>>>The Republican Party Is The Problem


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Sex, Drink, and Rock ‘n Roll Conservatives
https://thefederalist.com/2020/04/3...ouldnt-be-better-than-keeping-camgirls-legal/Ms. Love: I am both a conservative and a Christian.

She only has two articles on The Federalist (one in 2017 - a review of Homeland - and the one above in 2020).
As Johan notes, TPUSA does not appreciate her brand of Christianity, conservatism, or family values. Imagine her speaking to a group of students on career day.

TPUSA's Mission Statement
The organization’s mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government. Turning Point USA believes that every young person can be enlightened to true free market values.

“As a matter of policy, TPUSA does not allow adult entertainers, influencers, or brands to participate in its events designed for minors,” TPUSA spokesman Andrew Kolvet said in a statement.

Former TPUSA communications director Candace Owens, a prominent far-right performance artist, also took aim at Love on her political podcast Candace. “This was great. I mean, this is exactly right. This is a conference for minors. I have a bigger question: What was she doing there?” asked Owens on her show, adding, “Anything that is antithetical to family values is not conservative.”

GOP logic
Contraception = abortion
Abortion = murder

If you apply that logic to men, we're all guilty of genocide. Everytime we masturbate.
A birth denied is a child murdered. One of the reasons many religious people want sex only for reproductive purposes only. The idea of this came from a time that a large percentage of children died before becoming adults so the maximum number of pregnancies and births was need to have the family and race survive. Not that way in most of the world today.


Republicans want everyone to forget January 6

Don’t Let Anyone Normalize January 6

"But some things cannot be wisecracked away. January 6 was the last exit. If you can shrug it off as no big deal, just another incident of ahole Trump talking too much, then you have already signed up for the next incident—and the one after that. You are then offering a no-risk pair of options for the enemies of democracy: Try to overthrow democracy and win, then you win; try and lose—hey, you were only kidding."

"The only good nazi is a dead nazi."
If you follow Beau of the Fifth Column he has a post about a Trump person in the DOD who expressly forbit the National guard from doing anything in DC. It was signed according to him a day or so before the attempted revolution. Deep Shit is coming.
Republicans want everyone to forget January 6

Don’t Let Anyone Normalize January 6

"But some things cannot be wisecracked away. January 6 was the last exit. If you can shrug it off as no big deal, just another incident of ahole Trump talking too much, then you have already signed up for the next incident—and the one after that. You are then offering a no-risk pair of options for the enemies of democracy: Try to overthrow democracy and win, then you win; try and lose—hey, you were only kidding."

"The only good nazi is a dead nazi."

That quote that you quoted putting official quote marks around; a professional journalist actually uses that word? The Atlantic should come in two-ply or be written in crayon.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Governor Who? :LOL:


The new Pandemic.

Ron DeSantis, the Republican Governor of Florida, told off President Biden the other day. He criticized the President about not getting more border patrol officials at the Southern border. (Apparently, DeSantis didn't get enough of a handout like Trump's pal Steve Bannon did when dealing with the Wall.)

However, more and more people in Florida continue to be hospitalized and die because he is not allowing masks to be worn. Social distancing? Well it doesn't exist in Florida. He's also not encouraging anyone to get vaccinated. That includes parents and their children as well. The results are that his approval ratings are now tanking. The positive Covid-19 variant cases are now up to 14,0000 a day ...


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Texas GOP Official Mocked COVID Five Days Before He Died of Virus​

H. Scott Apley’s Facebook page was filled with anti-mask, anti-vaccine content until he was suddenly hospitalized on Sunday

A GOP official from Texas who regularly espoused anti-vaccine and anti-mask views online has died from COVID-19, five days after posting a meme on Facebook questioning the wisdom of getting inoculated against COVID.

Dickinson City Council member and State Republican Executive Committee member H. Scott Apley, 45, died in a local hospital around 3 a.m. Wednesday morning, according to a GoFundMe page set up to help Apley’s family with expenses. He was admitted to the facility in Galveston on Sunday with “pneumonia-like symptoms,” and was hooked up to a ventilator as his condition worsened. His wife was also infected, the family said.

“He leaves behind his wife, Melissa, who is COVID positive, as well as their infant son Reid,” according to the fundraiser, which has so far raised almost $15,000 of its $30,000 goal. “Your donations are greatly appreciated and will help the family as they get through this difficult period.”

“My heart is beyond broken for his family,” Dickinson Mayor Sean Skipworth wrote in a Facebook post. “Scott was a new father and that makes this loss especially tragic.”

Texas Republican Party Chairman Matt Rinaldi said in a statement, “Please join me in lifting the Apley family up in prayer. We will miss Scott deeply but find comfort knowing he is at peace in the arms of our Savior.” The announcement did not mention the fact that Apley’s death was COVID-related.

Apley is a staunch conservative and devout Christian. But based on his social media activity, Apley didn’t believe COVID was going to affect him or his family.
In May, Apley posted an invitation for a “mask burning” being held at a bar in Cincinnati, commenting, “I wish I lived in the area!” A couple of weeks earlier, he posted a news article about giveaways and incentives meant to encourage people to get vaccinated, writing, “Disgusting.” Apley also railed against so-called vaccine passports, which restrict high-risk activities, such as indoor dining, to the fully vaccinated.
Recently, he suggested that mask mandates in Germany were akin to Nazism. And when former Baltimore health commissioner Leana Wen celebrated good news this spring about the Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy, a seemingly outraged Apley called her “an absolute enemy of a free people.”

