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Watergate 2.0 in Progress


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Mueller approval rating plummets as Trump investigation drags on

Mueller to keep quiet on Russia during Manafort trial, the witch-hunt continues

What goes around comes around: Deep State may have set up Rod Rosenstein

Fair Trial Impossible in D.C. for Manafort, diGenova Says

Lisa Page Defies Subpoena, Tells Congress She Needs More Time
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Strzok Grilled by Congress, Defends Anti-Trump Texts

Gowdy Slams Strzok While Dems Cheer Claim That Anti-Trump Bias Is Rooted in ‘Patriotism’

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Wether or not it dis change the vote count is irrelevant.

We now have proofs that russian intelligence officiels hacked the DNC, got
en which they released.

We also have Trump, during a meeting, asking them to do exactly that.

We also have a meeting between some of Trump's closest relatives and russian officials to discuss about damaging informations about Hillary that the russians may have

In other words, we have :
- someone who got shot
- a suspect who made death threats
- a smoking gun
- the suspect's DNA on that gun


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

Johan, forget reasoning with georges, BC, and animus. They wil never accept that rump did wrong on a daily basis and proof is in he is a russian tool

Just the fact that Trump, while campaigning, openly, in front of thousands of people, while the camera was rolling, asked Russia to hack the servers of the Democratic Party, is enough to step down over, if Trump HAD the needed integrity a President, even a candidate has to have. But we all know he has done and said far worse and far more evil things. And by now, everybody who still stands by Trump is guilty like Trump is.


Staff member

Johan, forget reasoning with georges, BC, and animus. They wil never accept that rump did wrong on a daily basis and proof is in he is a russian tool

I will oppose you this of how Matt Gaetz DESTROYS Smug Rosenstein on FBI investigating Trump. But fact is that this counter investigation was the part of the Obama administration. Yet, you still stubbornly believe that Trump was elected through Russia. Do you remeber the Steele dossier or not? If you don't, then you absolutely don't know what you are talking about.
From the Steele dossier to Papdopoulos, Obama's state department had an early role in the Trump Russia probe and that is undeniable.
I forgot this one too a Russian suing over Steele Dossier calls Mueller indictment " an utter vindication"
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There were some interesting points made in that Lawrence clip, and it's certainly way beyond time for the ego-in-chief to admit Russia helped him win the election, as well as take aggressive measures to prevent that kind of meddling in future. However...

Just the fact that Trump, while campaigning, openly, in front of thousands of people, while the camera was rolling, asked Russia to hack the servers of the Democratic Party, is enough to step down over, if Trump HAD the needed integrity a President, even a candidate has to have.

...I have to say that I'm not buying that that was some kind of genuinely incriminating gesture on Trump's part. I don't think a great deal of Trump's brains, but he'd have to be the dumbest person on earth to publicly incriminate himself in such a way. Yeah it was an irresponsible act - another Trump hallmark - but apart from that to me it was nothing more than tongue-in-cheek campaign grandstanding. The fact it aligned to the very day with the onset of the hacking of the DNC imo doesn't make Trump directly complicit in that hacking. At worst I'd say Russian took advantage of the timing to make it look like that could have been the case - a little back pocket leverage should he prove problematic for them at a later date, perhaps. But again, more the outcome of irresponsibility than actual collusion.

I'm still waiting for the investigation's outcome to determine whether actual collusion did take place, and still think it's possible. But I don't think that particular episode was demonstrative of such - and it felt to me like the MSNBC people were really reaching hard in an attempt to make it fit their preconceived notions.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Georgieboy, none of your deep-state bs-stories can negate that all these Trump aides have already pleaded "guily" and the number of jury decisions that are stacking up
pool hustler said:
...I have to say that I'm not buying that that was some kind of genuinely incriminating gesture on Trump's part. I don't think a great deal of Trump's brains, but he'd have to be the dumbest person on earth to publicly incriminate himself in such a way. Yeah it was an irresponsible act - another Trump hallmark - but apart from that to me it was nothing more than tongue-in-cheek campaign grandstanding. The fact it aligned to the very day with the onset of the hacking of the DNC imo doesn't make Trump directly complicit in that hacking. At worst I'd say Russian took advantage of the timing to make it look like that could have been the case - a little back pocket leverage should he prove problematic for them at a later date, perhaps. But again, more the outcome of irresponsibility than actual collusion.

