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The Trump Presidency

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Queen Bogs

Former DHS official says Trump offered pardons for carrying out illegal policies

President Trump personally offered to pardon government officials enforcing the border, and turning back illegals (as is their job, and his directive), telling them that he had their backs, should some radical lib-lawyers try to hassle them, after the fact.

And this lunkhead lib-kitty thinks that telling the American people that is going to be ¡scandalous!

Are you kidding? That equals votes, dumb-dumb! Americans want secure borders, what don't these ignoramuses not get about that?
Give that ninny a megaphone! 😄​


The Trump Wall
The missus and I watched V for vendetta last night. Didn't have a motive, just wanted to watch a movie and that was the first one we agreed on. Scary how prescient it seems now.

Except the part where the virus that opens the door to fascist authoritarian rule only kills 80k people, of course. Those are rookie numbers!
Whopping 57% of Republicans say 176k Covid-19 deaths in US is 'acceptable' as opposed to 10% Democrats: Poll

The recent survey also showed that 86 percent of GOP supporters feel President Trump has done a good job overall in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic


More than 5.7 million have been affected in the US by the virus while more than 176,000 lives have been lost. According to the CBS News/YouGov poll results that were released on Sunday, August 23, 57 percent of registered Republican voters consider the number of fatalities “acceptable” when “evaluating the US efforts against the coronavirus pandemic”. The overall number of people who consider the same is 31 percent while 69 percent thought it was not acceptable. An overwhelming 90 percent of the Democrats feel such a death toll -- the highest in the world -- is “unacceptable”.

Only 27 percent women and only 14 percent of Blacks, one of the worst-hit communities in the outbreak, felt that the death toll was acceptable.

Republicans are also of the opinion that the actual number of deaths is less than what is being projected. Even though medical experts like Dr Anthony Fauci -- a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force -- have said the actual number of deaths caused by the virus is more, 40 percent of the registered GOP members are convinced that the number of deaths is lower than reported. Eighteen percent said it was probably about true and another same number of people said the actual number of deaths was higher than reported. Overall, 44 percent of the voters said the number of deaths was actually more, 36 percent said it was lower while 20 percent said the number is likely to be true.

86% Republicans back Trump's anti-pandemic efforts

When asked about the role of Trump in responding to the pandemic, 42 percent of the overall voters said the President did a good job. Among the Republicans, 86 percent feel the president did a good job overall while 92 percent of the Democrats felt otherwise. In case of the Independents, 44 percent felt Trump did a good job while 56 percent felt he didn’t.

The Republicans were less kind to the poll results, however. The party’s national committee chairperson Ronna McDaniel called it “a really unfair poll” when asked on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” program on Sunday, August 23 about why there existed such a difference between how the Republicans and voters saw the pandemic.

“Republicans do not want to see people suffering from this pandemic. We have all been affected by this. This is not a Republican or Democrat issue,” she said. It was certainly not something the Republicans would like to see ahead of their national convention scheduled this week and less than three months before the elections. The Republicans are in the middle of their planning to meet fire with fire after the Democrats held their one last week.

The poll was conducted between August 20 and 22 from among 2,226 registered voters with a margin of error of plus/minus 2.4 percentage points.

177,000 people dead is "acceptable" ?
They wanted to impeach Obama for 4 people dead (and 5 five wounded) in Benghazi but 177,000 people dead is acceptable ?!

86% of GOP voters back his COVID19 response ? Which response, he hasn't done anything to prevent the spread of the virus. He actually made its spead easier by reopening schools, refusing to make masks mandatory (particulary in his own campaign meetings), he himself refuses to wear one in public even when social-distancing is not posible. How could anyone think this is good work, that he is doing what must be done to fight the pandemic when his attitude and his policies are actually creating an environment in which the spread is easier and faster ?

Also, notice that the article is almost a week old, We've now reached 181,000

This was on March 30th, 22 weaks ago. So the peak should have passed about 20 weeks ago, around April 15th. Actually the real peak was on May 7th, not 2 weeks after that speech but 5 weeks. After May 7th, the death started to decline all along May and June. On June 27th the number of people who had died from the pandemic was 506. Then, in July the numbers started to raise again . On August 26th, 1,260 people died from the pandemic.

