What would you like?

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8308971, member: 579739"]Maybe most guys don't pay much attention? Or they just don't know? Or they don't think it matters? :dunno:

I don't get that. I mean, a big part of the turn on for me is... well, knowing the other person is turned on and into it. Knowing they're having a good time.

I think maybe that's part of why I don't like a lot of porn. It just doesn't seem like a lot of fun for the women involved, and I want to see someone pleased.

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8308971, member: 579739"]Men are easy. You get hard. Ta-da! Turned on.

Though this is more or less true. :D
It is a whole set, those are just 3 pics from it. I'll be releasing it on my site probably next week. I'm thinking the 14th.

Definitely looking forward to that. You look gorgeous.

Generally I tend to be more drawn to casual clothes. Like just jeans and tank top or hoodie. :dunno: But yeah, you look spectacular in that dress. There was definitely breath stoppage and mouth watering going on... :drool2:

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Definitely looking forward to that. You look gorgeous.

Generally I tend to be more drawn to casual clothes. Like just jeans and tank top or hoodie. :dunno: But yeah, you look spectacular in that dress. There was definitely breath stoppage and mouth watering going on... :drool2:

Just scheduled it for the 14th, so you'll have that and 2 other sets to look forward to that week.

That's exactly the effect I was going for, glad it worked! I think the next time you drool over one of my pictures, you should totally take a picture of it and post it.
Just scheduled it for the 14th, so you'll have that and 2 other sets to look forward to that week.

Another three set week? Awesome :D.

That's exactly the effect I was going for, glad it worked! I think the next time you drool over one of my pictures, you should totally take a picture of it and post it.

Well, you totally hit the mark! :thumbsup:

Is drool actually attractive though...?


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8308689, member: 579739"]I eat lots of bananas.

at the same time???

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8308689, member: 579739"]So unless you want to see me in 30 different baseball hats, there's not much to show.

does that mean we're going to get Harley cosplaying the guy from Caps For Sale? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VZpZ1OqLgM8/T5Lfnk_pBTI/AAAAAAAAB5A/NH_BnhZ4qfQ/s640/Caps+for+sale+04.jpg

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Another three set week? Awesome :D.

Well, you totally hit the mark! :thumbsup:

Is drool actually attractive though...?

No not really. It's funny though.

at the same time???

does that mean we're going to get Harley cosplaying the guy from Caps For Sale? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VZpZ1OqLgM8/T5Lfnk_pBTI/AAAAAAAAB5A/NH_BnhZ4qfQ/s640/Caps+for+sale+04.jpg

Ha no I don't think so. Just 30 pics of me in hats. Or however many baseball hats I have.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Okay, more reaction shot requests...

  • You've totally just noticed a spider crawling up your leg, and you're a good 90% sure it's not the radioactive kind that will give you superpowers.
  • You've just taken a big sip of your morning coffee and it tastes strangely like fish and Tabasco sauce.
  • Walking into a room you meet your own clone for the first time and realize how sexy you actually are!
  • You've just woken up in a bathtub full of ice, and not only are all of your organs not gone, it turns out you now have several extras installed!
  • As it turns out, you've just come to the realization that the last five years of your life have been a hallucination, it's actually just been ninety minutes which you've spent tripping balls listening to Dark Side of the Moon.
  • You just walked in on dirk and me having sex!

Spider crawling up my leg


Coffee tastes like fish and hot sauce


Meeting my clone


Extra organs installed


The last 5 years of my life was a hallucination


Mind if I join you and Dirk?