I'm still waiting for the investigation's outcome to determine whether actual collusion did take place, and still think it's possible. But I don't think that particular episode was demonstrative of such - and it felt to me like the MSNBC people were really reaching hard in an attempt to make it fit their preconceived notions.

Trump asked Russians to get Clinton emails. They immediately started trying

President Donald Trump has repeated like a mantra there was "no collusion!" between his campaign and Russians trying to meddle in the 2016 US election.
But in the shocking new 29-page indictment filed by the US Department of Justice against 12 Russian intelligence operatives for meddling in the 2016 election, there is one passage that brings to mind a moment when Trump publicly asked the Russians to do something -- and privately, they turned around and did exactly what he'd requested.

The indictment does not explicitly mention Trump asking for anything, but it does say this starting on page 7:
22. The Conspirators spearfished individuals affiliated with the Clinton Campaign throughout the summer of 2016. For example, on or about July 27, 2016, the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearfish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton's personal office. At or around the same time, they also targeted seventy-six email addresses at the domain for the Clinton Campaign.

How do we get from this passage to a direct plea from Trump? You don't have to go far. On July 27, 2016, Trump gave a news conference in Florida. At that news conference, he asked Russia to find Clinton emails.

Now, in context, we should note that Trump did not specifically ask Russians to hack Clinton campaign officials, which is what they ended up doing. He was referring to emails from her time as secretary of state that were wiped from the private server where she kept them.
But he did say, "Russia, if you're listening," and then ask them to get Clinton emails. It was a shocking moment in a campaign chock full of them and now it has even more resonance.

It was "on or about" that same day, according to this indictment, that "the Conspirators attempted after hours to spearfish for the first time email accounts at a domain hosted by a third-party provider and used by Clinton's personal office."
He asked for it and, "for the first time," they started spearfishing email accounts used by Clinton's office.

The news conference happened around 10:30 a.m. ET, which is around 5:30 p.m. in Moscow. "After hours."
We didn't know exactly what the Russians were doing at the time, but Trump's request was a very big deal during the Democratic convention and after the Democratic National Committee's email server had already been hacked. When Trump made his plea to the Russians even Republicans at the time criticized it.
Is it all a huge coincidence that the Russian agents picked that day to target Clinton email servers, as the US government alleges? It sure could be. Is it possible the Russians took this one cue directly from Trump's mouth? Sure seems like it.

So, what have we got : Trump asked russian to get Hillary's emails
Right after that, russian officials started to hack Hillary's emails
About a month ago (Jun 9th, 2016) we know that Paul Manafort (Trump's cmpaign chairman at the time), Jared Kushner and Donal Trump Jr met with russian officials after they offered them damaging informations about Hillary

We've got a crime scene, a smoking gun and a guy who had put a bounty on the victim's head

Does anybody here still thinks it's all coincidences and there was "no collusion" ?

Trump'sasking russians to hack find the missing emails was codeword. H thought no one would ever think he was dulb enough to make it so obvious. So, in a sense, making it obvious was clever.
Trump'sasking russians to hack find the missing emails was codeword. H thought no one would ever think he was dulb enough to make it so obvious. So, in a sense, making it obvious was clever.

Yeah see I'm just not buying this at all. Sounds like something Mr. P. might come up with ;)
Again, I'm not saying there wasn't collusion - I'm still waiting like to rest of us to find out for sure one way or the other - but I don't think this incident is any kind of evidence of such.

So, what have we got : Trump asked russian to get Hillary's emails
Right after that, russian officials started to hack Hillary's emails
About a month ago (Jun 9th, 2016) we know that Paul Manafort (Trump's cmpaign chairman at the time), Jared Kushner and Donal Trump Jr met with russian officials after they offered them damaging informations about Hillary

We've got a crime scene, a smoking gun and a guy who had put a bounty on the victim's head

Does anybody here still thinks it's all coincidences and there was "no collusion" ?

Trump'sasking russians to hack find the missing emails was codeword. H thought no one would ever think he was dulb enough to make it so obvious. So, in a sense, making it obvious was clever.

lol you got to be fucking kidding me.

It was a joke. I know humor is sometimes lost in translation, but damn. Or is President Trump as you say that clever?