Trump said keeping the deaths between 100,000 and 200,000 would be "good job". The US should meet the 200,000 deaths somewhere between Sept 15 and 20th.
By Trump own standarts, Trump's response to Covid19 between Sept 15th and 20th won't qualify as "good job" anymore. By his own standarts. Some there will be now way for him, his goons or his cult followers to pretend he actually did a good job.
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Staff member
Trump: Sending Federal Forces to Kenosha 'to Restore LAW and ORDER!'

Trump Administration to Purchase 150M Rapid 15-Minute COVID-19 Tests for $750M

Trump Calls NBA 'Political Organization' After Playoff Protest


White House: Trump Willing to Sign $1.3T Coronavirus Bill
Reports: Trump Sabotaged Coronavirus Testing to Keep Numbers Low

Public-health officials believe that widespread testing is a key element of any response to the coronavirus. President Trump does not believe this. And now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has officially adopted Trump’s view. It has modified its official guidelines, and no longer recommends that those who have been exposed to the virus but currently lack symptoms get a test.

The first reports of this change were filled with comments from incredulous experts, whose assessments included “bizarre,” “very strange,” “this is going to make things worse,” and so on. Now we have an explanation for this bizarre policy: High-level officials ordered it. CNN reports the change “came this week as a result of pressure from the upper ranks of the Trump administration.” The New York Times adds, “One official said the directive came from the top down. Another said the guidelines were not written by the C.D.C. but were forced down.”

Evidence that Trump has sought to slow down testing has been available for a long time. In March, Trump told reporters he kept infected passengers offshore on a cruise ship in order to hold down the official numbers of infections: “I like the numbers being where they are. I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship.”
He has said for months that the availability of testing increases recorded case levels and makes him look bad. (“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.”) And he has insisted that many people who get tests don’t need them, because they’re young and will recover. “Many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day,” he said on July 19. “They have the sniffles and we put it down as a test.”

In July, Trump announced at a rally, “You know testing is a double-edged sword … Here’s the bad part: When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people; you’re going to find more cases. So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down please.’”
His defenders insisted he was kidding. A reporter offered Trump the chance to make this defense. He did not. When asked, “But did you ask to slow [testing] down?” Trump shrugged and replied, “If it did slow down, frankly, I think we’re way ahead of ourselves, if you want to know the truth. We’ve done too good a job, because every time we go up, with 25 million tests, you’re gonna find more people, so then they say, ‘Oh, we have more cases in the United States.’” Of course this is also perfectly consistent with Trump’s oft-stated belief that the pandemic is a perception problem, and that pretending it doesn’t exist will help him politically.

Reporters have repeatedly confirmed that Trump has applied this pressure behind the scenes. Dan Diamond reported in March that the White House “did not push to do aggressive additional testing in recent weeks, and that’s partly because more testing might have led to more cases being discovered of coronavirus outbreak, and the president had made clear — the lower the numbers on coronavirus, the better for the president, the better for his potential reelection this fall.”
And in July, Katherine Bean reported that during internal meetings, “Trump also feared that more testing would only lead to higher case counts and more bad publicity.”

There has been a weird reluctance to take Trump’s comments seriously or literally. But the accumulation of evidence is quite clear. Trump’s public comments, reports of his private position, and the reports by officials of the latest change all point to the same conclusion: Trump is overruling public-health officials and sabotaging coronavirus testing because he believes keeping the case counts misleadingly low will make him look better.

One more proof that a vote for Trump is a vote for Covid19



6% of covid-19 deaths had no pre-existing condition, and 94% of covid-19 deaths had pre-existing conditions.
Pre-exiting medical conditions weaken the bodies immune system which allows covid-19 to spread faster and do more damage.
Trump used federal money to outbid the states for medical supplies so he can hoard them for himself.
Trump, his family, and his mafia and republican cronies get tested at least once a day.
Only 82 million Americans have been tested so far, and about 6 million have been confirmed to have covid-19.
The true number of infected in America is probably many times more than the 6 million confirmed, because about 40% of infected are symptomatic and only 25% of Americans have been tested, and because Trump is hoarding millions of the test kits for himself.

