Total Nonstop Action wrestling thread

Will E Worm

4 Huge TNA iMPACT! Matches For This Monday Revealed

The following four matches have been announced for Monday's live episode of iMPACT!:

* Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson in a Ladder Match

* "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero and Desmond Wolfe

* Tara, Angelina Love, ODB and Hamada vs. Daffney, Velvet Sky, Madison Rayne and Lacey Von Erich

* X Division Gauntlet Match


The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero and Desmond Wolfe match (Suicide runs in.) :D

ODB is back after an implant ruptured. :rolleyes:

Whatever Happened To ODB?

ODB told fans at a POWW Wrestling event held over the weekend that the reason she hasn't been seen in TNA the past few weeks is due to a ruptured breast implant.

According to reports, she had been working through the injury in order to hold off surgery following the Genesis pay-per-view back in January.

She has since recovered as she worked the independent event, so her prolonged absence appears to now be a case of creative having nothing for her at this time.


Will E Worm

Breaking News: Christopher Daniels Returns To ROH

Moments ago at the ROH PPV in Charlotte, North Carolina, Kenny King was in a match with Davey Richards. After the match, Kenny King refused to shake hands despite cheers from the crowd. Richards was interviewed after the match and put over ROH before saying how awesome he is and how he's going to beat Austin Aries or whoever he has to.

With that being said TNA's Christopher Daniels appeared complete with a Marilyn Manson entrance theme. Daniels then cut a promo and said he had a problem with what Davey just said. He told the people he wants to be the best in the world, but for 7 years he fought to keep the name Fallen Angel synonymous with Best in the World. He said after being held back he has returned to ROH to prove he is exactly that. He then challenged Davey Richards to a fight, and he doesn't care where or when. The crowd wants the match now. Daniels leaves.

This would seem to indicate that he's gone from TNA Wrestling. We hope to have more shortly.


I hope this doesn't mean he is done in TNA.

Hogan and Bischoff are not doing anything but making people leave! :mad:

Will E Worm

More On The Nasty Boys' Release From TNA Wrestling, which initially broke the news of The Nasty Boys' departure from TNA Wrestling, notes that Brian Knobs and Jerry Sags weren't initially informed they had been let go. An upset Sags reportedly found out he had been let go via news reports online.

One company source confirms that Eric Bischoff was instrumental in their release from the company and that neither him nor management contacted the duo to inform them they had been let go.

On another note, Jimmy Hart, who was brought in to manage Knobs and Sags, has not been released.


Now Eric Bischoff is not even telling people when they are fired.
he used to at least send them a fedEX pink slip.

He needs to be taken out of wrestling forever.

Will E Worm

Report: Wrestlers Disappointed With Dixie Carter

At one time, wrestlers let go by TNA appreciated the words of encouragement they'd receive from Dixie Carter after the company stopped using them. However, several wrestlers released from the organization compared notes and are very much convinced she gives the same speech to the majority of talent let go.

Though many still appreciate the follow-up, several grumblingly feel now her correspondence was only slightly more sincere that World Wrestling Entertainment when they wish released talent 'well in their future endeavors.'


Stay classy TNA. :rolleyes:


TNA needs to be sold to the NWA.

Will E Worm

Confirmed: Christopher Daniels Gone From TNA

According to a source, it has been confirmed that Christopher Daniels was released by TNA earlier this week and explains why he was able to make an appearance at Ring of Honor's "Big Bang" PPV last night. We're told Daniels was released from his TNA contract this past Wednesday.

Daniels was using his old "Fallen Angel" gimmick during his ROH appearance. He remains listed on the TNA website as of this writing.


Hogan and Bischoff are to blame.

They just continue to run off young talent.

They are ruining TNA! :mad:
Daniels was easily one of the most entertaining and talented guys TNA had. Sucks for them, it's their loss.

Now let's just see if Vince is smart enough to bring him to the WWE.

Will E Worm

The Latest On Tommy Dreamer To TNA

Jeff Hardy and Tommy Dreamer look to be having fun on Twitter, teasing a possible Dreamer debut in TNA.

Hardy posted: Impact...tonight at8:00pm..on Spike...I'm aDreamer&I know I'm not the only one!

Dreamer replied: Since Jeff Hardy is a Dreamer and I was part of Team Extreme I will retweet his message that TNA Impact airs at 8pm EST.


Tommy Dreamer's 90-Day WWE No-Compete Clause Expires

Tommy Dreamer's 90-day no-compete clause with World Wrestling Entertainment expired today after he was officially released from the organization on Monday, Jan. 4.

It's worth noting that Dreamer and Jeff Hardy have exchanged messages on Twitter teasing Dreamer joining "Team Extreme," which consists of Hardy and Rob Van Dam.

This morning, Hardy wrote:
"Impact�tonight at8:00pm..on Spike�I�m aDreamer&I know I�m not the only one!"

Tommy Dreamer responded to Hardy's tweet, writing:

"Since Jeff Hardy is a Dreamer and I was part of Team Extreme, I will retweet his message that TNA Impact airs at 8:00 p.m. EST."

