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What Are Vril Demons: Reptilians, Clones, And Other Non-Human Entities


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Bronze Member
Fool, binary codes go back at least to 9th century BC in China.


The modern binary number system, the basis for binary code, was invented by Gottfried Leibniz in 1689 and appears in his article Explication de l'Arithmétique Binaire. The full title is translated into English as the "Explanation of the binary arithmetic", which uses only the characters 1 and 0, with some remarks on its usefulness, and on the light it throws on the ancient Chinese figures of Fu Xi."[1] (1703). Leibniz's system uses 0 and 1, like the modern binary numeral system. Leibniz encountered the I Ching through French Jesuit Joachim Bouvet and noted with fascination how its hexagrams correspond to the binary numbers from 0 to 111111, and concluded that this mapping was evidence of major Chinese accomplishments in the sort of philosophical mathematics he admired.[2][3] Leibniz saw the hexagrams as an affirmation of the universality of his own religious belief.[3]

Binary numerals were central to Leibniz's theology. He believed that binary numbers were symbolic of the Christian idea of creatio ex nihilo or creation out of nothing.[4] Leibniz was trying to find a system that converts logic’s verbal statements into a pure mathematical one. After his ideas were ignored, he came across a classic Chinese text called I Ching or ‘Book of Changes’, which used a type of binary code. The book had confirmed his theory that life could be simplified or reduced down to a series of straightforward propositions. He created a system consisting of rows of zeros and ones. During this time period, Leibniz had not yet found a use for this system.[5]

Binary systems predating Leibniz also existed in the ancient world. The aforementioned I Ching that Leibniz encountered dates from the 9th century BC in China.[6] The binary system of the I Ching, a text for divination, is based on the duality of yin and yang.[7] Slit drums with binary tones are used to encode messages across Africa and Asia.[7] The Indian scholar Pingala (around 5th–2nd centuries BC) developed a binary system for describing prosody in his Chandashutram.[8][9]
George Boole

The residents of the island of Mangareva in French Polynesia were using a hybrid binary-decimal system before 1450.[10] In the 11th century, scholar and philosopher Shao Yong developed a method for arranging the hexagrams which corresponds, albeit unintentionally, to the sequence 0 to 63, as represented in binary, with yin as 0, yang as 1 and the least significant bit on top. The ordering is also the lexicographical order on sextuples of elements chosen from a two-element set.[11]



This is an interpretive analysis, and explanation of Karlys video that discusses Charles Manson. To state it simply, Karly’s programming was to conceal and protect Charles Manson’s true role in the illuminati/CIA’s covert MKOFTEN PROJECT.

Charles Manson was an illuminati/ mk-ultra pawn. A CIA mind control test object programmed to lead you astray. Manson was a relatively early beta-test for the now familiar joker archetype. Chosen and groomed to be one of Uncle Sams Secret Sorcerers and utilized for a particular purpose.


He was chosen and programmed by the CIA as part of the MKOFTEN & ARTICHOKE PROJECTS.

’…According to author Gordon Thomas's 2007 book Secrets And Lies Of The CIA, "Operation Often" was also initiated by the chief of the CIA's Technical Services Branch, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, to "explore the world of black magic" and "harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach…”


Because of his background and charismatic personality, He was a re-cruited and programmed by the CIA to destroy the 60’s spiritual awakening (hippie movement), and to be a folk hero/martyr for white supremacist neo-nazis.

His followers claim he was unjustly persecuted because he didn’t physically commit the Helter Skelter murders, and he wasn’t allowed to defend himself by being his own attorney at his trial.

Truthfully, he was completely and unlawfully railroaded into prison, just like thousand’s of minorities every year, but Manson was guilty of the crimes he was charged with, and it was the illuminati’s plan to have him in prison from the very beginning.

Mason committed several documented crimes including homosexual rape, which he was convicted of, and cutting off a man’s ears, which he confessed to. These are the violent crimes, not including his countless petty larceny and robbery convictions which put him in jail for most of his life.

His cult following is based on the notion that he didn’t physically commit those crimes of killing Sharon Tate and others, but over several interviews, he admits that he did direct his followers to commit heinous crimes, but didn’t specifically tell them what to do. This is a claim his co-conspirators deny. They claim he was the mastermind and told them exactly who to kill and how to kill them.

