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The Official President Donald J. Trump appreciation thread

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Oh yes that was an absolutely brilliant move, as we'll be finding out down the road.

So there you go Trump Fans. The only thing your PREZ has accomplished so far.

Oh come now. He's accomplished way more than just that.
1) North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat
2) 4% and above annual GDP
3) A less than 1% reduction in the unemployment rate.
4) Those kids Assad used chemicals weapons on - the ones that sent Trumpy into a tearful rage - will now have the Russians as guardians :)
5) Tremendous healthcare reform via repeal and replace
6) Enormous corporate stock buybacks
7) Completely and unequivocally destroyed ISIS
8) Pardoned D'Souza and Sheriff Joe :)
9) Shattered all presidential records for spewing falsehoods.

There's a lot more, but that's a good start :)


Closed Account
Yeeeee HAW! Trump spanked and fucked Beto O'Rourke in the ass last night in his own backyard in the "Showdown" between rallies in El Paso.

Beto foolishly dared to hold a March for Truth and then a speaking rally on the same night that Trump scheduled his first. Beto no doubt figured he had an overwhelming home court advantage vs. Trump and would show him up. Well, it didn't turn out that way. Beto learned some hard lessons last night:

(1) Trump isn't Cruz.
(2) Don't challenge Trump just because you believe the hype that you almost beat Cruz.
(3) Don't challenge Trump just because doing it in your own backyard, you think you have home court advantage.
(4) Don't challenge Trump just because Ellen Degeneres and Oprah give you interviews and think you're ready for prime time.
(5) Trump is in the Major Leagues. You are in a 1A league, Beto.

Anyway, Trump's overflow crowd OUTSIDE the venue was bigger than Beto's full crowd. Throw in the crowd inside Trump's MAGA Rally venue and Beto was slaughtered, trounced, beaten like a drum in his own backyard. March for Truth my ass. That turned out to be a March to Get Yer Ass Kicked and Handed to You. Beto did NOT have to hold that march and rally. He should have left well enough alone. But, Nooooooo! He just had to play Captain Caravan and protect the Latinos' and illegals' honor and got embarrassed in the process. :rofl: :rofl2:
Yeeeee HAW! Trump spanked and fucked Beto O'Rourke in the ass last night in his own backyard in the "Showdown" between rallies in El Paso.

I don't know how many were at the Trump "I love myself" rally, but I did read somewhere that El Paso police estimated roughly 6 to 7K at O'Rourkes.

And honestly, if I had to make a choice between the two, even though I'd never vote for Trump I'd chose to attend his freak show, just for entertainment value.


Closed Account
Last night's 6:00 o'clock News on the station that I normally watch were very telling. Even what they didn't say spoke volumes.

Very interestingly odd, they mentioned NOTHING ... I mean zip, zero, zilch, NADA about O'Rourke's rally. Not a molecule about the attendance there or the content. If the attendance there had been anywhere remotely equal to or greater than Trump's MAGA Rally, I guarantee you they would have mentioned it and shown comparison pics. And they would milk it for the next 20 years. But, nope. They oddly didn't touch the subject of O'Rourke's rally.

Instead, they just kept harping on and on and on about how the official attendance at Trump's rally was 7,000 inside the venue and 6,000 outside. That's not counting how many were turned away because the Fire Code wouldn't allow anymore to enter the venue and the outside overflow in the parking lot. If they were gonna keep mentioning what the official attendance at Trump's rally was, why not throw in O'Rourke's rally's official attendance as well? I'll tell you why. Because there would have been a huge difference in Trump's favor.

My take is that the reason that TV station didn't touch the subject of O'Rourke's rally is because not only were his supporters very disappointed in him, but also the local media because they ALL were obviously extremely giddy at the THOUGHT that THIS was the day (night) that O'Rourke would announce that he was running for POTUS. When that didn't happen, it punched all the enthusiasm out of them all.

I could be wrong, but I think that O'Rourke probably secretly had the option tucked away in his mind to possibly declare that night that he was running for POTUS IF his rally's crowd size had upstaged Trump's rally's crowd size. When that didn't remotely come close to happening, especially given that it was in his own backyard, he pulled back and just went with saying good night and making no declaration.


Staff member


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yeeeee HAW! Trump spanked and fucked Beto O'Rourke in the ass last night in his own backyard in the "Showdown" between rallies in El Paso.

