Trump trusts Russia over US intelligence

Trump hands Putin a diplomatic triumph by casting doubt on U.S. intelligence agencies

President Trump handed Russian President Vladimir Putin an unalloyed diplomatic triumph during their summit here Monday as he refused to support the collective conclusion of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia had interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Trump’s warm rhetorical embrace of Putin, who he said had given him an “extremely strong and powerful” denial that Russia assaulted U.S. democracy, marked an extraordinary capstone to the first formal meeting between the current leaders of the world’s nuclear superpowers and sparked trepidation and horror among many in Washington and around the globe.

At a remarkable 46-minute joint news conference inside the Finnish presidential palace, Trump would not challenge Putin’s claim that the Russian government played no role in trying to sabotage the U.S. election, despite the Justice Department’s indictments Friday of 12 Russian intelligence officers accused of hacking Democratic emails as part of a broad subterfuge operation to help Trump win the election.
Trump went on to condemn the expansive federal investigation of Russian interference as “a disaster for our country” and “a total witch hunt,” arguing that the probe, along with “foolish” American policies, had severely impaired relations between the two countries.

The gathering along the glistening waterfront of this Nordic capital turned into a clear political victory for the Russian president, who aims to expand his country’s global influence by sowing discord within the United States and disrupting Western alliances.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the summit “fabulous” and “better than super,” according to Russian news agencies, while Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was snickering with exuberance as he watched the news conference from the sidelines.

Trump and Putin spent their first two hours speaking alone, joined only by their interpreters. After emerging from the tete-a-tete with the former KGB agent, Trump appeared to discount the findings of his own intelligence agencies about Russia’s behavior.

Both presidents are highly focused on projecting dominance and machismo, but Trump on Monday waffled beside a stone-faced Putin and avoided a confrontation when an Associated Press reporter asked Trump whether he believes U.S. intelligence officials or Putin.
“They said they think it’s Russia,” Trump replied, referencing intelligence officials. “I have President Putin — he just said it’s not Russia.”
Trump added: “I will say this — I don’t see any reason why it would be. . . . I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.”

Trump declined an invitation by the AP reporter, Jonathan Lemire, to warn Putin, with the world watching, never again to interfere in a U.S. election.
And with Trump looking on, Putin insisted to reporters that “the Russian state has never interfered and is not going to interfere into internal American affairs, including election process.”

Putin suggested what Trump described as an “interesting idea” — that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators could come to Russia and help question the dozen Russian suspects, as long as Russians could do the same of U.S. intelligence agents that Moscow suspects of carrying out crimes on Russian soil.

Trump’s failure to confront Putin drew stern rebukes from leaders of both political parties in Washington and left the American national security establishment alarmed and dismayed.
Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats responded by stating that the intelligence assessment of Russia’s “ongoing, pervasive efforts to undermine our democracy” has been clear and has been presented to Trump in an unvarnished and objective fashion.
Former CIA director John O. Brennan tweeted that Trump proved himself to be “wholly in the pocket of Putin” and that his comments were “nothing short of treasonous.”
Meanwhile, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) said “there is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy.”
And Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called the Helsinki summit “a tragic mistake,” arguing that Trump delivered “one of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory.”

One of the few defenses in Washington came from Vice President Pence. “What the world saw, what the American people saw, is that President Donald Trump will always put the prosperity and security of America first,” Pence said during an event at the Commerce Department.

As Trump returned to Washington aboard Air Force One, the president took to Twitter to defend his performance.
“As I said today and many times before, ‘I have GREAT confidence in MY intelligence people.’ However, I also recognize that in order to build a brighter future, we cannot exclusively focus on the past — as the world’s two largest nuclear powers, we must get along!” wrote the president, who has remained fixated on the exploits of his campaign two years ago.

For three straight days leading up to the summit, Trump vented on Twitter and stewed in private with advisers over the indictments of a dozen Russian intelligence officers. The probe, overseen by Mueller, has produced charges against or guilty pleas from 32 Russians and Americans, including charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who is in jail.

