in effect, I would possibly have to defend myself, my family, my home against multiple intruders, with pistols that hold 15 rounds each. Why, because the criminal WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY to arm himself, no matter what law you pass, and even if you confiscated every gun you took from a criminal, and every law abiding citizen turned in their guns...criminals would still steal them from somewhere, or someone that IS ALLOWED to have them. By outlawing modern weapons for private ownership, you clearly would be usurping the Second Amendment, by putting the people at an even further disadvantage technology wise. I don't see why it is right to make me pay ANY PRICE, because a criminal chooses to break the law. Don't take away my gun, put him in prison, or the electric chair, if his crime is serious enough to warrant it. I think that it is abundantly clear in today's political climate, that the people DO IN FACT want, and expect their right to bare arms. Just look at the huge increase in sales, for all types of guns. These sales are LEGAL TRANSACTIONS, by law abiding citizens, that clearly feal their rights very well might be infringed upon, by an oppressive Government. The same Government that is a servant of the very people they call home grown terrorists, because they believe in the Constitution, and what it stands for. Called terrorists, because they feel dissatisfied with the job politicians are doing, because they feel there may be a need to defend themselves, and their families. If you honestly believe ANY gun law is designed to make anybody safer, you truly are naive. Every gun law, with the exception of...1) If you use a gun to commit a crime, and you do hard time. And 2) If you have been convicted of a crime, or adjudicated mentally ill, and are not allowed to own or possess a fire arm, clearly usurps the Second Amendment, and only serves to disarm a lawful society, and empower a government entity, that has little to no concern for you, or your well being, or your rights or pursuits of happiness. And the 2 gun laws I mentioned above, are the ONLY gun laws we need, or should have, EVER. IF guns are being used to commit crimes, punish the criminals. If Mexican, and Central American gang violence is occurring because of guns from America, lock the borders, and I ask you this...what in the fuck are THEY DOING to stop it? How many guns are these criminals getting from corrupt Mexican police personal, and politicians? How many are being stolen from Mexican forces? As far as why I enjoy owning what I own, that's irrelevant, as long as I obey the law, it's no ones business...especially the governments.