>>>The Republican Party Is The Problem


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Pelosi took Donald to task. Like her or not, she has more balls than McConnell and most Republicans any day of the week.

Facts are pesky and unnecessary in this post-truth world. The Second Amendment is the only Amendment which counts. Fuck the other ones and anyone who thinks the other ones count equally.
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Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
No, I have no facts or proof, if I did I would have posted a link. It's my opinion, nothing more....and no one ever said I was sane.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Pelosi took Donald to task. Like her or not, she has more balls than McConnell and most Republicans any day of the week.

Facts are pesky and I necessary in this post-truth world. The Second Amendment is the only Amendment which counts. Fuck the other ones and anyone who thinks the other ones count equally.
I assume you jest, good sir.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Arkansas is being hit very hard by COVID. We can remove the drunken college-age kids partying on the beach from this equation.

Why is this happening? A now remorseful governor signed into law a measure restricting mask mandates. To be clear - he is a Republican. At least those who are sick can feel good about resisting tyranny.

“I signed [the law] for those reasons that our cases are at a low point.” Drunk driving fatalities over the past 40 years. How about we stop enforcing the rules? No need for them anymore. I always enjoy the logic of reversing course when success is near.



Last year and early this year, the COVID patients were primarily primarily older - over 65. The average age now is 40 with more 20- and 30-somethings catching the virus. 20% of the cases are humans 18 and under.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
In fairness to Republicans, Ms. Greene is a Republican. Ignore the obvious (see above) and get your ‘truths’ from Twitter.

“There are too many reports of infection & spread of COVID among vaccinated people. These vaccines are failing … Vaccine mandates and passports violate individual freedoms.”

Kill me, but don’t tread on me? Rah rah, go team, ignore the infection and spread among the unvaccinated. Let us focus on the spread among the vaccinated. If something is not perfect, let us do nothing.

Facts are pesky.

@bubb Licenses are dictatorial and should be abolished. Think of how much money society would save if police departments stopped enforcing traffic laws. Courts would be freed up and officers could move onto their next challenge in life. No more news coverage of motorists killed during traffic stops.
In fairness to Republicans, Ms. Greene is a Republican. Ignore the obvious (see above) and get your ‘truths’ from Twitter.

“There are too many reports of infection & spread of COVID among vaccinated people. These vaccines are failing … Vaccine mandates and passports violate individual freedoms.”

Kill me, but don’t tread on me? Rah rah, go team, ignore the infection and spread among the unvaccinated. Let us focus on the spread among the vaccinated. If something is not perfect, let us do nothing.

Facts are pesky.

@bubb Licenses are dictatorial and should be abolished. Think of how much money society would save if police departments stopped enforcing traffic laws. Courts would be freed up and officers could move onto their next challenge in life. No more news coverage of motorists killed during traffic stops.
Not to mention Comrade about all the other dictatorial processes forced upon us by civilization and the dreaded Democracy. I keep asking those who want to abolish governments of tyranny and oppression after they do that, then what? Might makes Right, everybody sitting around the campfire at night singing Kumbaya? Please tell us you plans, of course if there are any.


New Rule: The Big Liars | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
@bubb Licenses are dictatorial and should be abolished. Think of how much money society would save if police departments stopped enforcing traffic laws. Courts would be freed up and officers could move onto their next challenge in life. No more news coverage of motorists killed during traffic stops.
If you do away with them, what are you going to use for ATF back round checks? Proof for credit cards, or checks? I've had a CDL for over 30 years, and it's spotless, I'm pretty proud of that, considering I've driven more miles backwards, then a lot of people have driven, period. I also think a lot more serious crimes will go undiscoverd, if a person has the ability to lie, with out picture proof of who they are,, whose going to know?




Nattering Nabob of Negativism
If you do away with them, what are you going to use for ATF back round checks? Proof for credit cards, or checks? I've had a CDL for over 30 years, and it's spotless, I'm pretty proud of that, considering I've driven more miles backwards, then a lot of people have driven, period. I also think a lot more serious crimes will go undiscoverd, if a person has the ability to lie, with out picture proof of who they are,, whose going to know?
My sarcasm button was stuck that day. I was clearly joking.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
If you do away with them, what are you going to use for ATF back round checks? Proof for credit cards, or checks? I've had a CDL for over 30 years, and it's spotless, I'm pretty proud of that, considering I've driven more miles backwards, then a lot of people have driven, period. I also think a lot more serious crimes will go undiscoverd, if a person has the ability to lie, with out picture proof of who they are,, whose going to know?
Tyranny!!!!! Stop advocating for civilization. You cannot impede personal freedom. This is AMERICA, not some shithole country full of democracy like New Zealand or some place like that.

Warning, Sarcasm alert. I've learned to add this.
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Republicans love the USA more than stealing money from the poor.


Republicans only pretend to love the USA.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Or because you're tired of seeing the democrates try and give all of your hard earned money to welfare slugs, or hand over Constitutional; rights to illegal aliens, some of whom are clearly dangerous.

I vote for republicans because they aren't constantly screaming about striping gun rights, or coddling criminals.

I' wish they would shut the fuck up about abortion, and just move along, and why they care who marries who, is beyond me.....but at least they'll strap a murderer to the gurney, instead of making excuses for their behavior, and slapping their wrist for punishment of violence and disrespect of societies laws.