The Trump Presidency

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Remember how they said Obamacare was going to create death panels, but it didn't, and then Texas had actual death panels this year, deciding who could get intensive care for covid? I remember. It probably happened in Biden's America.
Most republicans benefit from Obamacare, but they are too ignorant or spiteful to admit it.

Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder:
Grandiose sense of self-importance.
Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur.
Needs constant praise and admiration.
Sense of entitlement.
Exploits others without guilt or shame.
Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others.

Ahole Trump has all these symptoms.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman


Isn't it the responsibility of the IRS to investigate tax fraud? Trump may be immune to prosecution but Trump Inc. isn't.
The only reason the IRS isn't doing anything against Trump is because the IRS has been corrupted by republicans and the mafia.
Thru Trump the mafia has infested and corrupted the republican party and a lot of government agencies.
If Trump wins the elections I have no doubt he will try to amend the constitution so that he can be president for more than two terms, at the very least.
Trump wants to be dictator of America for life, just like Putin is dictator of Russia.

It's a perfect storm of shit happening this year that is setting the stage for a Trump dictatorship or a civil war.
Most Republicans would prefer Trump as dictator for life, rather than a democracy with fair elections.
It's obvious that Trump, Putin, and their mafia cronies are trying to disrupt western democracies so that the mafias can gain more power and spread corruption.
Trump has slowly appointed mafia cronies into positions of power in Washington and all over the country.
Don't be surprised if Biden gets sick and has to pull out of the elections. The mafia poisons hundreds of people every year. Usually the poison doesn't directly kill, it makes the person sick, and over weeks, months or years they slowly get worse and die. There are countless illnesses that can be caused by poisonous chemicals or substances in small untraceable amounts.

"May you live in interesting times" ~ Ancient Chinese curse

Trump is the curse.

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Finally! A way to get republicans to wear masks! Just tell them it's an exact replica of trump's dick, maybe make it orange, chuck a MAGA on it somewhere and they'll be lining up!

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

I am in America, not of it.
Can someone please post Trump's new health plan? During his July 19th interview with Chris Wallace he said: "We're signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan," During a press briefing on August 3rd he said “We’re going to be introducing a tremendous health care plan sometime hopefully prior to end of the month ... It’s just about completed.”

It has to be out there somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.
Nancy Pelosi hid it under her bed.
I love that trump and barr are now pushing this ridiculous lie about planeloads of antifa thugs flying all over the country to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting citizens of America, while at the same time ignoring the caravans of trump supporters that actually ARE driving into areas they don't belong, just to pick fights with BLM protesters.

4 years ago I never would have believed how stupid 35% of Americans are.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
So.....trump calling US soldiers who died in battle losers. Anyone?
Let's not forget this gem from 2016: “He’s [John McCain] not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

At the time Lindsey Graham said: “If there was ever any doubt that [Trump] should not be our commander in chief, this stupid statement should end all doubt.”
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I was just wondering if one of them would have the balls to step up and say whether it's fake news, or if what he actually meant was....

But of course, they're all as cowardly and unAmerican as their piece of shit leader.


Staff member
TrumpTards are just terrible shitty people, spoon fed bullshit conservative propaganda 24/7.
Please stop name calling. Please don't tell me that your brilliant liberal mainstream medias aren't filled of bs , bias, halftruths and lies because you know it is true. We have seen it during the 2016 election with the so called Russian Collusion Dellusion caused by the Steele Dossier (Steele who was an operative working for the Obama administration) and during the Kavanaugh nomination with all the all usual slandering and beyond despicable tactics promoted by your usual mainstream media such as CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MNSBC or even the Washington Post, not forgetting that Democrat Staffer Sheila Jackson Lee was condemned for doxxing in the Kavanaugh hearing were and are clearly Obama and Biden affiliates and they will always do whatever they can to discredit, slander, insult and lie about Trump or anyone working in his administration.
Trump administration may use Mafia Law on protesters

Trump doubles down on push for Mail-In voters to visit polls too

White House Rips DC Mayor Over Monument List

Trump moves to defund 4 Riot-Roiled, Democrat-Run Cities
I liked this part:

But it’s also vital to understand that the most powerful enabler of this left extremism has been Trump himself. He has delegitimized capitalism by his cronyism, corruption, and indifference to dangerously high levels of inequality. He has tainted conservatism indelibly as riddled with racism, xenophobia, paranoia, misogyny, and derangement. Every hoary stereotype leveled against the right for decades has been given credence by the GOP’s support for this monster of a human being. If moderates have any chance of defanging the snake of wokeness, and its attempt to deconstruct our Enlightenment inheritance, we must begin with removing the cancer of Trump from the body politic. It is not an ordinary cancer. It is metastasizing across the republic and spreading to the lifeblood of our democracy itself. Removing it will not be enough. But not removing it is democratic death.

Let us count the ways of his destructiveness. He has turned the Department of Justice into a politicized machine dedicated to attacking his political opponents, delegitimizing the most essential rampart of any democratic system: the rule of law. He has perverted US foreign policy for his own domestic political objectives, and been impeached for it. He has tried and largely succeeded in rendering his own administration immune to Congressional oversight and legal scrutiny, by reckless brinksmanship in the courts, and contempt for separation of powers. He has grotesquely done all he can to enrich himself, his kleptocratic family and his talent-free cronies at the public’s expense.

His lies are beyond anything seen previously in American politics — aimed at destroying any confidence in fact, objective truth, and reasoned deliberation about either. At his convention, he recast his own record in ways only cults and totalitarian regimes usually attempt. According to him, he has been a fan.tastic success in economic management, even as he added a trillion to the debt in peacetime to goose a recovery he inherited — a goosing that never actually happened. He also brazenly boasts of triumph in controlling the Covid19 epidemic, while the US remains a shameful exception in keeping the virus at bay, and, precisely because of that, 180,000 people are dead, millions will be dealing with health damage for years, and unemployment remains at staggering levels. In all this rank denial, he is as post-modern as his neo-Marxist opponents.
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New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I remember when extremist militias hated both sides, these fucking clowns actually think Trump is their champion. Supporting Trump is not supporting freedom or the values that America was founded on. The rest of the world gets it. 70% of Americans get it, and in November that will be reflected at the polls.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
There may be more from the Atlantic

If you don't like the reporting, attack the publisher and ignore that WaPo and Fox have confirmed parts of the report:

Whether the story about Trump's comments is true or not, I am not certain. This opinion piece lays out the problem nicely:
The final paragraph sums it up:​
The real story this week is not whether Trump or The Atlantic are lying but why either possibility is viewed as equally plausible. The public is left with an incredible tale told by two equally noncredible sources. That is the real story — and a truly sad one.​
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