Example #4
Karly Franz Noel: The Iluminati Youtube Mk-Ultra Replacement Clone Schill Experiment.
This person is no type of celebrity but she somewhat claims to be, so I’m including her. She’s important only in that her purpose is to discredit the issues of cloning and SRA, and to promote fascism within the 5th estate.
She originally was authentic and had a lot of important things to say, but awhile ago, she started saying that the elite were after her, then youtube shut her page down and she came back about month later different. So she is replaced or re-programmed, or both.
Interestingly enough,
she totally claims to be a replacement clone, and she claims to have illuminati handlers, so she is basically telling you that she is here to lead you astray. But she still has an audience, so it’s important for any people that run across her in pursuit of the truth to know that she is a just a plant.
Like most replacement clones,
her main objectives are to discredit her former self, and promote elitist illuminati fascism.
She knows a lot about the subjects of cloning, because she is from an illuminati family, but mostly she just repeats substantially what other SRA survivors have already said. Then she embellishes and puts her own spin on it.
She will mix basic researchable facts on cloning, with blatantly false statements, but her presentation is always sincere, and she stays in character flawlessly. For instance she will repeat an accepted fact stated by a trusted SRA survivor, and then her next statement will be something like “the moon and sun are hanging from strings in the sky”, or something else totally false and ridiculous.
This fits the
pattern of all replacement clones, as they are to try to dis-credit the speaker by mixing in truths they told before, with bizarre statements, and/or bizarre behavior…in that way they dis-credit themselves, dis-credit the subject matter, but they still speak enough of their original message of truth for people to think it’s still the original.
Additionally, she will make claims of pedophilia against celebrities and political figures that speak out against the illuminati such as Bill Clinton and Steven Colbert (representing democratic common people), and then fake accounts will show up in her comment section promoting
Trump fascism. Anyone who tries to speak the truth, or point out the numerous holes and incongruencies in her testimonys is blocked.
And now she is currently promoting homosexuality and transgenderism. Keys to the illuminati trans-human new world order agenda, and she claims that Satan is “mis understood” and is really a “good guy” LOL! She is also very sympathetic towards the illuminati although they enslave her, torture/abuse her, and exploit her for their own crazy delusional luciferian purposes.
It’s easy to feel sorry for her because she seems nice, sincere and intelligent (by design), but whatever they did to her was terrible, and she seems like another damaged lost soul,,,but at the end of the day she is still an elitist and a racist, again by design, so so she is not the same as regular people…and plus she uses the issues of cloning and SRA to get sympathy from people and hustle them for money for her, and her friends.
So, again, she is basically an
illuminati plant experimental replacement clone. Predictively programed to normalize you to the issues of clones, consciousness transfer, SRA, elite new world order agenda, etc….but programmed by the illuminati to discredit herself with enough blatantly false statements so that she can’t be taken totally seriously.
She is experimental because the illuminati doesn’t know how effective she will be, or what will eventually happen to her, and they don’t care…they just want to see what happens, and use her for their purposes on Youtube as long as possible.
But from a human standpoint it’s still sad…because it’s like a really slow train wreck that you are watching happen…You don’t know how it will end, but you know it probably won’t be good.
May God bless and protect her, and have mercy on her soul.