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8309894, member: 579739"]Ha no I don't think so. Just 30 pics of me in hats. Or however many baseball hats I have.

but then you can yell at monkeys who stole your hats while you were sleeping under a tree
Yes, Harley is correct.... this topic requires thirty pics of hats! So much better than a pic with thirty hats. Also, regarding the wet shirt pics, well, I believe I've expressed my love of Harley moistness before. :D

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310178, member: 579739"]Coffee tastes like fish and hot sauce

Not a fan of hot fish? :D (that is an adorable pic though)

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310178, member: 579739"]Meeting my clone

That may be the cutest pic I have ever seen. :heart:

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310178, member: 579739"]The last 5 years of my life was a hallucination

Again... holy crap you have huge eyes. :surprise:

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310178, member: 579739"]Mind if I join you and Dirk?

I would not mind that at all...! :o (also... sexy smile!)

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310223, member: 579739"]Pretty close, but I don't have a studded choker type necklace.

That is a great look. The corset is nice, and women in dress shirts is hot. I definitely approve. :yesyes:
Last edited:

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
but then you can yell at monkeys who stole your hats while you were sleeping under a tree

That sounds like fun. Find me some monkeys to shoot with and I'll make it happen.

Yes, Harley is correct.... this topic requires thirty pics of hats! So much better than a pic with thirty hats. Also, regarding the wet shirt pics, well, I believe I've expressed my love of Harley moistness before. :D

Not a fan of hot fish? :D (that is an adorable pic though)

That may be the cutest pic I have ever seen. :heart:

Again... holy crap you have huge eyes. :surprise:

I would not mind that at all...! :o (also... sexy smile!)

That is a great look. The corset is nice, and women in dress shirts is hot. I definitely approve. :yesyes:

Fish is ok, hot fish might be palatable, but for my coffee? No way.

I know, my eyes are gargantuous. I take it as a compliment.

Where's Dirk? Let's make this happen. Oh right, he left :( Guess it's just you and me!

I've had that corset for years. It's supposed to be worn out but I don't want to look like a total harlot.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310296, member: 579739"]I know, my eyes are gargantuous. I take it as a compliment.

You should take it as a compliment, since it was one. :D

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310296, member: 579739"]Where's Dirk? Let's make this happen. Oh right, he left :(

Yup, closed his account a few days ago, with the zero'ed rep to prove it this time. :( Maybe he'll be back though... omg maybe he's already back under an assumed name! :surprise:

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310296, member: 579739"]Guess it's just you and me!

Well, how could I turn that down? It sounds so cozy! :o

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310296, member: 579739"]I've had that corset for years. It's supposed to be worn out but I don't want to look like a total harlot.

I don't think it looks very harloty. It's got a nice pattern and everything. Like a nicer looking strapless tank top. I think it'd look fine, and perfectly respectable if paired with a jacket or something like that. :yesyes:

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
You should take it as a compliment, since it was one. :D

Yup, closed his account a few days ago, with the zero'ed rep to prove it this time. :( Maybe he'll be back though... omg maybe he's already back under an assumed name! :surprise:

Well, how could I turn that down? It sounds so cozy! :o

I don't think it looks very harloty. It's got a nice pattern and everything. Like a nicer looking strapless tank top. I think it'd look fine, and perfectly respectable if paired with a jacket or something like that. :yesyes:

Yeah I know, he messaged me (and I'm assuming a number of other people) when I was leaving. He's left a few times before, but I think this is probably the last. Sad, he was one of the better posters here.

Cozy? That's the word you choose?

Yeah but I'd rather wear the corset out by itself.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310336, member: 579739"]Yeah I know, he messaged me (and I'm assuming a number of other people) when I was leaving. He's left a few times before, but I think this is probably the last. Sad, he was one of the better posters here.

Yeah, we've shot a few emails back and forth since.

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310336, member: 579739"]Cozy? That's the word you choose?

I dunno about you, but when I think "cozy" I think of warmth and closeness... nothing wrong with that in my book. To me cozy seems pretty sexy. Like a little fireside naughtiness...

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/harley-spencer said:
Harley Spencer[/URL][/B], post: 8310336, member: 579739"]Yeah but I'd rather wear the corset out by itself.

I doubt you'd get any complaints if you did. Certainly none from me... :D