From Newsweek:

"Trump thanked the El Paso Fire Department for securing 10,000 people inside the coliseum, with “tens of thousands” watching outside. The fire department doused Trump’s claims in cold water, explaining no extra accommodations had been made at the venue. According to an El Paso Fire Department spokesperson, speaking to the El Paso Times, 6,500 people were inside the coliseum during the rally. The news outlet reported that several thousand watched the president speak on screens outside."


"according to organizers, roughly 7,000 people were at O’Rourke’s competing rally, which was backed by groups such as Border Network for Human Rights and Women’s March El Paso. Bloomberg’s White House correspondent quoted an El Paso Police Department estimate that was considerably higher. Jennifer Epstein tweeted that between 10,000 and 15,000 had attended the anti-wall protest.

Looks like you're applauding more Trump Fake News.


Hiliary 2020
I will give Trump one thing, not that its his choice or not but at least he isn't doing what Barry was doing at about this point into his 1st term which is illegally committing mass murder and genocide on the people of Libya. Then handing the country over to our sworn enemy, the folks who did 9/11, Al-Qaueaeuaeada, while he and his evil SOS laugh about it on TV.
Imagine if another country attacked your country and killed about 1 out of 6 of your people?
But Barry and Hil were only doing as their banker masters told them.
Can't have those uppity negroes rising out of poverty now can we?

At least Trump isn't doing that.
Sure he backs Israel and the Saudis in their illegal wars of aggression and genocide, but nobodys perfect I guess.

Funny how the sheeple, and they are sheep......dumber actually, let themselves be herded.
When BushII was PREZ the media/gov told them to be pro war......so they were pro war.
Then they told them to be anti war ......so they were anti war.
Then Barry was chosen and they weren't told to be neither.........so they were neither even though under Barry the US was still at war just as much as with BushII.

Now with Trump we are not at war, which is a good fucking thing, but the media tells the sheep to hate him so they hate him.
The media could just as easily tell the sheep to love Trump because finally we have no war and the bodybag industry is in a recession.......but they don't.
Because that is not part of the storyline , the scripted psy-op propaganda story they have created.


Closed Account
Looks like you're applauding more Trump Fake News.
Sorry, but no dice. Like I said, IF O'Rourke's rally's attendance had been anywhere near Trump's, we would have never heard the end of that. I'd still be hearing it on today's News. 10,000 to 15,000 at O'Rourke's rally? Not even close. That is horseshit. Never was any video shown to remotely show 10,000 to 15,000. Like I said, the News didn't even want to touch that subject when they had the perfect opportunity to stick it to Trump ... IF they had had something to stick to him with. It would have been like Mueller wanting to stick to Trump, just not having any evidence with which to do it.

Border Network for Human Rights and Women's March El Paso? :rofl: :rofl2: Not exactly non-biased sources.

That's like Democrats saying there is no National Emergency. Have y'all seen what's happening down under at the Piedras Negras, Mexico Caravan Camp? Yesterday or the day before there was some serious out of control, threatening, dangerous riot-like behavior by many of the caravan members. Some GANG members from the group were arrested. But, Ohhhhhhhh! According to the Democrats, this does not exist. It is just a figment of Trump's imagination. There's VIDEO. Not Fake News.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
"Trump to announce 8 billion in funding for the wall, tomorrow ~ via executive action"
Yup, McConnell already more-than-hinted at it. He is declaring a state of emergency.
But what is really telling is how he is shilling SUPER hard for everything else.

Ann Coulter:
There's no coming back from this. No "emergency" or presidential powers will allow him to build the wall, ever, after he signs this bill. Trump has just agreed to fully open borders.

