Even though I don't like Florida (especially Tim Teb-oh-my-God-I'm-so-over-rated) and I don't care about Oklahoma, I'm finding this to be a very, very good game. I know a lot of people find low scoring games to be boring, but I'm a big fan of this game so far.
I'm fine with a defensive game, but I'm not fine with a game that was supposed to feature high power offenses and we got a snorefest, basically.
I've been watching ESPN College Gameday Postgame and Lee Corso is on the right track. Where the hell was that Okie offense? Where was the 5WR set? Reverses...screen passes...you'd think that after Okie got punked by Boise State that they'd borrow the goddamn Statue of Liberty and run it on 4th DOWN
Percy Harvin was awesome. That Okie Defense played good enough for Okie to win. I have to blame Big Game Bob and his Offensive Coordinator for getting completely destroyed by Charlie Strong. He PWNED them. I am buying stock in Charlie Strong. He will be a head coach either in the Big11 or Pac10 in 2010.
It was a good game but I expected a brilliant game.