Trump Sabotaged Coronavirus Testing to Keep Numbers Low

One more proof that a vote for Trump is a vote for Covid19
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6% of covid-19 deaths had no pre-existing condition, and 94% of covid-19 deaths had pre-existing conditions.
Pre-exiting medical conditions weaken the bodies immune system which allows covid-19 to spread faster and do more damage.
Trump used federal money to outbid the states for medical supplies so he can hoard them for himself.
Trump, his family, and his mafia and republican cronies get tested at least once a day.
Only 82 million Americans have been tested so far, and about 6 million have been confirmed to have covid-19.
The true number of infected in America is probably many times more than the 6 million confirmed, because about 40% of infected are symptomatic and only 25% of Americans have been tested, and because Trump is hoarding millions of the test kits for himself.
I'm assuming our accuracy on dead Americans is about as good as it is going to get.


I'm assuming our accuracy on dead Americans is about as good as it is going to get.
Every death and cause has to be reported to the local, state, and federal governments. So the death rates are accurate.
The problem is that not enough tests have been done so it's impossible to know how many infected there actually are.
The lack of testing and all the disinformation and corruption from the Trump regime will allow the virus to spread exponentially.

Trump's only concern is to be re-elected, so he is discouraging and preventing testing to improve his poll ratings.
He only cares about the death rate because it will affect his election results. But he will still have a good chance of winning because of all the gerrymandering and other corrupt and illegal ways the Trump mafia and republican cronies have and will rig the election.

Every child and adult returning to school should be tested before they are allowed to enter the schools.
I have no doubt that most schools will close down by the end of September, because there will be a spike in infected children, students, and teachers, and everyone else they come in contact with. Kids spread viruses and bacteria onto everything and everyone they have contact with.
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You'd have to be insane to look around in the USA today and think "yup, nothing here that reflects badly on the current president."



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Can someone please post Trump's new health plan? During his July 19th interview with Chris Wallace he said: "We're signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan," During a press briefing on August 3rd he said “We’re going to be introducing a tremendous health care plan sometime hopefully prior to end of the month ... It’s just about completed.”

It has to be out there somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.
It's a tremendous healthcare plan, that I can tell you. Everybody who sees it says it's the tremendousest healthcare plan they've ever seen, in terms of tremendousness. Obama's health care plan was the worst health care plan in the history of health care plans. Did you know that over 180 thousand Americans died from chinavirus because of Obama? While I saved millions of lives with my partial travel bans! You want to know about the health care plan? It's tremendous. Now you know about the health care plan. It is what it is.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
gmase" said:
Can someone please post Trump's new health plan? During his July 19th interview with Chris Wallace he said: "We're signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan," During a press briefing on August 3rd he said “We’re going to be introducing a tremendous health care plan sometime hopefully prior to end of the month ... It’s just about completed.”

It has to be out there somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.

It's a tremendous healthcare plan, that I can tell you. Everybody who sees it says it's the tremendousest healthcare plan they've ever seen, in terms of tremendousness. Obama's health care plan was the worst health care plan in the history of health care plans. Did you know that over 180 thousand Americans died from chinavirus because of Obama? While I saved millions of lives with my partial travel bans! You want to know about the health care plan? It's tremendous. Now you know about the health care plan. It is what it is.
The MAJOR difference between the Obama and the Trump administration is:

The first actually created a healthcare plan, and put it into effect... the other keeps talking about great changes for years... without actually beginning to deliver.

Not that it was a surprise That's what Donald J. Trump dioes, time and again. So any argument of commenting about "Obama killing people" is straight up bullshit. If it were up to Trump, MILLIONS were dead.

Remember how they said Obamacare was going to create death panels, but it didn't, and then Texas had actual death panels this year, deciding who could get intensive care for covid? I remember. It probably happened in Biden's America.
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