So he was no angel, he never showed any mercy for his victims, nor any remorse for anything he did, or anyone who was killed. He was guilty of everything he was accused of, but again, him going to jail was by design of the MK Search Project conducted by the CIA, The Illuminati, and the military-industrial complex.


Charles Manson was designed to be a scapegoat for hatred of the elite, and hatred of environmental degradation. By attaching these noble causes to neo-nazis, and to some of the most heinous crimes ever committed, The elitists thus demonized anybody who identified with protecting the environment, or with violently attacking the illuminati elites responsible for the perpetuation of evil in society.

So for his whole life, he was supposed to be the poster boy for crazed environmental activists and for those who advocate violence against the slave owner elitists.

Marilyn Manson is an offshoot of the same demonic agenda and principles, and his music contains numerous mk-ultra triggers to designed to perpetuate allegiance to evil, and also to “trigger” the plethora of mk-ultra abuse victims strategically planted to further the illuminati’s overall agenda of demonic violent control, hostility and exploitation of the masses.

So looking at the Karly testimony, the programming is clear. To illicit sympathy for Manson and his environmental and anti-elitist causes, but by associating these causes to a convicted neo-nazi serial killer, you have thus stigmatized and demonized these causes, and have thus attempted to assure that these causes, which he supposedly championed, will never be accepted by the general populous.

Also by the time of his death, Manson had actively promoted the NEW World Order agenda and had claimed that the german concentration camp soldiers were just “doing their jobs" by killing millions of innocent jews. This was a result of consistent mk-ultra abuse and programming during his life behind bars. In totality, all Manson ever was, was a charasmatic demonic puppet. Exactly what the Illuminati wanted him to be.

So the lesson is that if you are an environmentalist or spiritually progressive, then you can listen to what Manson says about the environment, and the elitists, because it is true. But what his “family” did in killing those people was wrong…The people they killed were illuminati sacrifices, and they weren’t even real elitists…Actresses like Sharon Tate are considered by the true elite to be paid monkeys that spread their demonic messages to the masses…they are at the bottom of the “pyramid” and are considered totally expendable.

Further, there would be no need to kill anybody if good American citizens acknowledged the significant threat of these satanic secret societies, and enacted laws against them…The true elite are just a handful of feeble white/Jewish men who serve the devil…Many countries have banned their ilk from their countries, nobody needs these people…they are nut-job parasites…

With the technology we currently have, america could ban them all from the country tomorrow,,,or put them is jail for their countless crimes against humanity.

Again this is not to judge Manson or any one involved with the Mansons, nor is it to judge Karly who is just another programmed slave. Only God can judge them.

But as a man of God, and/or an environmentalist, you should always be aware of how much you have, and how desperate the Devil is to take it from you….by having this knowledge, hopefully you can better protect yourself and the environmental world around you. MK-ULTRA affects you all…resist your demonic programming, and stand up for what is right.

That in no way contradicts anything I said, nor does it, in any way, cast any doubt on the veracity of the corroborated sworn testimonies of numerous decorated United States Airforce Officers...U FUCKING IDIOT LOLOLOL

Zip your pants up before you challenge me ina debate nextime fuckboy...cause you know you can't do 2 things at once lololol

Fool, binary codes go back at least to 9th century BC in China.

Prince died of OD from pain meds.

Lil Wayne had seizures from drinking that "sizzurp" with cough medicine and shot. That shot will fuck you up in long run.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I've got an interpretive analysis also. I'm an old man. Not many years left. How do I gain greater control over humanity if only for a few years? Is there a website or house of something like Free Masons or VFW hall to join? I wasn't born into this but there must be someone or someplace to join up. I can do that circular eye thing when I let people pass me on the road or at a traffic light. Completely under the radar.

Is there coffee and doughnuts at the Illuminati meetings.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Once again, eri:

You keep on stepping er basic net etiquette - and it is just foolish to act like you were some sort of loudmouth, brawling and talking smack, combined with pushing spooky gossip about aliens. Those two things just mix very poorly.

Quit insulting others, you only shoot yourself in the foot.
I've got an interpretive analysis also. I'm an old man. Not many years left. How do I gain greater control over humanity if only for a few years? Is there a website or house of something like Free Masons or VFW hall to join? I wasn't born into this but there must be someone or someplace to join up. I can do that circular eye thing when I let people pass me on the road or at a traffic light. Completely under the radar.