Discussing the investigation here Monday with Putin at his side, Trump insisted that there had been no coordination between his campaign and Moscow, using as his argument that he had no relationship with Putin at the time.
“I didn’t know the president,” Trump said. “There was nobody to collude with. There was no collusion with the campaign.”

Trump went on to air many of his pet grievances, including unsubstantiated conspiracies familiar to his campaign rally crowds and Twitter followers.
“What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the [Democratic National Committee]?” Trump asked. “Where are those servers? They’re missing. Where are they? What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? Thirty-three thousand emails gone — just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily. I think it’s a disgrace that we can’t get Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 emails.”

Putin confirmed that he wanted Trump to defeat Clinton “because he talked about normalizing relations” between Russia and the United States. When asked whether the Russian government had compromising information on Trump or his family members, Putin did not answer directly and dismissed the question by saying, “It’s hard to imagine greater nonsense.” He told reporters, “Please throw this junk out of your head.”

In the morning hours before the summit began, Trump said his own country, rather than Russia, was to blame for the hostilities between their two nations. Although most U.S. officials fault Russia’s election interference, its alleged use of a nerve agent on British soil and its aggression in Ukraine and Syria, Trump instead faulted “U.S. foolishness and stupidity” in a tweet. The Russian Foreign Ministry’s official Twitter account retweeted it and added, “We agree.”

After sitting down with Putin, Trump said relations had warmed — and Putin agreed.
“The Cold War is a thing of the past,” Putin said, saying that he and Trump spoke “in a frank and businesslike atmosphere.”

In a show of bonhomie, Putin, who hosted the World Cup soccer tournament that concluded Sunday in Moscow, handed Trump a souvenir soccer ball. “Now the ball is in your court,” Putin said. The United States, Canada and Mexico will jointly host the World Cup in 2026, after Qatar in 2022.
Trump tossed the ball to first lady Melania Trump, who was sitting in the front row at the news conference, and said they would give it to their son, Barron, 12.
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), who was critical of Trump’s performance Monday, tweeted, “If it were me, I’d check the soccer ball for listening devices and never allow it in the White House.”

The Trump-Putin summit began later than originally planned, after the perennially tardy Russian president arrived in Helsinki well behind schedule, keeping Trump waiting. Their one-on-one meeting lasted about two hours, a half-hour longer than anticipated.

Helsinki, which sits across the Gulf of Finland from Putin’s hometown of St. Petersburg, has hosted past diplomatic breakthroughs between American and Russian presidents because of Finland’s stance of political neutrality. Although a member of the European Union, Finland is not part of NATO.

But Monday’s summit here produced no such breakthrough. Trump and Putin said they discussed a range of issues — including the civil war in Syria as well as terrorism and nuclear disarmament — but announced no substantive agreement at the conclusion of their discussions.

Heading into the summit, U.S. officials said the meeting itself was a “deliverable,” and Trump said there would be future talks between the two presidents and their delegations.
“Our relationship has never been worse than it is now,” Trump said as he stood alongside Putin at the summit’s conclusion. “However, that changed as of about four hours ago.”

Wow! The President of the United States just throw the entire US intelligenge under the bus to flatter a foreign leader which isn't even an ally. Wow !

I also remember how Republicans labeled Obama's trips abroad his "Apology Tour". I'm sure they'll hate Trump for blaming the US for the poor relationship with Russia, right ?

So, if you need a resumé for that press conference, here it is :
Trump : "Russia's great, USA sucks"

He trusts current intelligence over the previous administration’s intelligence and rightly so. They are proven to be politicized hacks right down to FBI counterintelligence. Myself and millions of other Trump supporters don’t trust them either after all the deep state cunts have been outed. Now you fuckers trust U.S intelligence after trashing the fuck out of them for how many years was it during and after the Iraq war? Bowl of dicks: Eat a gigantor one.
Wow! The President of the United States just throw the entire US intelligence under the bus to flatter a foreign leader which isn't even an ally. Wow ! I also remember how Republicans labeled Obama's trips abroad his "Apology Tour". I'm sure they'll hate Trump for blaming the US for the poor relationship with Russia, right ?

