Total Nonstop Action wrestling thread

Will E Worm

Fire Cena? I'm not a John Cena fan in any shape or form but the guy is not bad. I just would rather him turn heel and stop winning every single match. If anyone should be fired it should be Batista but I'll just have to settle for his retirement. Push Mike Knox? You know it's ironic that I made Mike Knox a two time World Heavyweight Champion when I had Smackdown vs RAW 2010.

I can't stand Cena. (Vince's new golden boy)

I like Mike Knox, he could be the next Sid Vicious or better.

You should have taped your games and uploaded them to youtube. :D
Eric Bischoff Still Getting Paid By WWE

Eric Bischoff made an interesting point on his Facebook page recently, when a fan pointed out that he was promoting Controversy Creates Cash, a WWE product.

I got a $50,000.00 royalty check last quarter for that book. As long as they keep selling, I will keep promoting.

Shame on Him. :nono:

i dont think its shame on him. its called making money. if your old job was going to pay you money to promote them you wouldnt do it for $50g's? your crazy.
Has anyone read that book, Controversy Creates Cash?
i would like to know what he did and what his thinking was on alot of issues and business decisions.
THIS HERE is a great book:
I borrowed it from my cousin,thinking i would read 2-3 pages every few days and it would take me months to finish it.
NOPE i couldnt put the book down finished it in 3 days! mostly because i remember everything that was written about and what terrible ideas WCW was trying at that time.
i dont think its shame on him. its called making money. if your old job was going to pay you money to promote them you wouldnt do it for $50g's? your crazy.
Has anyone read that book, Controversy Creates Cash?
i would like to know what he did and what his thinking was on alot of issues and business decisions.
THIS HERE is a great book:
I borrowed it from my cousin,thinking i would read 2-3 pages every few days and it would take me months to finish it.
NOPE i couldnt put the book down finished it in 3 days! mostly because i remember everything that was written about and what terrible ideas WCW was trying at that time.

I have the book and read it when it came out but I'd definitely have to read it again to remember a lot of the points from it. It's nowhere near fresh in my mind, neither is Lita's, Chyna's or Austin's for that matter. Bret's book is the only one that I can remember clearly at the moment.
Is anybody buying Sting as a heel?:dunno:
I didn't buy it with MEM and I'm not buying it now.
the ppv wasnt the best i seen but the x divison stole the show . its a shame to see beer money inc get buried week after week tho
Dixie Carter Says Impact Will NOT Replay This Week
by Nick Paglino
Mar 22, 2010

TNA President Dixie Carter has posted the following on her Twitter account: "Ok, Im serious this time. There will be NO replay of iMPACT! this wk. No really. Don't laugh. Tonight on Spike is only time to catch it."
Will e Worm has been saying it all along:
Fire Hogan and Bischoff now!

watched TNA from last night on my DVR (so i can FF through the whole show FAST) are we serious? we are bringing back the fact that Bischoff fired guys through FedEx? let it go man ....LET IT GO!
then i see highlights of the PPV from sunday :eek:
i knew it wouldn't be long til they get the NWO angle going again,did Nash really turn on eric young? seriously? they are running this company into a "state" of boredom. its that same rehashed shit over and over again.
NOW more than ever this IS WCWII. from the way the show comes across on tv,to the stupid fireworks before the show to every single guy having fireworks in their entrance,to just the same angles/views/backstage skits just like WCW....and to top it off ....did they really have 2 relatively long commercial breaks through their main event match? DID THEY REALLY??!
how do you do that in your main event match? :dunno:
half the stuff they do seems like it was thought of just before they went out to the ring,could the uncuffing of Hogan taken any longer?

again Will e Worm says it best
Fire Hogan and Bischoff now!
Final TNA Impact Rating Tops Last Week's Number
by Matt Boone
Mar 23, 2010

TNA scored a 0.9 cable rating (rounded up from an 0.86) with 1.2 million viewers for last night's live Impact show on Spike TV.

That is up very slightly from last week's number. It is an increase of about two percent.

Looks like they're movin' on up!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Final TNA Impact Rating Tops Last Week's Number
by Matt Boone
Mar 23, 2010

TNA scored a 0.9 cable rating (rounded up from an 0.86) with 1.2 million viewers for last night's live Impact show on Spike TV.

That is up very slightly from last week's number. It is an increase of about two percent.

Looks like they're movin' on up!

Report: TNA Moving Impact To 8-10PM On Monday's?
by Matt Boone
Mar 24, 2010

The official website for Spike TV lists the April 5th edition of TNA Impact as airing on Monday from 8-10PM, instead of the 9-11PM timeslot they've been using on Monday's. This will give them an hour unopposed to RAW, which to date has been their best hour on Monday back on January 4th when they went from 8-11PM.

This is a good move. It would give people a chance to check out WCW II and see if it's worth changing the channel or staying put. What they should do is go back to Thursdays (and of course fire Hogan and Bischoff) but this is a step in the right direction.
Report: TNA Moving Impact To 8-10PM On Monday's?
by Matt Boone
Mar 24, 2010

The official website for Spike TV lists the April 5th edition of TNA Impact as airing on Monday from 8-10PM, instead of the 9-11PM timeslot they've been using on Monday's. This will give them an hour unopposed to RAW, which to date has been their best hour on Monday back on January 4th when they went from 8-11PM.

This is a good move. It would give people a chance to check out WCW II and see if it's worth changing the channel or staying put. What they should do is go back to Thursdays (and of course fire Hogan and Bischoff) but this is a step in the right direction.
I guess I'll have to start recording "House" from now on then, or record TNA. :dunno:
Report: TNA Moving Impact To 8-10PM On Monday's?
by Matt Boone
Mar 24, 2010

The official website for Spike TV lists the April 5th edition of TNA Impact as airing on Monday from 8-10PM, instead of the 9-11PM timeslot they've been using on Monday's. This will give them an hour unopposed to RAW, which to date has been their best hour on Monday back on January 4th when they went from 8-11PM.

This is a good move. It would give people a chance to check out WCW II and see if it's worth changing the channel or staying put. What they should do is go back to Thursdays (and of course fire Hogan and Bischoff) but this is a step in the right direction.

This is a very good idea if they are going to do it on a regular basis. More people watch WWE because it is what they know but by going to an earlier start it will give floating fans a chance to watch TNCW (Total Non-stop Championship Wrestling).

Although to keep any new fans the product will have to improve.