Is there coffee and doughnuts at the Illuminati meetings.

Coffe no. Bitter tea with no sugar. Doughnuts are slices of bread with a hole in the middle and sprinkled with salt. For an all powerdul rich secret club they sure do skimp on the snacks. I mean at least toss in some Toast'em Pop Ups! But nooooo fucking cheapskates.


Dave Chapelle and Tela Tequila are two of the earlier more obvious examples of celebrity replacement clones. They have both been discussed before by multiple people on multiple media platforms, so not much time will be spent on them again here. They are both kinda old school now anyways, but we’ll do Dave Chappelle now, because Chapelle is being used by the illuminati more lately, so people, esp. black people, need to make sure they know it’s not the original.

Again, it is not to judge these new individuals, but be clear that the new versions are supposed to spread the NWO satanic agenda. So for people who are still confused as to why they are saying and doing a lot of fucked up shit, don’t be.

There are a lot of problems and malfunctions with them because the clones don’t want to do evil either. Human puppets can be hard to control, they don’t always do what they are told. Anyways; here is an abridged version of Chappelle’s fate. Make no mistake, these original people have been KILLED, so it is very serious because what happened to them, could happen to any of you.


“…I pride myself on saying real shit that people don’t even notice I’m saying…but they feel it…they can feel it, but I don’t thInk they really know…”



The clone's job is to create chaos, promote hatred (7 deadly sins), and divide people. Too dis-credit the truth legacy of the former Chappelle, by attacking the LBGTQ, and thus create a backlash of support for this community, which is of essential importance to the illuminati gay trans-human slave agenda, because the basis of of fascisim is homosexuality.



You will see these types always denying/dis-crediting anything illuminanti-related, even though the actual artists themselves have already admitted involvement.







Postal Paranoiac

1. An all-powerful God would likely live in a hidden place if he was benevolent enough to forego the usual super-being-wants-to-run-the-world thing. He would be first an observer...particularly with his creations and the science he made to make them work. Second, he would act in such a way as to encourage positive and substantive growth of humanity by indirect manipulation...especially by altering the actions of those who he considers most likely to be effective in this endeavor;
2. It is unlikely that aliens ever visited this world. For a race to be as advanced as necessary to cross the space and time of the galaxy to first discover and then visit us, they would have to have survived thousands of years of the same types of struggles we have faced. If they had, it is likely that their social advances would preclude them from any hostile types of contact...such as alien takeover. Even if they were a materialistic species...searching out worlds to exploit their resources...they would certainly have discovered countless planets along the way containing plenty of the very resources they might seek out from our world; also. despite technology, the effort required to merely find our planet, determine there is advanced life, then go there, begs the question: what makes us so important? They could have gone in any direction from their home to seek out life, and likely they would have found it before they even got to us...even intelligent life.
3. If I was a high-level person--politically, economically, whatever---who has something to hide, the best place to hide would be in plain sight...using subterfuge and misdirection as my blockers. If everybody thinks that aliens, Nazis and Satan are responsible, then they'd be less likely to look into my global finance manipulation, political manipulation, poisoning the planet, and other more believable things.
4. Look at history. It has been the mainstay of the powerful to keep a low profile themselves, then let the press and the people run with a theory that clouds the truth.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

1. An all-powerful God would likely live in a hidden place if he was benevolent enough to forego the usual super-being-wants-to-run-the-world thing. He would be first an observer...particularly with his creations and the science he made to make them work. Second, he would act in such a way as to encourage positive and substantive growth of humanity by indirect manipulation...especially by altering the actions of those who he considers most likely to be effective in this endeavor;
2. It is unlikely that aliens ever visited this world. For a race to be as advanced as necessary to cross the space and time of the galaxy to first discover and then visit us, they would have to have survived thousands of years of the same types of struggles we have faced. If they had, it is likely that their social advances would preclude them from any hostile types of contact...such as alien takeover. Even if they were a materialistic species...searching out worlds to exploit their resources...they would certainly have discovered countless planets along the way containing plenty of the very resources they might seek out from our world; also. despite technology, the effort required to merely find our planet, determine there is advanced life, then go there, begs the question: what makes us so important? They could have gone in any direction from their home to seek out life, and likely they would have found it before they even got to us...even intelligent life.
3. If I was a high-level person--politically, economically, whatever---who has something to hide, the best place to hide would be in plain sight...using subterfuge and misdirection as my blockers. If everybody thinks that aliens, Nazis and Satan are responsible, then they'd be less likely to look into my global finance manipulation, political manipulation, poisoning the planet, and other more believable things.
4. Look at history. It has been the mainstay of the powerful to keep a low profile themselves, then let the press and the people run with a theory that clouds the truth.