That presser was absolutely surreal. I mean I didn't expect Bungholio to actually confront Putin anyway, but to literally bend over and grab his ankles?
I didn't think he'd go that far.
That presser was absolutely surreal. I mean I didn't expect Bungholio to actually confront Putin anyway, but to literally bend over and grab his ankles?
I didn't think he'd go that far.


He's supposed to confront Putin in a presser. So the russians hacked the DNC emails who fell for the "go to this website to reset your password" you know, because they're so smart. They're not refuting what was exposed but objecting that it was. As as has been brought up, you don't know what was discussed between President Trump and Putin.

pool, you're obviously smart, but IMO how you can still be a liberal has more to do with your judgment. Is it that ingrained? I don't get it. I was a liberal and would've agreed with you once. Not that in itself means anything but take former liberals who would be considered intellectuals (Krauthammer). Why does that phenomenon seem to happen that way rather than the other way around?

That presser was absolutely surreal. I mean I didn't expect Bungholio to actually confront Putin anyway, but to literally bend over and grab his ankles?
I didn't think he'd go that far.

Who’s bending over and grabbing ankles here?
He’s essentially saying he is ready to deal before any negotiations start?

Not to mention how cotdam insulting it is to “ just get elected” and then I can do what the fuck I want to.

He trusts current intelligence over the previous administration’s intelligence and rightly so. They are proven to be politicized hacks right down to FBI counterintelligence. Myself and millions of other Trump supporters don’t trust them either after all the deep state cunts have been outed. Now you fuckers trust U.S intelligence after trashing the fuck out of them for how many years was it during and after the Iraq war? Bowl of dicks: Eat a gigantor one.

Sad day


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
We should refer to the Trumpster suckers as "Kreml Komrades" from now on.

Seriously - either Trump is literally as stupid as all those reports say about him not even bothering to get briefed on basic intzelligence (lacking basic intelligence - or Putin has so good dirt on him he will do literally ANYTHING the russian leader tells him to do.

We should refer to the Trumpster suckers as "Kreml Komrades" from now on.

Seriously - either Trump is literally as stupid as all those reports say about him not even bothering to get briefed on basic intzelligence (lacking basic intelligence - or Putin has so good dirt on him he will do literally ANYTHING the russian leader tells him to do.

Actually, the substance of his accomplishments overcome Trump’s rhetoric. He got a lot of things in regards to NATO that make the alliance stronger which is not beneficial to Russia.
Your own chancellor values Muslim migrants more than the people that elected her. Kiss your country and it’s culture goodbye. We’ll survive occasional missteps, your country is FUBAR.
He got a lot of things in regards to NATO that make the alliance stronger which is not beneficial to Russia.

trump got jack shit from NATO. Nobody has deviated from the 2014 agreement, they're all on exactly the same trajectory they were before. All he's done with NATO is create uncertainty and division, which is exactly what Putin wanted him to do.

Today, Putin grabbed your "alpha" by the pussy. Everybody in the world saw it. Spin it how you like, your comrade in chief is a laughing stock.
trump got jack shit from NATO. Nobody has deviated from the 2014 agreement, they're all on exactly the same trajectory they were before. All he's done with NATO is create uncertainty and division, which is exactly what Putin wanted him to do.

Today, Putin grabbed your "alpha" by the pussy. Everybody in the world saw it. Spin it how you like, your comrade in chief is a laughing stock.

Trump was talking about the previous administration’s politicized intelligence agencies. One that was headed by someone that voted for the Communist Party USA candidate.

You’d know plenty about laughing stocks since that is the role you play here.

As for jack shit:

And as unflattering as any NYT article will be toward Trump, there are still huge admissions here.

You’re adorable when your triggered.
We should refer to the Trumpster suckers as "Kreml Komrades" from now on.

