Face facts, America, Donald Trump is a success. Let's count the ways.
Wow, an opinion piece from December 2017. Smells like desperation to me.
US employers have added jobs for 104 months in a row
104 monthes.
That's 8 years + 8 monthes
Trump's been in office for 2 years and 7 monthes
It means Obama is to be credited for 6 years + 1 monthes with jobs being added to the US economy. 73 of these 104 monthes. That's 70%
But still, Trumptard praises the Orange nutjob for that...
Nice effort, meester!
I know you don't believe this but its true.
So are you going to buy this guitar or not?
No one should be really surprised by 45's racist remarks by now. If you are, then you really are ignorant. They should talk more about how he's a criminal and a traitor.
When he is no longer president the state of New York is prepared to put him in the hole.