Interesting to say the least. Tune in to iMPACT! tonight to see if he debuts.

i forgot WCWII was now on at 8pm so when i finally put it on the show was just ending...did they really end their show with tna knockouts having a scrap? guess those rating will dip a little more lower this week!
Not knocking the TNA knockouts just the plan to have chicks fighting it out to either end your show or be your main event.
but i did miss the show so i have no idea what i am talking about
Because it was going to be Velvet vs Angelina for the title. It was so predictable who was going to get what. Which left Daffney the odd person out. Tara wasn't going to strip. :ak47::violent:

Will E Worm

Lance Storm: I'm Done...

Well folks I’m done. I’m not going to rant, I’m not going to tell you all the things I hated about Impact this week, because none of it matters, I’m just done; I’m done watching Impact for good. I’ve stopped watching before just for my own sanity and peace of mind, but each of those times I intended it to be a temporary break. This time I’m not planning on coming back and checking to see if things have gotten better after a while, I’m washing my hands of the whole thing; I’m done.

The straw that broke the camels back for me was the unprotected chair shot to the head of Rob Terry by Homicide. Yes they have done chair shots to the head before, and they bothered me then too, but this one was different; this unprotected chair shot to the head came just 2 days after Chris Kanyon’s suicide death and I just couldn’t stomach it. I know there will be defenders out there that will want to argue that Chris Kanyon’s depression that led to his suicide has not been determined to as a result of concussions he suffered due to chair shots to the head, but that is just a cop out, in my opinion.

Sure you could argue that one chair shot to the head does not necessarily result in a concussion, and one concussion does not necessarily result in brain damage or depression, and not everyone with depression commits suicide, but let’s be real. Anyone who tries to argue that concussions aren’t really bad, are idiots and they need to go have a talk with Chris Nowinski and the Sports Legacy Institute. I’ve spoke at length with Chris and a couple of the doctors doing research into concussions and there is not a whole lot of doubt that concussions cause brain damage and depression, and instances of suicide increase dramatically as a result of this brain trauma.

The wrestling Industry has suffered an incredible number of deaths due to drug use, steroid use, and suicide over the last several years, and in a post Benoit tragedy world seeing a wrestling company put no effort forth to protect it’s talent roster offends me to no end.


I have been in this industry since 1990 and below is a list of people I have known and lost during my career. I am beyond sympathy and to the point of rage when I have to add a new name to this list, and while steroid use and concussions are not the only causes of these deaths, denying they play a significant role in many of them is ludicrous and we have to start taking every step possible to protect the health and well being of the people in this industry. The people on this list are not without blame, almost all went down their road willingly, so it’s time for the Industry to step up and start protecting its own (like WWE is trying to do with Wellness), and maybe it’s time for the fans to demand it too, with their support or lack there of.

Mike Awesome
Bam Bam Bigelow
Mike Lozanski
Chris Candito
Rhonda Singh

Curt Hennig
Road Warrior Hawk
Big Boss Man
Larry Cameron
Eddie Gilbert

Rick Rude
Anthony Duranti
Big Dick Dudley
Bobby Duncum Jr.
The Wall

Eddie Guerrero
Davey Boy Smith
Louis Spicoli
Miss Elizabeth
Crash Holly

Gary Albright
Joey Maggs
Johnny Grunge
Ted Petty
Terry Gordy

Dick Murdock
Art Bar
Russ Hass
Brian Pillman
Sherri Martel

Beef Wellington
Chris Benoit
Nancy Benoit
John Kronus
Bryan Adams

Mike Bell
Andrew Test Martin
Steve Doll
Kerry Brown
Edward “Umaga” Fatu

Chris Kanyon

Rest in peace my friends. Here is to hoping that in addition to mourning your loss, we learn from your mistakes and do everything in our power to help others avoid your fate.

Lance Evers

Will E Worm

Paul Heyman Lashes Out At TNA's Booking Of RVD & Jeff Hardy

Last night on Twitter, Paul Heyman went on a rant about the the way TNA has booked Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy in recent weeks. Heyman started off by writing:

"To answer all the questions, I will not be blogging on last night's TNA Impact. What am I going to say that has not been said already?"

A minute later, Heyman let it fly:

"Okay, I can't resist. How many times can u beat up RVD and Jeff Hardy and not give them a 'revenge-minded' interview afterwards? Heels beat up babyfaces. Babyfaces swear revenge. People tune in. Holy s---! The formula is not that f'n complicated, people!"

"I don't want any1 to think I am saying I know it all. I DON'T KNOW IT ALL. I still have a lot to learn. I don't know how to grow hair on top of my head. I don't know how to get six pack abs."



Paul Heyman gets EXTREME! :shocked:

Will E Worm


TNA Fans Warned Prior To iMPACT! On Monday

Fans waiting outside of The Impact Zone this past Monday night were warned before entering the building that the evening's show would not be family friendly.


Report: TNA To Get Extreme?

TNA may be dipping into the 90s well again as there has been much talk of starting a faction consisting of former ECW wrestlers.

ECW alumni presently on the roster include Rob Van Dam, Brother Ray, Brother Devon, Rhino, Raven, Dr. Stevie and Taz. Also, the former Spike Dudley worked an episode of iMPACT! a few weeks ago not to mention that Tommy Dreamer has been rumored to join the promotion as an on-air performer.