Seriously - either Trump is literally as stupid as all those reports say about him not even bothering to get briefed on basic intzelligence (lacking basic intelligence - or Putin has so good dirt on him he will do literally ANYTHING the russian leader tells him to do.

Again that fucking Obama muppet of Trevor Noah babbling his usual and constant senseless crap, fucking unbelievable :facepalm::picardfacepalm:. Let's not forget when Obama bowed in front of King of Saudi Arabia like a good submissive and docile muppet but yet Trevor seems to have forgotten this or not mentionned this voluntarily, talk about bias.
Trump’s actions with Russia ‘speak stronger’ than his ‘occasional gaffes’
Putin bristles under tough questionning from Fox News Chris Wallace

Putin says Trump was no person of interest to him before the election: just a rich person

Putin calls collusion utter nonsense and asks the reporter to name a single fact to prove it

Putin explained away Russian hackers because it exposed corruption in DNC

"This is stupid stuff" Lou Dobbs owns Trump critics of summit with a dose of common sense
Today, Putin grabbed your "alpha" by the pussy. Everybody in the world saw it. Spin it how you like, your comrade in chief is a laughing stock.

I mean that was just mind boggling. Even for Trump.
Even Gingrich granted it was a huge mistake.

The Russian media is ECSTATIC today.
trump got jack shit from NATO. Nobody has deviated from the 2014 agreement, they're all on exactly the same trajectory they were before. All he's done with NATO is create uncertainty and division, which is exactly what Putin wanted him to do.

Today, Putin grabbed your "alpha" by the pussy. Everybody in the world saw it. Spin it how you like, your comrade in chief is a laughing stock.

Then explain me how some European countries safe France and Germany still continue to import gas and electricity coming from Russia ? Division? Merkel has decided to abandon nuclear and fossil energy in her country and France is trying to follow this path with the little fucking arrogant tool and fool of Macron. Trump is not a feable character, unlike European leaders who knee in front of Putin demands, Trump doesn't and has enough integrity as well as respect for himself and his country not to do it. Also nuclear talks and diplomacy are never the result of agressive talking or statements but rather strategy kinda like chess with propositions, counter arguments and agreements.
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I mean that was just mind boggling. Even for Trump.
Even Gingrich granted it was a huge mistake.

The Russian media is ECSTATIC today.

Gingrich is wrong. Trump did not play into the media’s hands and say there was collision or meddling, which is what they wanted. It appears that Trump is not a warmonger, he is even introducing a timetable to get us out of Afghanistan. Both Rand and Ron Paul said the summit was a win. Newt can be wrong, he is the one that attacked Romney for “ Vulture capitalism”. I’d say that there is not one damn thing this president has done that you approve of. He is the most effective president of my lifetime. I will worry when the left start praising him.
As for jack shit:

And as unflattering as any NYT article will be toward Trump, there are still huge admissions here.

Baahahahaha! That might have been a nice try, if you'd read or understood the article!

Mr. Obama persuaded NATO leaders to increase their military spending at a meeting in Wales in 2014, after a newly aggressive Russia invaded Ukraine. Back then, alliance members pledged to work toward raising spending levels to 2 percent of their gross domestic products by 2024. All 29 allies have begun to increase their military budgets in real terms, and two-thirds of them have plans to reach the 2 percent target by 2024. And they reaffirmed their “unwavering commitment” to these targets in the communiqué issued at the end of the two-day summit in Brussels this week.

Of course, two days of gratuitous and self-defeating Trump bombast and threats preceded this resolution.

Such sensible discussions weren’t possible in Brussels, as allies were left instead with angst over Mr. Trump’s hint that he may withdraw from NATO if the military spending targets are not met.

He has made clear that Russia’s attack on Ukraine and seizure of Crimea are of little matter to him. He’s spoken more warmly of President Vladimir Putin than of any ally, even disputing the Russian leader’s role in undermining the 2016 election.

For these reasons, it’s imperative that Congress, which has abdicated to Mr. Trump on many crucial issues, pass immediately legislation prohibiting him from leaving NATO unilaterally.

