Tough times in the porn industry

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's because of the scabs! Death to them all! :D

Let's go teach those scabs a lesson, Will E! I'll take the brunettes, you can take the blondes. We'll divide & conquer and teach 'em a lesson or three. :1orglaugh

Will E Worm

Let's go teach those scabs a lesson, Will E! I'll take the brunettes, you can take the blondes. We'll divide & conquer and teach 'em a lesson or three. :1orglaugh

Someone has to. ;)
People that make 150,000 a year are usually called doctors. You want to talk about it not being right that they have to take a pay cut doing the same job; I want to talk about it not being right that they were getting paid so much for so long doing that bull shit. Do you think they deserve that kind of money because they had to push them selves through 8 years of whore school… wtf

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
JaneB, I've read comments from several people in the industry that say that, in addition to the recession and all the free porn sites, another thing driving the average per scene rate down is the sheer number of girls flooding the industry, willing to work for little or nothing. Do you agree with that?

I have heard there is a flood for the behind the scenes crew, not for talent. There was just an article about this in AVN or XBiz. No one I have talked to has seen an increase in talent. There is always a new bunch of men and women trying to break into the adult industry. A lot do not last very long because it is not as easy as it appears to be.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
They did! :rolleyes:

To have your pay cut by that much is not good or right.

I hope there's a huge strike and things are put back the way they were.

Death to the scabs! :fight:


It does suck to have your pay cut, but perhaps those actresses/actors are not in high demand anymore.

There will never be a porn strike. There are no unions and they would just hire all new talent. I think everyone in porn knows it is easy to find new talent.

LOL on the scabs
It does suck to have your pay cut, but perhaps those actresses/actors are not in high demand anymore.

THANK YOU! A statement like this wouldn't have as much validity coming from an outsider, but it does when coming from you. I think it's a damn good point at that: basic supply and demand.
I'm still dreaming that they lose enough work to make them hook on the side so regular fans like us here at Freeones can have sex with our favorite stars!! I'd pay SO much money to sleep with some of my favorites. Seriously, they could make TONS! Sigh.... I can dream, ok???! :dunno: lol


Although I doubt if she'd go there, she's pretty business savvy, I'd love to hear from her; Vikki Vette's site is an excellent example of the "new" porn industry. I'll bet Vikki Vette is doing just fine with her site and all the interconnecting content she/they offer. The expense of a good site is quite a bit less than the cost of a well produced movie, and you can generate revenue almost unrestricted in several venues...including T-Shirts!:D (I watched "****** ******" do Double Penetration!)
Nothing remains stagnant when it comes to business; change, innovate, or fade away.

I'd be glad to volunteer to do outa work Pornstar Rescue work, maybe adopt one or two. It works for retired Greyhounds!:D


Prince of the Rotten Milk
There will never be a porn strike.

thank God. :thefinger

There are no unions and they would just hire all new talent.

that sounds pretty bad. why there aren't unions ? it's a economic industry like any other... i mean, ¿should be one? what d'ya think, Jane ?

I think everyone in porn knows it is easy to find new talent.

is it ? really ? THAT easy ?
how do they do it ?
I'm still dreaming that they lose enough work to make them hook on the side so regular fans like us here at Freeones can have sex with our favorite stars!! I'd pay SO much money to sleep with some of my favorites. Seriously, they could make TONS! Sigh.... I can dream, ok???! lol

Escorting is still illegal … except for in Las Vegas.
The porn industry is struggling right now, and a part of that is due to illegal pirating I will admit, but I also feel that it's just become a real convenient scapegoat for them. One they frankly don't even deserve to use because it's too convenient of an out for them. With most of the industries troubles they have nobody to blame but themselves. Quite frankly the porn produced now sucks. There is no other way to say it. Everything from the pornstars, the quality of the movies, the way they portray the people on screen, and how they treat the people in the industry is horrible. I can barely even find anything I would want to watch. They couldn't even give it to me for free.

Then there is the stuff like every chimp in the industry that could operate a camera tried producing their own stuff, in the early 00s, it flooded the industry with crap, and basically what should of happened from that poor business model ended up happening and now they are paying for it. Then you have to add in the producers that seemed to always want to one up each other in stupidity and tried for ever ridiculous circus acts. Not only did it make a joke of the industry, but eventually that ran into a pretty big problem also. They ran out of further nastiness. They had nowhere else to go and they became exposed for what they were and were found wanting. Porn in the past might have had some ridiculous plots, but nobody took them seriously back than and people took them for what they were and had fun with them. They didn't make a joke out of sex though, and the stuff they actually produced was (gasp) actually erotic and maybe even sensual. Most people in the industry today should be ashamed for what they let it turn into. (If they are actually capable of feeling it which most of them aren't.) If I have the money I don't mind paying for fewer quality stuff, instead of the countless number of shit they now make.

The stars of today are also to blame. It's pretty sad when you have to list the people that don't escort, don't do drugs, and don't look like they're haggard or washed up because that list is so much smaller. Then again maybe if the industry tried even a little bit to be a place where the lives of the people that work in it aren't constantly destroyed and tried to be a place where it took care of each other things like that wouldn't happen.

Finally, the economy is just bad in general. Even previous recession proof industries like video games are getting hit hard with it. This time porn is hit with it like everybody else, and that is also a big part of it. That's the economic reality right now.

In any case if any producer in porn or any big name in it just starts spouting off about illegal sharing as why the industry is going down without talking about all the other even more important reasons you can know they are full of crap. They decided to be part of an industry that's destroying itself and they don't want to admit it. If anything it will be good if a lot of them fail and go out of the industry. It will separate a lot of the cancer in it and allow the cream to rise to the top. What the industry really needs is to get back to where top performers are treated and promoted as stars, to create an environment where the top people want to stay in it for more than 6 months rather than as a quick money grab before they don't care anymore or the industry turns them off so much that they leave. The industry needs to learn it's better to cooperate to create the best stuff they can, and not turn mercenary, and be every man for themselves to get more money when the consequences are they are destroying the very thing that keeps them in business. The industry needs to start creating product that is actually good like it used to. The industry needs to get rid of all the scumbags in it and start operating like a legitimate, decent, professionally run place where the hottest women actually want to come in in and work, where everybody looks out for each other, and where people have a chance to be successful.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
thank God. :thefinger

that sounds pretty bad. why there aren't unions ? it's a economic industry like any other... i mean, ¿should be one? what d'ya think, Jane ?

is it ? really ? THAT easy ?
how do they do it ?

I don't think a union is the answer. They seem to cause more trouble then good. I think there needs to be set rates for talent across the board.

It is easy to find talent. If you ever look on the adult forums they always joke that someone is turning 18 tomorrow. You would be amazed at how many people try and break into porn. It is a rare group that stick around past a few years.
I have to agree! In my opinion only a handful make it past a year or even 6 months.

I don't think a union is the answer. They seem to cause more trouble then good. I think there needs to be set rates for talent across the board.

It is easy to find talent. If you ever look on the adult forums they always joke that someone is turning 18 tomorrow. You would be amazed at how many people try and break into porn. It is a rare group that stick around past a few years.
A Union would be a great thing for the porn industry. As long as there were actual ex-pornstars in charge.

Creative talent Unions seem to work well for Hollywood....

Pornstar sites need to get their pricing better in line with reality. There should be tiered pricing. $3 a month gets you access to basic content....$5 a month gets access to even more content...$10 a month gets access to the entire site plus other "Gold Member" benefits. Porn producers should stop releasing DVDs to the market.