In one of numerous Facebook posts on the subject, Apley wrote, “Question: If businesses start allowing customers and employees go mask free only with VOLUNTARILY providing their vaccination record (presumably not a HIPPA [sic] violation), wouldn't that basically INVOLUNTARILY identify people who have chosen not to get vaccinated (Which might be indirectly creating a HIPPA [sic] violation)?”
HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and prohibits healthcare providers from improperly divulging a person’s private medical information without their consent. It does not apply to private businesses—a bartender asking if a customer is vaccinated, for example, does not constitute a HIPAA violation.

On July 30, less than a week before his death, Apley reposted a meme on his Facebook page that said: “In 6 months, we’ve gone from the vax ending the pandemic—to you can still get covid even if vaxxed—to you can pass covid onto others even if vaxxed—to you can still die of covid even if vaxxed—to the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed.”
In an interview Wednesday with the Galveston County Daily News, Mayor Sean Skipworth said he didn’t know if Apley had been vaccinated against COVID.

Apley’s untimely passing comes as COVID skeptics across the country have died or become extraordinarily sick after rejecting the constant calls by public health officials to get vaccinated and mask up.
In Nashville, a right-wing radio host who repeatedly spread misinformation about the virus and mocked the vaccine, is now hospitalized as he fights for his life.
A Brooklyn woman who called COVID a “fraud” died after rejecting the vaccine in favor of natural supplements like zinc and Vitamin D.
The family of a Florida woman who refused the COVID vaccine and died in June still refuses to get the jab.

A Florida track coach who had resisted calls by friends and colleagues to get vaccinated finally agreed to make an appointment for his shots. However, he contracted COVID a day or two before getting his first dose and died in the hospital after slipping into a coma, leaving behind a wife and four children.

Damn, karma's a bitch.

You might think this is outrageous but when someone who mocked Covid, refused to wear mask or get vaccinated and even encouraged other peoplke not to wear mask and not ot get vaccinated dies from COVID, I say he had it coming. Sorry, not sorry


Nattering Nabob of Negativism

Damn, karma's a bitch.

You might think this is outrageous but when someone who mocked Covid, refused to wear mask or get vaccinated and even encouraged other peoplke not to wear mask and not ot get vaccinated dies from COVID, I say he had it coming. Sorry, not sorry
Right on.

Death also causes a drop in intelligence.

It's not funny by any means, but I did chuckle.

"[He] commented on a Twitter post from public health expert Leana Wen, who shared findings from a trial indicating that the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech remains effective against the virus for at least six months after the second dose. Apley replied to the tweet by writing, “You are an absolute enemy of a free people,” and “#ShoveTheCarrotWhereTheSunDontShine.”"

On the plus side, the gofundme set up for him has raised $30k.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I doubt all of those drunken fucktard collage kids in Florida, having a great time fucking each other senseless, and partying on the beach all night, and packing the clubs, are Republicans. Although they might not be helping to much, they are far from the cause. And in fact the virus DID come from a lab in China, that Foucci ran for a time.

As far as I can see, the main threats to America's freedoms, and future well being are the 4 twats of the apocalypse. pelosi, a.o.c., harris, ohmar. Or however you spell their fucking names. Trump is without a doubt, a ridicules waste of space, and should just shut the fuck up....but some of these fucking clowns in office now, are going to destroy this countries sovereignty, independence, and Constitutional Amendments.

EDIT: But the knuckle heads up at Sturgis probably are Rep.
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
As far as I can see, the main threats to America's freedoms, and future well being are the 4 twats of the apocalypse. pelosi, a.o.c., harris, ohmar. Or however you spell their fucking names. Trump is without a doubt, a ridicules waste of space, and should just shut the fuck up....but some of these fucking clowns in office now, are going to destroy this countries sovereignty, independence, and Constitutional Amendments.
Nancy would be your main threat. AOC and Omar are just 2 of 435 - much like Greene, Boebert, and Gaetz on the other side of the aisle. Harris has an office which has been described as:
  • 'the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived' (John Adams)
  • 'not worth a bucket of warm spit' (John Nance Garner)
  • 'about as useful as a cow's fifth teat' (Harry Truman)
The Constitutional amendments are not going anywhere. Independence and sovereignty are secure.

If their goal is to expand Constitutional protections to all citizens, it is difficult to argue against it.
And in fact the virus DID come from a lab in China, that Foucci ran for a time.

As far as I can see, the main threats to America's freedoms, and future well being are the 4 twats of the apocalypse. pelosi, a.o.c., harris, ohmar. Or however you spell their fucking names. Trump is without a doubt, a ridicules waste of space, and should just shut the fuck up....but some of these fucking clowns in office now, are going to destroy this countries sovereignty, independence, and Constitutional Amendments.

EDIT: But the knuckle heads up at Sturgis probably are Rep.
You can back that "fact" up by properly sufficient evidence given an extraordinary statement like that. Can you even provide something that would indicate anything close to what a sane person would consider the preponderance of evidence suggesting that. If you do you have information all the rest of the world doesn't.

While I think Pelosi is a waste of space, I'd also like to see how you think the other three are "the main threats to America's freedoms". :rolleyes::ROFLMAO: If anything I think the other three cave in too much and don't go far enough or fight hard enough for their positions.

It's hard to take statements like that seriously, and people wonder why I've generally quit even trying to win over anybody from the other side of the political spectrum when so many are too far gone.