Tough times in the porn industry

Do people get paid only if a scene is finished? If people sign a contract before the cameras roll, and the male can't perform, does that void the contract?

Why would people filming porn ever get bored or irate with each other? Seriously. The argument for professionalism gets tossed out the window if everyone's drunk or stoned, eh? As Elwood said, it ain't Taxi Driver....:dunno:


Do people get paid only if a scene is finished? If people sign a contract before the cameras roll, and the male can't perform, does that void the contract?

Why would people filming porn ever get bored or irate with each other? Seriously. The argument for professionalism gets tossed out the window if everyone's drunk or stoned, eh? As Elwood said, it ain't Taxi Driver....:dunno:

Actors will get paid what is called a "kill fee" if the scene is cancelled because the other actor doesn't show up or fails their disease test or is busted for drugs.

As for people getting bored doing their job filming porn, it's surprisingly easy. The making of a porn vid, by which I mean the sex itself, is entirely mechanical and free of virtually all physical or emotional enjoyment. The actors frequently find themselves having to fuck in very uncomfortable physical positions, and as I said earlier everyone is usually standing around getting bored and annoyed because the dude can't get his dick hard.
If she would have been smart with her money she wouldn't be hanging out with people for $300.

150,000 a year is really good pay and can last a long time if you do right with it.

Less than two years ago, Stern earned close to $150,000 annually, sometimes turned down work and drove a Mercedes-Benz CLK 350. Now she's aggressively reaching out for jobs and making closer to $50,000 a year.

As for that Mercedes? She's replacing it with a used Chevy Trailblazer -- from her parents.

People dig their own financial graves. $50,000 a year is great pay, especially for modeling/banging, and given a lot of people do not have jobs to begin with. You don't get that kind of pay working at a local grocery store or merchandise store, let alone a gas station. At least starting out and being a clerk/bagger, or whatever.

I wish my first job consisted of $150,000 annual pay and all I had to do was look good enough for others to gawk/masturbate to.

There are high times and there are low times. Throughout life everyone goes through some bad.

I shall with you some quotes from a movie regarding this kind of thing:

"Money isn't real, George. It doesn't matter. It only seems like it does."

"Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again, but life goes on."

Everybody rides the high life and the low life. At least once.
If George W. Bush hadn't given Obama an economic recession as a Christmas gift to President Obama, consumers of porn wouldn't have to hold on to tightly to their precious dollars.

What the porn industry needs to do is slash the cost of their products. Before Tower Records went out of business, I wanted to buy some porn movies that featured my favorite porn stars Jenna James, Sky Lopez, Nina Mercedez, Raylene, Tera Patrick, etc. and I almost shit my pants when the videos featuring them were $40 a dvd. Now if those dvds were priced anywhere from $5 to $10 then I would definitely buy dvds that feature my favorite porn stars.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
If George W. Bush hadn't given Obama an economic recession as a Christmas gift to President Obama, consumers of porn wouldn't have to hold on to tightly to their precious dollars.

What the porn industry needs to do is slash the cost of their products. Before Tower Records went out of business, I wanted to buy some porn movies that featured my favorite porn stars Jenna James, Sky Lopez, Nina Mercedez, Raylene, Tera Patrick, etc. and I almost shit my pants when the videos featuring them were $40 a dvd. Now if those dvds were priced anywhere from $5 to $10 then I would definitely buy dvds that feature my favorite porn stars.

You can try a site like They have lifetime streaming rentals for 12.95 and it is a legal site. :)


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
My two cents...

The complaints of a porn star making less than $150K a year are kind of ridiculous, but if that's what she was used to, I guess she does have the right to complain.

I think DVD sales will die out eventually, but there are still plenty of people out there buying them. It's all about what the average porn consumer feels is more convenient for them. Some only know of a few outlets like adults stores, so they continue going there and buying DVDs. If you are a bit more savvy, which most porn consumers are becoming more and more, you will find other outlets to purchase the same stuff for cheaper prices. For example, a DVD of mine sells on amazon for 15.99, that's just one dvd. On the other hand, on my site you can get that scene, plus tons of others for 19.95 a month! The kicker is that the DVD still sells very well:)

Yes, there is way too much free content out there, but most of it is really shitty quality. That's why website owners like me strive to provide the highest quality stuff updated daily to attract customers. I say in the long run this is actually good for the industry.

As far as talent goes, JaneB is right, there is lots of talent and if one girl is unwilling to do a scene for a certain price, there is at least 5 more others behind her that will do it. For me it's been a good thing as well because I'm able to produce tons of new stuff for cheaper prices. Good for my members!

One final point that I do think is really hurting the industry is the fact that credit card companies are canceling accounts or raising interest rates. Most people buy porn online with a credit card, if that card is inacessible, then guess what happens?
This whole thread cracks me the F up. It's like listening to multi-millionaire athletes, paid MILLIONS of dollars for a few hours work, complain about losing a mill in their contract. Let's keep it in perspective: these actors & actresses are paid to fuck on camera. Why get deluded about it? If you read judgement in that, that's your shit, not mine - I'm simply stating that they knew what they were doing when they signed up for it. So, the recession hurts everyone. So, they still make $700 for getting fucked. Hell, I'd take that any day of the week, are you fucking kidding me?

Dipshits on here all whining like some pornstar is going to invite you over for a toss because you're empathizing - wake up. As for free porn on the internet? Hello, the streaming technology on the internet was INVENTED by the porn industry. Read a little about the history of the technology - get a clue. It put them on the map, and now they complain about it? Catch up with the reality that the Internet and streaming video is the wave of the current and next 2-3 years until something else is invented...change your revnue model to match up. Shoot and price yoursef for direct-to-Internet, and get back in touch with reality.
I think the financial model that many A List pornstars operate under--signing an exclusive contract with 1 company (say Vivid) is going to be obsolete. That was how old-time Hollywood worked.

I see the future of the biz going toward an iTunes of porn model---where fans can buy scenes cheaply. The scene becomes like the music single basically. However Apple runs file format and digital rights should be copied by the porn companies in this model.

The other reality is that stars will simply build their own sites and film/distribute content on their own. Lots of amateur stuff out there looks cheap, of course, but it's still highly wankable :dunno: If these pornstar-operated sites stream in Macromedia Flash and DON'T ALLOW download of content, wouldn't that benefit them? These sites have a lot of potential with fuck-a-fan opptys plus *VIP* member benefits at strip clubs (if the star features) and trade shows (only members of the star's site get access to a party at some club during AVN?) :dunno:
she could work at the bunny ranch and have a bunchload of money.

exactly, they all charge 1000/hr and up to escort, which is pretty much the same as porn without the cameras.....

and that article was date 2009, and i dont see any lack of porn being produced. i thought this thread was about the recent AIDS outbreak and shutdown of the industry, anyone know whats up with that?:dunno:


Closed Account
i thought this thread was about the recent AIDS outbreak and shutdown of the industry, anyone know whats up with that?:dunno:

Yeah, most everyone was wearing a rubber there for a while. Now, not so much.

Back to business as usual... women taking anal ass fuckings and loads, one man right after another. Nice!