First: Forgive me for fullquoting this. Let me explain my motives.

Rarely have I seen a post, especially in the cesspool this forum section has become, that sums up so many truths so well.

And it may make some of us consider to read it twice, and thus raise the chances to understand the words the wise maildude said.

In most cases, coming into this thread, my head soon hurts from the hysteric utterings and aggressive lashings of his evil tongue, if questions are posed, and the touts of other members just make him more mental.

Read meildudes post, once more, and I think we can say, yep, that's it.

Trump is the figure head for a militant fringe neo-nazi 4th Reich fascist group. His job is to try and destroy Democracy and American sovereignty, and help to instate the technocratic fascist new World Order.

The Lucifer Complex a brief history of the development of the 4th Reich agenda;

Always remember that fascism is a demonic ideology, for the purpose of creating the demonic new world order.

Human Cloning is the fundamental part of this nazi 4th Reich “master race”, hence the name Lucifer Complex, because the cloning technology and all that arises from it is of the Devil.

Accordingly, it is this cloning technology, and mk-ultra monarch programming that transformed Tila Tequila from this person:

into a clone, that is now this person:

This is when she was replaced:

This is the devil worshipper elitist fascist 4th reich agenda for mankind. Always remember that everybody but the elitists are just pawns, and eventually the devil will kill the elitists too. Simple divide and conquer tactics.

The end game is slavery of all mankind in the name of the devil. A "master race" of souless non-human demonic servant creatures.


Clearly MK Slave: Christina Aguilera - Fall In Line (satanic fascist propaganda video)


Right from the start, the video discloses that it is about the grim world of Monarch programming, where children are abducted and forced to live in a “secret location” as slaves. Considering the fact that both Christina and Demi both grew up as Disney (aka MK-slave factory) child stars, this is all rather accurate.
Various shots show the singers imprisoned in an “underground” facility where they are tightly monitored.


The video is telling us that the massive MK facility was situated right under where the girls were playing... The subtle symbolism of the final scene says it all.


The following BET Kid Buu interview is more soft disclosure on what is going on behind the scenes with cloning. The interview is faked. Using gay low budget puppet industry stooges (notice the satanic symbol on the back of the first panelists jacket), Kid Buu’s whole career was created by the illuminati, so the questions by the interviewer are meaningless.

The point of the interview is to again regularize the issue of cloning by asking ONE question with no follow-up. Thus further normalizing the issue of human cloning, although it is illegal in every country in the world.

Clones are technically human, but they have no souls. It is hard to know the difference for most people, because they are a already living a demonic life. But the point is that he is pushing a demonic NWO agenda, He has been micro-chipped, and he reps the Raelian (Moloch) demonic cloning industry. His main job is to normalize and popularize the NWO demonic agenda. If he fails he will be killed or replaced.

This next video is the CEO of the ClonAid Raelian Devil worshippers that Kid Buu claims created him. The most important thing for them is the denial of the soul. For them, To deny the soul is to destroy God.

Notice her "IS-Raleian" Moloch Nazi star pendant. Pretty much the most evil symbol known to man.

This satanic pawn minion states what they are all about. The repudiation of God. Something all satanists must do.

Gemini- Dualistic Nature (replicant clones)

Geminin - Genetic DNA Replication Manipulation Technology (Cloning)


Gemeni- - Cryptocurrency - money of the satanic new world order

“All of His Gifts….Without His Pain”
-A humanoid satanic servant with no soul, guilt, or spiritual consciousness.

These are the planned humanoids of the Satanic New World Technocracy. Gay Bisexual Souless Replicant Clones. Built to serve the Devil and not God.

Cloned rappers are so in right now. Tekashi 69 really dropped the ball on not accusing his clone... or wait! Did he lol oo e ooooo

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
I always thought there was something weird about those extraterrestrially demonic clone Scientologists Will Smith and [NOBABE]Jada Pinkett[/NOBABE].