*Notice* in the latest franchise installment, Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich, Andre’ Toulon, the puppets' creator, has been transformed from a character of good opposing the Nazis, into a french speaking Nazi villain. And the puppets are now doing racist, anti-semitic, and misogynistic hate crimes.
This in line with the current Trump/Fascist Nazi Cult Movement In America. The story of Toulon was the heart of the Puppet Master franchise symbolizing good over evil. The character transformation of Toulon into a fascist villain symbolizes the illuminati agenda of attempting to change America from a nation under God, into a nation under illuminati evil.
The bottom line is that the satanic illuminati elite feel they must turn America's Democracy into a fascist military state to completely unleash their technological hell on the masses. This is because free citizens would never vote for their satanic illuminati Avatar Project agenda in a free democracy.
Here is the perfect place to transition from discussing the
creation of clones/ robotoids etc., to a discussion of the
purpose of creating these entities. And that primary purpose is to lead the general public into the path of the devil.
Celebrities/Public figures of a certain stature are used as
satanic idols, because they know the general public will listen to, and follow them.The edict from the illuminati is simple for these people. Do the devils work or be replaced or killed, or both. So how can you tell when you are seeing a clone, robotoid, or some other non-human entity….it is pretty easy.
People are born in the image of God to be good. People want to be good, it is their nature. But unfortunately most people end up serving the devil, because that is how society is set up. Artists especially want to be good, and just share their craft, but they have to make a choice…do the devil’s work(sell your soul), or don’t be successful at the the top level of the entertainment industry. But these people aren’t bad by nature, they just are forced to make a choice. And most who make the choice don’t know the full ramifications of what they are doing until it’s too late.
So that is why copies are made of those inducted into
illuminati servitude (because they are not actual members) at the very beginning. Because the higher level demonic minions know that when you find out the full picture, you want to quit and tell everybody what you know. But by that time you have fame and riches and a platform and people will believe what you say, so they have to be able to control what you do. So if you start to tell the secrets which you have sworn an oath to the illuminati not to tell, they can replace you with a clone, keep making money off of you, and still have their message of evil being spread to the masses by celebrity personalities whom the public trusts.
So again the question is
how do you tell who has been replaced? The primary way is to watch those celebrities who are trying to do good and tell the truth.
When these people are replaced, they will go from trying to be a beacon of light and goodness, to downright evil. Good people don’t do that. They don’t change like that, especially not rich good people. So
when a person is replaced by a clone, you will see them change dramatically from good to evil, and then
they will start to behave erratically to discredit the truth they have told in the past.
But then
they will still be performing, and doing shows, albums, etc. So the illuminati can still make money off of them. Puppets on a string. And when you see this cycle of behavior, then know that what they told you before was the truth. But the person inconsistant with that message of truth is a replacement, some kind of fake.
“…Truth is self evident. It comes from the soul, and you feel it in your gut. But a clever lie will barely make you blink an eye…”
You won’t feel a soulless entity. You won’t feel what they are saying and you won’t feel what they are doing because they are fake.
Puppets used by the devil to mislead you towards a demonic hell on earth. A fascist New World Order.
Now it is time to start providing
examples of these fakes. Again, not to pass judgement on them because only God can do that. But these people are not the original.
They aren’t doing Gods work. Their transition is so shocking that you would swear they have to be different people, and that is because
they ARE different people, or different things.
Example #1
Geraldo Rivera
The original doing Gods works
*Note* For those of you who don’t know
Military Officer Micheal Aquino (Temple Of Set), then google him and check out the link below and you will see why Rivera was replaced.
Satanic Clone Minion Being Used To Spread Demonic Fascisim Among Minorities
Disappointed Bill Maher Tells Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera “I Looked Up To You”, Defends “Terrible Person” Laura*Ingraham