The closest thing to a "huge admission" in the entire article: Since he came into office, Mr. Trump’s urging has gotten some allies to accelerate spending increases. The response to his latest remonstrations, though, was mainly bafflement.

Let's play "if Hillary had won" for just a second here. IF Hillary had won in 2016, and IF the CIA along with all the other intelligence agencies had since announced that Russia had undeniably helped her win the election, and IF she was currently under investigation for collusion with Russia during the campaign, and IF she had set up and attended a 1 on 1, closed door meeting with Putin of her own instigation, who here thinks that Republicans, or even democrats for that matter, would have been perfectly fine with that?
Baahahahaha! That might have been a nice try, if you'd read or understood the article!

Mr. Obama persuaded NATO leaders to increase their military spending at a meeting in Wales in 2014, after a newly aggressive Russia invaded Ukraine. Back then, alliance members pledged to work toward raising spending levels to 2 percent of their gross domestic products by 2024. All 29 allies have begun to increase their military budgets in real terms, and two-thirds of them have plans to reach the 2 percent target by 2024. And they reaffirmed their “unwavering commitment” to these targets in the communiqué issued at the end of the two-day summit in Brussels this week.

Of course, two days of gratuitous and self-defeating Trump bombast and threats preceded this resolution.

Such sensible discussions weren’t possible in Brussels, as allies were left instead with angst over Mr. Trump’s hint that he may withdraw from NATO if the military spending targets are not met.

He has made clear that Russia’s attack on Ukraine and seizure of Crimea are of little matter to him. He’s spoken more warmly of President Vladimir Putin than of any ally, even disputing the Russian leader’s role in undermining the 2016 election.

For these reasons, it’s imperative that Congress, which has abdicated to Mr. Trump on many crucial issues, pass immediately legislation prohibiting him from leaving NATO unilaterally.

The closest thing to a "huge admission" in the entire article: Since he came into office, Mr. Trump’s urging has gotten some allies to accelerate spending increases. The response to his latest remonstrations, though, was mainly bafflement.

Let's play "if Hillary had won" for just a second here. IF Hillary had won in 2016, and IF the CIA along with all the other intelligence agencies had since announced that Russia had undeniably helped her win the election, and IF she was currently under investigation for collusion with Russia during the campaign, and IF she had set up and attended a 1 on 1, closed door meeting with Putin of her own instigation, who here thinks that Republicans, or even democrats for that matter, would have been perfectly fine with that?

I read it genius. That is why I chose that particular article because they had to admit that Trump got commitments to increase to 3-4 percent of GDP and in spite of Obama’s efforts. As for your fairy tale scenario where Hillary wins and the deep state and intelligence agencies turn on her....

:rofl: :rofl:

The American people would have never heard a word about Russia, meddling, Strzok, Steele, FISC, none of it. Holy fuck! Your whole life is a fool’s errand wrapped in idiocy.
I read it genius. That is why I chose that particular article because they had to admit that Trump got commitments to increase to 3-4 percent of GDP

Oh really, it says that? Would you mind quoting me the part of the article that says that? I'm not as scholarly as you clearly are and I wasn't able to find it.
That's President Trump to you

He indicated to me yesterday that he's not interested in being my president; that he isn't willing to stick up for me, or my country.

He's all about validating himself. He always HAS been, whatever his party affiliation. He values his ego over all else. That long established characteristic has been glaringly displayed through his refusal to finally and fully accept what we all know: that Russia staged a massive influence campaign intended to assist him. As we saw yesterday he'll even go so far as to wash Putin's balls and throw us under the bus so long as Putin allies with him in that egocentric denial.

I mean seriously, how deluded do you have to be to make this comment?

"My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others, they said they think it's Russia. I have President Putin; he just said it's not Russia. I will say this: I don't see any reason why it would be."

You don't see any reason?? Are you fucking kidding me??

Good gravy I still can't believe what I watched, and I've watched it three times now trying to convince myself I didn't see what I saw. But sadly I did.