"Israel, Ukraine and Jordan to receive 5.3 billion"
Sauce: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1095917405925244929.html
Wall = not so important.
Keeping the middle eastern countries appeased = hrm.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
"It remains to be seen if these matters will be addressed in the final version of the legislation, which is still in flux"
"20 violent crimes that would be eligible for early release under the bill:
Trafficking cocaine or methamphetamines, even if convicted as a kingpin (18 U.S.C § 841(b)
Strangling a spouse or an intimate partner (18 U.S.C. §113(a)(8)
Trafficking fentanyl, except in rare cases (18 U.S.C. § 841(b))
Providing or possessing contraband, including firearms, in prison (18 U.S.C. § 1791)
Felonies committed while in a criminal street gang (18 U.S.C. § 521)
Escape of prisoners (18 U.S.C. § 751)
Rioting in a correctional facility (18 U.S.C. § 1792)
Importing aliens for prostitution (18 U.S.C. § 1328)
Assault with intent to commit rape or sexual abuse (18 U.S.C. § 3559(c)(2)(F))
Threatening to murder a congressman, senator, or government official (18 U.S.C. § 115(a)(1)
Drug-related robberies involving assault with a dangerous weapon (18 U.S.C. § 2118(c)(1)
Violent carjacking resulting in serious bodily injury (18 U.S.C. § 2119(2))
Stealing immigration documents for the purpose of keeping an immigrant in slavery (18 U.S.C. § 1592)
Attempt or conspiracy to engage in human smuggling (18 U.S.C. § 1592)
Failing to register as a sex offender (18 U.S.C. § 2250)
Arson (18 U.S.C. § 81)
Blackmail (18 U.S.C. § 873)
Domestic assault by an habitual offender (18 U.S.C. § 117)
Hate crimes (18 U.S.C. § 249)
Assaulting a law enforcement officer with a deadly weapon (18 U.S.C. § 111(b))
At that point, the GOP senate document lists a series of questions for proponents of the bill:
Would you consider these low-level or non-violent crimes?
How can we trust the BOP to correctly categorize who is high vs. low risk?
If the reasons these are not on the list is because they are obscure crimes, why is drug trafficking – the single most common offense – missing?
Why are obscure violations of the Atomic Energy Code on the exclusion list but not these crimes?
If you added provisions to the bill that Senator Booker and Democrats wanted, why won’t you add more violent crimes to the ‘exclusion from early release’ list that Republicans want?
Why have an exclusion list in the first place if these crimes are missing from it?
Can you promise that no offender who commits these crimes will ever be released early?
How many offenders are in prison for each of these crimes and how many will be eligible to be released into my home state?"

The GOP is trying to slide this in, alongside border funding.

"Sponsors" and "Potential alien sponsors" cannot be deported, when the national emergency wall bill passes. So... Trump is about to actually make it ILLEGAL to deport the... people.. he WANTED to deport?
There is a child sex trafficking loophole to be seen, here ~ if you bring your 'flesh property' with you, you are a sponsor.. soo, I mean damn. You wanna jump into the USA? Grab the nearest kid and start walkin'!
Have y'all seen what's happening down under at the Piedras Negras, Mexico Caravan Camp? Yesterday or the day before there was some serious out of control, threatening, dangerous riot-like behavior by many of the caravan members. Some GANG members from the group were arrested.

And THAT equates to a national emergency??? :1orglaugh


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The Freakshow continues, shifting what no is expected as normal behaviour by the President of the USA and the personnell he is picking.

With the stupid lie about his height. Trump claims he is 6 foot 2. Many photos alongside other peoplke, that are actual that height show:

This is just a lie, and one of the stupidest of them.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Take the hard-line now, ask for forgiveness later:
Media shutdown while you send in the troops to absolutely obliterate MS13 and the cartels.
Just no mercy. Scorched earth.
US and Russia did it with Afghanistan. Did it work? Of course not. But you set a country back 100 years and install Israel as your forward operating base? Not a bad idea.

.... but no, that is not going to happen. But would it solve some problems? Yes.
Our lying fuckwit in chief declared a national EMERGENCY today, then turned right around and said, 'I didn't NEED to do this - I just wanted to build the wall faster'

omg :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

Dear shit for brains: if you didn't NEED to do this now then it obviously isn't an EMERGENCY :wave2:

Thank you, President Trump! We appreciate you providing democrats with political attack ad gold :iloveyou:
Our lying fuckwit in chief declared a national EMERGENCY today, then turned right around and said, 'I didn't NEED to do this - I just wanted to build the wall faster'

omg :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

Dear shit for brains: if you didn't NEED to do this now then it obviously isn't an EMERGENCY :wave2:

Thank you, President Trump! We appreciate you providing democrats with political attack ad gold :iloveyou:

It's an emergency yet we spent two months doing absolutely nothing about it. That's the exact opposite of an emergency
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