Why is it a given that Russia wanted Trump to win? Who in their right mind (other than a select few) gave Trump any chance to win regardless of Russia's efforts? In the indictment, "Organization 1", i.e., Wikileaks gave Trump only a 25% chance of winning. Trump was behind in all the swing state polls including down double-digits in a state he HAD to win in Pennsylvania.

What if the Russians too believed a Hillary Clinton presidency was inevitable and these email leaks were a warning that they had more (her private server compromised, The Clinton Foundation) which they could blackmail her presidency with.
lol you got to be fucking kidding me.

It was a joke. I know humor is sometimes lost in translation, but damn. Or is President Trump as you say that clever?
A joke ? So, Trump joked about asking russians getting and releasing Hillary's email, then right after he made that joke russian hackers started working on hacking Hillary's emails but that timing was just a coincidence ?
Seriously ? Gimme a break nobody would believe that

Why is it a given that Russia wanted Trump to win? Who in their right mind (other than a select few) gave Trump any chance to win regardless of Russia's efforts? In the indictment, "Organization 1", i.e., Wikileaks gave Trump only a 25% chance of winning. Trump was behind in all the swing state polls including down double-digits in a state he HAD to win in Pennsylvania.

What if the Russians too believed a Hillary Clinton presidency was inevitable and these email leaks were a warning that they had more (her private server compromised, The Clinton Foundation) which they could blackmail her presidency with.

Russians knew a Hillary presidency wasn't inevitable. In June, when the Trump Tower meeting happened, Hillary was at 41% and Trump was at 37% (according to NYT). A 4 point gap isn't a guaranteed win. Also, we now know that polls under-estimated Trump. Maybe russian intelligence had different numbers, more accurate numbers.

If the russian's plan was to blackmail Hillary with her emails, why did they offered Trump campaign damaging informations about Hillary ?
The plan was to help Trump win, everything points to that.
Why would they do that, I don't know (Trump probably knows). We have a crime scene, a smking gun and a suspect, we don't need a motive, we just need the suspects fingerprints on the gun or the crime scene
If the russian's plan was to blackmail Hillary with her emails, why did they offered Trump campaign damaging informations about Hillary ?

did you read the indictment? (I read it on my lunch break yesterday). The person who "knew" Trump campaign members corresponded with "Guccifer2.0" who offered some vague democrat demographic strategy or what not and the reply was "Meh, that's standard."

and that was the end of it.

Still waiting for those Russia -Trump campaign conspiracy indictments to be handed down. A year and some odd months later.
.Still waiting for those Russia -Trump campaign conspiracy indictments to be handed down. A year and some odd months later.
We're talking about russian intelligence, not some random shop-lifting
Why is it a given that Russia wanted Trump to win?

1) Because that's what every one of our intel agencies has concluded.
2) Because Putin fucking hates Clinton. He has ever since she strongly encouraged internal opposition against him at a time (2012 while running for re-election) when his popularity among Russians was at low ebb and a great many protests were already taking place.
3) Because there's no way Clinton would have lifted sanctions on Russia, while as we know Flynn gave assurances to Kislyak that Trump and Co. would work towards eradicating them.
1) Because that's what every one of our intel agencies has concluded.
2) Because Putin fucking hates Clinton. He has ever since she strongly encouraged internal opposition against him at a time (2012 while running for re-election) when his popularity among Russians was at low ebb and a great many protests were already taking place.
3) Because there's no way Clinton would have lifted sanctions on Russia, while as we know Flynn gave assurances to Kislyak that Trump and Co. would work towards eradicating them.

what other things have our intel agencies concluded that turned out to be suspect or wrong? Point #2: Putin hates Clinton? How does that negate my point of he having something over her to use as leverage?
#3 how the hell can you know that? She of the reset button.
what other things have our intel agencies concluded that turned out to be suspect or wrong? Point #2. Putin hates Clinton? How does that negate my point of he having something over her to use as leverage?
#3 how the hell can you know that? She of the reset button.

1) If you choose to believe Putin over our intel agencies because our intel agencies don't always get it right so be it. I won't be going there with you. The evidence they got it right in this case is becoming more overwhelming all the time.

2) Ordinarily this point might be something I'd consider, but when weighed against the other factors I've listed it does't hold up for me as a theory.

3) No she WAS of the reset button. Once Putin invaded Ukraine she became virulently anti-reset.