>>>The Republican Party Is The Problem


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Or because you're tired of seeing the democrates try and give all of your hard earned money to welfare slugs, or hand over Constitutional; rights to illegal aliens, some of whom are clearly dangerous.

Republicans want to give my hard earned tax dollars to corporations and higher-income earners via tax breaks.

Gun rights are not going anywhere. Keeping them away from criminals is the issue.

Plenty of residents are clearly dangerous. Most murderers are homegrown - by a wide margin.

The 14th Amendment does count.
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Gun rights are not going anywhere. Keeping them away from criminals is the issue.

The Gun Control crowd has to be extremely cautious with its verbiage. When you scare people you give them a sense of urgency and will get the opposite result you had hoped for. The federal government does not have the ability or will to take away our guns.

So much for bringing fancy book lernin' to a gunfight. Who's the slack-jawed idiot now?
Not even a penny in commission for such an excellent salesman... unless he was on the take the whole time.


Or maybe it was the Kool-Aid.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Republicans want to give my hard earned tax dollars to corporations and higher-income earners via tax breaks.

Gun rights are not going anywhere. Keeping them away from criminals is the issue.

Plenty of residents are clearly dangerous. Most murderers are homegrown - by a wide margin.

The 14th Amendment does count.
They do, and that is another issue I have with them, I won't argue that.

I strongly disagree, I think they're always working on sneaking something in, and once they get a foothold, it's over. The only way to keep them out of criminal hands, is to keep them incarcerated, or execute them.

Of course they are, the world is a shithole, I wish they would quit giving them 3rd, and 4th, and 5th chances.....and sometimes more.

It does, and I have no problem with an immigrant going to the office, filling out the paper work, and getting a job, and drivers license, and being a productive member of society, but unless you are a citizen, or if you aren't paying your share of taxes, you shouldn't be aloud to vote, or hold a government job.


Who should I have voted for and why? Consider my priorities and financial situation. Be my advisor.
I don't care, vote for the party you want, you don't have to explain or justify it to anyone.
I don't care, vote for the party you want, you don't have to explain or justify it to anyone.

But where did I go wrong and why was I wrong? You dismissed and challenged professional educated people in their respective fields with your little Kool Aid remark. Seize the moment and recognize an opportunity when one is presented to you. You can still reach me with logic.


But where did I go wrong and why was I wrong? You dismissed and challenged professional educated people in their respective fields with your little Kool Aid remark. Seize the moment and recognize an opportunity when one is presented to you. You can still reach me with logic.

"I grew up watching Star Trek reruns."



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
But where did I go wrong and why was I wrong? You dismissed and challenged professional educated people in their respective fields with your little Kool Aid remark. Seize the moment and recognize an opportunity when one is presented to you. You can still reach me with logic.as
You did not go wrong. Despite what you marked on the ballot you voted for Biden - like every other Californian.

(Typo corrected in sentence 1.)
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Right-click link and open in incognito or private window to read article.

The GOP strategy for retaking power is about to take an ugly new turn

"A key reason for this state of affairs will become clearer on Thursday, when the gerrymandering wars kick off in earnest. The release of new census data will set off a scramble of state legislatures redrawing congressional and state legislative district lines, setting the political playing field for 2022.

It has been widely established that Republicans can recapture the House on the strength of extreme gerrymanders alone. They need to net five seats, and those could be added based solely on redrawn district lines."
You did not go wrong as. Despite what you marked on the ballot you voted for Biden - like every other Californian.

Very true. We are becoming one party rule in California. We also tend to have buyers remorse as you see a Governor and LA County DA possibly being recalled and the LA Mayor is escaping the mess he Lorded over. Empty suits have been in vogue for some time in the land of make-believe.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Two thoughts

1. I grew up on Star Trek first runs. What does that say about me/

2. I have lived in a state with one party rule for 40 yeas. Not good at all.
You're older, and set in your ways. If you don't mind, what state are you from?


Thanks lux. I tried.

The corrupt Trump republican one term presidency, especially the coup attempt of Jan. 6, 2021 known in advance and aided by some corrupt republican members of congress and senate. The subsequent attempt by corrupt republicans to whitewash the Jan. 6 Trump/republican insurrection. The republican governors changing state laws to suppress democrat voters, and the gerrymandering that will happen in most republican states before 2022 elections.

If that isn't enough to convince you not to vote for republicans, then there is absolutely nothing anyone could write to convince you otherwise.
The only thing most republican voters got in 2016 and 2020 was Kool-Aid, and they got conned into paying $20 for Dunce Caps aka MAGA hats made in China for $2.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Illinois north of Chicago. And not to be contradictory but if you had met my younger self you might have wondered where this old goat came from. Very different perspective on life and people back in ancient times
I believe it....I wasn't always grumpy and pissed off, and I'm only 56.

No shit, I literally just got done watching a show about a serial killer working Cook/Lake county areas, I forgot his name though....torch a bunch of victims. I'm from the burbs of Cleveland. Not the worst, but those lake effect snow storms are making it harder on me every year.