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Watergate 2.0 in Progress


Staff member
GOP Responds to IG Report: 'Not the FBI Our Country Needs'

Sessions: More Heads Could Roll at DOJ

FBI Agents Under Fire After IG Report Reveals Illegal Activity Within Bureau

FBI Ignored Weiner Probe for a Month To Prioritize Russia Witch-Hunt


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
LOL @ Stormy Daniels and Paul Manafort. You don’t even have the premise that the thread was started on left.

:rofl: :1orglaugh

You can remember how many of Trump's cronies - national security advisor, campaign managers, etc., already pleaded guilty and are eagerly cooperating with the Special Counsel?

Are you proactively shoving that knowledge out of your brilliant legal mind, in order to be able to STILL be a Trump fanboy? Or do you have to rely on medication or drugs?


Staff member
You can remember how many of Trump's cronies - national security advisor, campaign managers, etc., already pleaded guilty and are eagerly cooperating with the Special Counsel?

Are you proactively shoving that knowledge out of your brilliant legal mind, in order to be able to STILL be a Trump fanboy? Or do you have to rely on medication or drugs?

Count many Obama muppets and Clinton devotees have covered lies , bribed up FBI top execs, are part of the Russian probe and bought illegal votes. And being an Obama muppet after 8 years of such a mediocre presidency, I don't think that there is something to rejoice. Maybe you should worry more about Frau Merkel Report: Germany's Merkel Could Be Ousted or Resign Next Week
I would rather be a conservative than a liberal or a socialist.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Let us talk about former US administgrations in other, already existing threads. Stay on topic.

And I absolutely share your worries about our german administration, but again:

You as a moderator shouldn't encourage swaying off topic in threads.

Thank you for trying, if you try. If not, maybe it's time to step down.


Staff member


FBI Director After IG Report: ‘We’re Going To Learn from the Report and be Better’

FBI may have ‘edited & changed’ Clinton, Russia Witness Reports

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
"Huge Weiner problem."

*chortled for five minutes while eating famous Dave's lackluster burnt ends.


Staff member
3 Anti-Trump FBI officials worked on Hillary, Russia Probes

Obama Cyber Chief: We were told to ‘stand down’ when Russia launched cyberattacks

Angela Box: The Deep State can’t hide its lying eyes

Game-Changer: Susan Rice ordered to set up Trump, assured Russian meddlers were left alone

Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting
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Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Oh, this is so much fun.

ALL THIOSE TAPES are in the hands of the FBI, and so much of recorded - mind you, recorded by Cohen - shady dealings bring so much weight into this probe.

Mmmmmm, that is JUICY
Game-Changer: Susan Rice ordered to set up Trump, assured Russian meddlers were left alone

This whole theory is SO illogical.
If Obama wanted to destroy Trump's chances why would he order inteL to back down on the Russia investigation before the election? That makes no sense.
If that was his aim he'd have pursued that angle aggressively then gone public with any dirt that turned up.

Instead, as he has previously explained, he didn't pursue it aggressively or go public with it pre-election because he felt that might be perceived as him trying to unduly influence the election.


Staff member
This whole theory is SO illogical.
If Obama wanted to destroy Trump's chances why would he order inteL to back down on the Russia investigation before the election? That makes no sense.
If that was his aim he'd have pursued that angle aggressively then gone public with any dirt that turned up.

Instead, as he has previously explained, he didn't pursue it aggressively or go public with it pre-election because he felt that might be perceived as him trying to unduly influence the election.

False because Obama's little bitch and muppet, Loretta Lynch promised Clinton camp: I Won’t Let FBI ‘Go Too Far’ With Investigation [Report]
And another new FBI Agent and a fucking registered democrap as well implicated: sent obscene Trump message, filtered evidence in Hillary probe

Is that enough of proof for you??
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Staff member
No, it's not.

This is what brain dead spewing of talking points looks like:

“The IG report, though critical of Comey, found no evidence of personal bias on his part or institutional bias in the FBI's decision on Clinton's emails”.

He [referring to IG Horwitz] very carefully says that he found no ‘documentary’ evidence that bias produced ‘specific investigatory decisions.’ That's different,” she said. “It means he didn't catch anyone doing anything so dumb as writing down that they took a specific step to aid a candidate. You know, like: ‘Let's give out this Combetta immunity deal so nothing comes out that will derail Hillary for President.”

