I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe Iraq had WsMD. I believe in a benevolent God. I believe the path that the United States has taken will lead to destruction and economic collapse (worse than it already is). I believe George W. Bush will be seen in a more positive light with the passage of time. I believe most of John Steinbeck's earliest works were pure crap. I believe OJ did it. I believe Obama is probably American and not well suited to be an executive. I believe most conspiracy theories are incorrect. I believe Fat Tire is the best beer brewed in America. I believe mixing liquor and beer is no big deal. I believe my vote counts less now. I believe car insurance is a ripoff. I believe emoticons as a response to a post are bad form (but they're A-Okay in the original post!). I believe maildude, GregC, whimsy, blueballs, lurkingdirk, feller469 and StanScratch are all one person and he's stalking me. I believe HELLRAISER is a spambot designed to irritate me. I believe holding an infant is, in fact, the fountain of youth. I believe in the use, of, superfluous, commas,,,,.