Strassel elaborates further in her column about the report:

”There’s Loretta Lynch, who felt it perfectly fine to have a long catch-up with her friend Bill Clinton on a Phoenix tarmac and whom the inspector general slams for an “error in judgment.” Mr. Comey’s entire staff was complicit in concealing the contents of the July press conference from Justice officials. We discover that significant FBI “resources” were dedicated in October to spinning FBI “talking points” about the Clinton investigation—rather than actually investigating the new Anthony Weiner laptop emails the bureau discovered in September.


There’s former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik, who was tipping off the Clinton campaign even as he took part in the investigation, and who “failed to strictly adhere to [his] recusal” when he finally stepped away. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe also did not “fully comply with his recusal,” and he’d already been found to have lied to the bureau about a leak to the media. Speaking of leaks, Mr. Horowitz needed full attachments and charts to list the entire “volume of communication” between FBI employees and the press.


…the bias is everywhere. It’s in the texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and those of three other employees who are routinely “hostile” to Candidate Trump…It’s in a message from an unnamed agent in November 2016 who writes that although the FBI found Clinton aide Huma Abedin had “lied,” it doesn’t matter since “no one at DOJ is going to prosecute.” To which a second agent replies. “Rog—noone is going to pros[ecute] even if we find unique classified.”

It’s in the Justice Department’s decision to cut deals with Mrs. Clinton and her staff and shelter them from a grand jury. And to agree to limitations in searching for and in devices. And in immunity agreements.

No bias? Please. There was bias, unless you’re with the liberal news media who thinks the only thing that was bad from this report is that Donald Trump is still the president of the United States.

Combetta refers to Mr. Paul Combetta, a computer specialist who deleted Hillary Clintons emails, which were under a congressional subpoena (via NYT):

A computer specialist who deleted Hillary Clinton’s emails despite orders from Congress to preserve them was given immunity by the Justice Department during its investigation into her personal email account, according to a law enforcement official and others briefed on the investigation.


Mr. Combetta is one of at least two people who were given immunity by the Justice Department as part of the investigation. The other was Bryan Pagliano, a former campaign staff member for Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, who was granted immunity in exchange for answering questions about how he set up a server in Mrs. Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., around the time she became secretary of state in 2009.


According to the F.B.I. documents, Mr. Combetta told the bureau in February that he did not recall deleting the emails. But in May, he told a different story.

In the days after Mrs. Clinton’s staffers called Platte River Networks in March 2015, Mr. Combetta said realized that he had not followed a December 2014 order from Mrs. Clinton’s lawyers to have the emails deleted. Mr. Combetta then used a program called BleachBit to delete the messages, the bureau said.

In Mr. Combetta’s first interview with the F.B.I. in February, he said he did not recall seeing the preservation order from the Benghazi committee, which Mrs. Clinton’s lawyer, Cheryl D. Mills, had sent to Platte River. But in his May interview, he said that at the time he made the deletions “he was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton’s email data” on the Platte River server.

Strassel added that the IG report, in her view, shows a culture that feels the rules do not apply them, noting the failed recusals (cough…McCabe…cough), the Lynch/Bill meeting on the tarmac in Phoenix, and reporters giving free goodies to staffers. Talk about a situation that lends itself to having more leaks than the Iraqi Navy. But hey, the Clintons could empathize; they’ve felt the same way for years.

And let’s not forget the atrocious exchange between FBI employees, who had a total meltdown over Trump’s 2016 win.

“You promised me this wouldn’t happen. YOU PROMISED,” one said, identified as “FBI Employee.”

“Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm,” said a lawyer with the bureau.

With these examples, it’s hard to fully accept there was no bias as a legitimate point to sell to the American people. Actually, the people did watchthe debates, and the way you know these jokers at the FBI didn’t is because they should have known that Clinton-leaning voters were more receptive to Trump’s language on the economy in the third debate.

Still, this did not impact the execution of the probe itself into the emails. I’m not so sure that’s going to sit well. Yet, we can probably put the obstruction of justice charge to bed for good, not that it was a serious charge to begin with, as the president has the right to fire the FBI director whenever he wants. But this IG report shows President Trump had cause. “
